8 research outputs found

    A Study on the Political Risks of Chinese Enterprises' Direct Investment in Latin America

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    伴随着中国实施“走出去”战略的稳步推进,中国企业对外投资已步入新的阶段,而拉美作为中国第二大直接投资区域,与中国的经济联系可以说是引人瞩目的。中国对拉美的直接投资正面临着前所未有的机遇,而与之并存的则是风险。其中,拉美地区投资对象国的政治风险是最为常见的和影响巨大的,且具有难以预测、覆盖面广、复杂多变等特点。在此背景下,研究中国企业投资拉美可能遇到的政治风险及其管理具有十分重要的意义。 本文首先通过对国内外学者关于政治风险的相关研究成果的分析和借鉴,以政治风险的内涵和来源为基础,展开政治风险的评估、控制及政治风险对中国OFDI的影响等方面的研究。 在阐述中国企业在拉美直接投资的现状的基础上...With strategy of “going out”, it is a new stage that China’s OFDI is going in. As China’s second direct investment destinations, Latin America undoubtedly draw worldwide attention to the investment. China's direct investment in Latin America is facing unprecedented opportunities, and coexist with it is the risk. Among them, the political risk of the Latin American countries is the most common and ...学位:国际商务硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际商务硕士学号:1572015115273

    Determination of Total EFFectiveness Factor η s in Kinetic Model of Continuous Fermentation with Immobilized Cells

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    对固定化啤酒酵母的乙醇连续发酵动力学模型引入了一个综合考虑颗粒内外扩散的总有效因子以简化模型的计算.文中对该有效因子进行了详细的理论推导,得出了具体的计算式,并对该因子出现大于1的特殊情况进行了深入探讨.A total eFFectiveness Factor considering both intra and extra particle diFFusions was proposed to simpliFy the calculation of kinetic model of continuous Fermentation with immobilized cells.The results of calculation were in good agreement with the experimental data by using the resulting eFFectiveness Factor.国家自然科学基


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    用卢瑟福背散射沟道技术研究了1MeVSi~+在衬底加温和室温下以不同剂量注入Al_(0.3)Ga_(0.7)As/GaAs超晶格和GaAs后的晶格损伤。在衬底加温下, 观察到Al_(0.3)Ga_(0.7)As/GaAs超晶格和GaAs都存在一个动态退火速率与缺陷产生速率相平衡的剂量范围, 以及两种速率失去平衡的临界剂量。用热尖峰与碰撞模型解释了晶格损伤积累与注入剂量和衬底温度的关系

    (62(3):235-248)Development of Japonica Rice Cultivar ‘Tainung77’

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    稻米品質改良一直以來都是國內水稻育種的主要目標,為了育成具有日本 ‘越光’ 米品質且適合台灣栽培環境之良質米品種,農委會農業試驗所自1997 年第二期作以 ‘農林22 號’ 與 ‘農林1 號’ 進行雜交。早期世代以改良式之混合育種法進行固定,隨後以譜系法進行選育,歷經觀察試驗、初級及高級產量試驗,選出 ‘台農育914079 號’ 參加2004 年早熟組 稻區域試驗及各項特性檢定。綜合各級試驗及特性檢定結果,‘台農育914079 號’ 新品系具有中早熟、抗倒伏及高產潛能等優良特性;此外,稻米外觀及米飯食味品質等也皆有優良表現,並具米飯香味。故於2011 年命名為 ‘台農77 號’,以供農民及消費者更多的選擇與利用。 Rice quality improvement has been recognized as one of the main goals for local rice breeders in Taiwan. In order to breed a variety which is as good as Japanese ‘Koshihikari’ and also suitable for Taiwan’s unique cultivating environment, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute used a genetic combination of ‘Norin 22 × Norin 1’ since 1997. The modified bulk method was adopted in the early generations to fix the genetic settings followed by pedigree method for phenotypic selection in the breeding procedure. After the processes of observation, primary yield, and advanced yield trials, the line of ‘Tainung-Yu914079’ (‘TNGY914079’) was chosen for the early-maturity regional yield trails and various agronomic characteristics tests in 2004–2005. Results showed that the chosen line carry several superior traits, such as mid-early maturity, lodging resistance, high yield potential, and excellent performance in grain appearance and flavor. It was renamed as ‘Tainung77’ in 2011 and became an alternative quality rice for the market


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    海草(Seagrasses)是地球上可完全生活在海水中的被子植物,是由陆地植物演化到适应海洋环境的高等植物。然而,高等植物海草在中国经常被冠以低等植物"藻"的名称。中国海草现有22种,隶属于4科10属,其中科名、属名和种名分别有3科、7属和16种是以"藻"命名的,易让人们把海草误以为是海藻(Seaweed),造成混乱,同时给中国海草的研究、保护和利用带来不利影响。值此"第十一次国际海草生物学研讨会"(The 11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop)首次在中国举行之际,国内众多的海草研究专家得以共聚,有机会共同探讨中国海草的"藻"名更改。经过研讨..


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    海草(Seagrasses)是地球上可完全生活在海水中的被子植物,是由陆地植物演化到适应海洋环境的高等植物。然而,高等植物海草在中国经常被冠以低等植物"藻"的名称。中国海草现有22种,隶属于4科10属,其中科名、属名和种名分别有3科、7属和16种是以"藻"命名的,易让人们把海草误以为是海藻(Seaweed),造成混乱,同时给中国海草的研究、保护和利用带来不利影响。值此"第十一次国际海草生物学研讨会"(The 11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop)首次在中国举行之际,国内众多的海草研究专家得以共聚,有机会共同探讨中国海草的"藻"名更改。经过研讨..