4 research outputs found


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    The Evaluation of Implementation of Sustainable School Planning

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    台灣近年因應國際永續發展思潮,全國各級學校興起永續校園改造運動。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學為對象,檢核教育部永續校園政策執行對各縣市及台灣地區北部與南部補助款與補助項目差異;利用文獻回顧法及層級分析法,建構永續校園政策執行評估指標及指標相對權重;檢核政策研究者與校園執行者及台灣地區北部與南部永續校園政策執行差異。探討政策執行成果、困境與解決方案,藉以了解影響教育政策執行因素,以提供政策擬定或修訂之參考。In recent years, the schools in all levels in Taiwan have raised a sustainable school rebuilt movement in respond to the thoughts of sustainable development concept around the world. This paper studies on the elementary and junior high school campuses in Taiwan, and finds the related indicators groups and assessment indicators by literature reviewing and expert survey. It sieves out the appropriate assessment factors for sustainable campus, and get the relative weight value of each indicators group and assessment indicators with AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. With the relative weight value, we can find the difficulties, solutions and consequence of policy implementation

    Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud (II) & (III)

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    [[abstract]]為呼應政府推展智慧型自動化產業與雲端運算產業的政策,本整合型計畫將利用雲端運算、全自動虛擬量測、本體論、及虛擬機台等技術,發展一個可應用於製造業的雲製造系統,稱為「智慧型製造雲」,包含雲端與工廠端兩大部分。在雲端部分,我們將建置一個雲端運算服務平台及各種雲製造服務(封裝有製造資源的雲端運算服務),包括資料擷取、預測模型建置、機台知識推論及虛擬機台等服務,將可讓許多工廠中的使用者與各式機台同時透過網際網路隨選使用。在工廠端,我們將基於全自動虛擬量測與虛擬機台技術,發展數種可插入式的智慧型機台應用模組,以提供機台具備如工件加工精度推估、機台狀態診斷、關鍵組件剩餘壽命推估,以及虛擬機台模擬等智慧性能力。「智慧型製造雲」將在總計畫主導下,搭配5個分項計畫,共同合作開發,預期具有以下優勢:(1)提供可根據需求自動調整規模的計算與儲存資源,符合製造業之經濟效益;(2)具有可擴充功能且可透過網際網路存取的各式雲製造服務,能為製造業建立新的商業模式;(3)可為工廠端各式不同機台提供可插入式的智慧型自動化能力。本整合型計畫在第1年已建構一個基於公有雲的「智慧型製造雲」雛型,並建置數個應用「智慧型製造雲」於CNC工具機的展示範例。基於第1年的研發成果,本計畫在第2、3年將進一步發展一個採用混合雲架構的「智慧型製造雲」,以利用私有雲確保企業機敏資料的安全,並以公有雲提供充沛的雲端運算資源,以利「智慧型製造雲」向業界推廣。本整合型計畫之預期研究成果具有技術的創新性、前瞻性與產業利用性,可以做為我國製造產業建置相關雲製造系統之重要參考。[[abstract]]To echo the government’s policy of developing the intelligent automation industry and cloud computing industry, this integrated project will leverage several technologies, including cloud computing, automatic virtual metrology (AVM), ontology, and virtual equipment (VE) to develop a cloud manufacturing system, called Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud (IMC), for the manufacturing industry. The IMC contains two major parts: the cloud side and the factory side. On the cloud side, we will create a cloud computing service platform and various cloud manufacturing services (i.e. cloud computing services encapsulated with manufacturing resources), including the data-acquisition service, prediction-model-creation service, equipment-knowledge-inference service, virtual equipment service, etc. Consequently, the IMC allow users and various kinds of equipment in many factories to simultaneously access these cloud manufacturing services on demand. On the factory side, we will base on the AVM and VE technologies to construct several pluggable intelligent equipment application modules for providing equipment with several intelligent capabilities, such as predicting workpiece precision, diagnosing equipment’s statues, predicting key components’ remaining useful life, and virtual equipment simulations. The IMC will be collaboratively developed by the main project with five sub-projects, and the main project will lead the overall research roadmap and direction. It is expected that the IMC will have the following advantages: (1) it can provide automatically-scalable computing and storage resources according to the demands to meet the manufacturing industry’s economic benefits; (2) it possesses various cloud manufacturing services that can be accessed through the Internet and expandable in functionality so that the manufacturing industry can leverage them to create new business models; and (3) it can provide various pluggable intelligent automation capabilities to equipment on the factory side. IThe expected research results of this integrated project possess novelty, advancement, and industrial applicability in technology and, thereby, can be an important reference for domestic manufacturing industries to build cloud manufacturing systems.[[note]]NSC102-2218-E006-009-MY

    Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud

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    [[abstract]]為呼應政府推展智慧型自動化產業與雲端運算產業的政策,本整合型計晝將利用 雲端運算、全自動虛擬量測、本體論、及虛擬機台等技術,發展一個可應用於製造業的 雲製造系統,稱為「智慧型製造雲」,包含雲端與工廠端兩大部分。在雲端部分,我們 將建置一個雲端運算服務平台及各種雲製造服務(封裝有製造資源的雲端運算服務),包 括資料擷取、預測模型建置、機台知識推論及虛擬機台等服務,將可讓許多工廠中的使 用者與各式機台同時透過網際網路隨選使用。在工廠端,我們將基於全自動虛擬量測與 虛擬機台技術,發展數種可插入式的智慧型機台應用模組,如工件加工精度推估、機台 製造能力推估、機台關鍵組件狀態診斷與剩餘壽命推估,以及虛擬機台模擬等。「智慧 型製造雲」將在總計晝主導下,搭配4個分項計晝,共同合作開發,預期具有以下優勢: (1)提供可根據需求自動調整規模的計算與儲存資源,符合製造業之經濟效益;(2)具有 可擴充功能且可透過網際網路存取的各式雲製造服務,能為製造業建立新的商業模式; (3)可為工廠端各式不同機台提供可插入式的智慧型自動化能力。本整合型計晝之預期研 究成果具有技術的創新性、前瞻性與產業利用性,可以做為我國製造產業建置相關雲製 造系統之重要參考。[[abstract]]To echo the government’s policy of developing the intelligent automation industry and cloud computing industry, this integrated project will leverage several technologies, including cloud computing, automatic virtual metrology (AVM), ontology, and virtual equipment (VE) to develop a cloud manufacturing system, called Intelligent Manufacturing Cloud (IMC), for the manufacturing industry. The IMC contains two major parts: the cloud side and the factory side. On the cloud side, we will create a cloud computing service platform and various cloud manufacturing services, i.e. cloud computing services encapsulated with manufacturing resources, including the services of data acquisition, prediction model creation, equipment knowledge inference, virtual equipment, etc. Consequently, the IMC allow users and various kinds of equipment in many factories to simultaneously access these cloud manufacturing services on demand. On the factory side, we will base on the AVM and VE technologies to construct several pluggable intelligent equipment application modules, such as workpiece precision conjecture, equipment manufacturing capability conjecture, state diagnostics and remaining useful life (RUL) conjecture of equipment’s key components, and virtual equipment simulation. The IMC will be collaboratively developed by the main project with four sub-projects, and the main project will lead the overall research roadmap and direction. It is expected that the IMC will have the following advantages:? it can provide automatically-scalable computing and storage resources according to the demands to meet the manufacturing industry’s economic benefits; (2) it possesses various cloud manufacturing services that can be accessed through the Internet and expandable in functionality so that the manufacturing industry can leverage them to create new business models; and (3) it can provide various pluggable intelligent automation capabilities to equipment on the factory side. The expected research results of this integrated project possess novelty, advancement, and industrial applicability in technology and, thereby, can be an important reference for domestic manufacturing industries to build cloud manufacturing systems.[[note]]NSC101-2218-E006-02