983 research outputs found

    Multi-modal Mechanophores: Synthesis and Mechanoresponsive Properties

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    力化学,即由机械力诱导的化学反应,因其具备区别于传统活化手段的优势,而越来越多的受到人们的关注。高分子力化学领域中力响应性聚合物的出现丰富了响应性材料的体系,设计与开发一系列力响应性聚合物材料显得尤为重要。力色团是力响应性聚合物的关键所在,所以对于力色团的设计与研究成为开发力响应性聚合物的前提工作。目前已经开发的力色团大多为单一型力色团,其力响应设计也多为单一响应性模式,这便对力色团的应用产生了限制,所以我们希望能够对多种力响应模式进行综合利用实现力色团的多种响应性,并基于此对复合力色团进行设计。 本论文的主要工作是设计一种多模式力响应性力色团,并对其力响应性进行探究,同时希望能将其引入到新...Mechanochemistry, or mechanically-induced chemical changes in polymeric materials are attracted vast attentions because of the specific activation behaviors of mechanical force. Mechanoresponsive polymers have enriched the content of responsive materials. It is of great importance to explore novel mechanophores to access advanced stress-responsive materials. So far, most reported mechanophores sho...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_高分子化学与物理学号:2052014115163

    コダイ セイイキ キジコク ニ カンスル コウコガク ケンキュウ ノ サイシン ノ シンテン

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    Preparation and performance of Sn-Co-Zn nanorods array alloy electrode

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    采用液相法制备铜纳米棒阵列,并用作锂离子电池负极集流体,通过电沉积制备Sn-CO-zn纳米棒阵列合金电极。合金电极主要是由CO Sn、CO Sn2和单质zn组成的混晶。以1 C在0.02~1.50 V循环,合金电极首次循环的放电比容量为813.8 M AH/g,库仑效率为87.5%,第50次循环的放电比容量为467.0 M AH/g。电极活性材料多相结构及纳米阵列间隙,可缓解嵌锂过程中的体积膨胀。Copper nanorods array was prepared by liquid phase reaction and used as anode current collector material for Li-ion battery.Sn-Co-Zn nanorods array alloy electrode was prepared by electrodeposition.The alloy electrode was the mixed crystal mainly composed of CoSn,CoSn2 and Zn.When cycled in 0.02 ~ 1.50 V with 1 C,the specific discharge capacity of alloy electrode in initial cycle was 813.8 m Ah / g,the columbic efficiency was 87.5%,the specific discharge capacity in 50 th cycle was 467.0 m Ah / g.The multi-phase structure of electrode material and the nanorods array could alleviate the volume expansion during lithium intercalation


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    经济快速发展带来了环境污染和生态失衡的负面影响 ,如何解决经济发展与环境保护的矛盾 ,促进社会经济的可持续发展 ,已成为世界各国共同关注的问题 ,环保运动、绿色浪潮席卷全球 ,并渗透到各行各业。会计学界在环境信息 ,特别是环境会计信息披露方面发挥了其应有的作用。本文通过问卷调查 ,就我国企业环境报告的现状和需求情况进行了实证分析 ,在此基础上 ,尝试构建一个符合我国社会主义市场经济条件下可持续发展战略要求的企业环境报告框架


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    The Effect of Other Comprehensive Income Reporting on Analyst Forecasts——From the Perspective of the Characteristics of Enterprise Accounting Information Environment and the Cognitive Ability of Analysts

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    利用2009—2015年中国上市公司的分析师盈余预测数据,从分析师盈余预测准确度和分歧度两个角度,实证检验了其他综合收益会计信息披露的分析师盈余预测效应,考察了公司会计信息环境特征、分析师认知能力对该预测效应的影响。研究发现:其他综合收益会计信息披露与分析师预测准确度显著正相关,与分析师预测分歧度显著负相关;随着公司会计信息环境可比性及分析师认知能力的提高,分析师预测质量效应得到增强,说明其他综合收益的决策有用性受到市场参与者所处会计信息环境及其决策认知能力的影响。Using the data of analyzst earnings forecasts in Chinese listed companies during 2009 and 2015, this paper empirically examined the analyst earnings forecast effect of the accounting information disclosure of other comprehensive income, based on the ac- curacy and dispersion of analyst forecasts. Then we further investigated how the characteristics of enterprise accounting information environment and the cognitive ability of analysts influence above effect. The result showed that, the accounting information disclosure had a significantly positive correlation with the accuracy of analyst forecasts, while a negative cotTelation with the divergence of analyst forecasts. With the improvement of the comparability of accounting information disclosure and the cognitive ability of analysts, the mass effect of analyst forecasts was relatively enhanced. We concluded that, the usefulness of the decision on other comprehensive in- come was affected by the accounting infbrmation environment and the cognitive ability of market participants.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(15JJD630012);全国会计科研课题(2015KJB008)

    Interpretation of the 2015 guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism by the European Thyroid Association

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    亚临床甲状腺功能亢进症在临床中很常见,但对其危害及处理有很大的争议。欧洲甲状腺学会根据现有的临床证据,公布了内因性亚临床甲状腺功能亢进症诊治指南; 。指南强调,要确立持续性亚临床甲状腺功能亢进症的诊断,明确其病因,按照其进展为临床甲亢、发生不良心血管事件及骨质疏松风险进行危险分层,以指导临床; 处理。Endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism (Endo SHyper) is a common form of; thyroid diseases. Currently controversy exists in the management of Endo; SHyper. Based on the existing clinical evidence, the European Thyroid; Association (ETA) published a guideline on diagnosis and treatment of; Endo SHyper in 2015. The guidelines recommend that clinicians establish; the diagnosis of persisted Endo SHyper, then clarify its etiology, and; guide treatment by the risk stratification according to the development; of overt hyperthyroidism, adverse cardiovascular events and; osteoporosis


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    阿什比在《科技发达时代的大学教育》一书中提出大学是“遗传”和“环境”结合的产物 ,并结合德、英、美三国高等教育发展史 ,详尽阐述了“遗传”与“环境”的内涵 ,并分析了“环境”对内在逻辑在当代大学发展中的影响。在此基础上 ,阿什比强调改造内在逻辑来适应环境 ,以促成影响大学发展的三种力量保持平衡是未来大学发展的趋势。本文试图将阿什比在著述中所表达的有规律性的思想豁显出来 ,以期为读者进一步认识其高等教育思想有所裨


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