420 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of IT Centralized Monitoring System for Guangdong Provincial SAT

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    随着信息技术的飞速发展,各行业的信息系统也在不断的建设和扩展,同时信息化的发展积累了大量IT基础设施(如网络设施、机房设施、服务器、存储设备、数据库、中间件及应用系统等),各应用系统的运行维护、系统安全保障、硬件设备性能及其他指标的监测等工作量和复杂度不断增大,对信息系统的监控工作提出了新的要求。 在广东省国税,完全依靠手工方式对大量的业务系统硬件、软件、数据库进行监控、管理,已经无法保障系统平台、应用软件和数据库的正常运行,无法保障其性能的稳定性,被动发现、事后解决系统运行故障的手段已经不能满足应用系统的运维需要。建立统一有效的IT集中监控系统,实现针对IT基础架构的整体监控,实现以预警为...With the rapid development of information technology, the information systems of various industries are constantly building and expanding, and the development of information technology has accumulated a lot of IT infrastructure (such as network facilities, computer facilities, server, storage equipment, database, middleware and application system). New requirements for the monitoring of informatio...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323246

    The Richest People in China of Scientificity and Academic Value and Practical Significance

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    胡润百富榜是中国大陆首份百富名单,其每年公布的百富榜单上,不仅有富豪的身价资产,还有其奋斗过程中的种种感人至深,激人奋发的创业故事。本文将分三个部分分别对胡润百富榜的科学性、学术价值以及现实意义进行分析。The Richest People in China is the first list wih 100 richest persons in Chinese mainland.It not only has rich and powerful people' s value of assets,but also has touching and exciting entrepreneurship stories.This paper analyses its scientificity,academic value and realistic significance from three parts

    Research on the automatic tool changer system of the machining center

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    自动换刀系统(ATC)包括刀库机构、换刀机构以及控制系统3个部分,是加工中心的重要组件之一。为了解决数控加工中心自动换刀速度慢、稳定性低及控制系统编程复杂等问题,将一种软件式内置PlC技术应用于自动换刀系统中。在分析自动换刀系统的基本结构、工作原理以及研究圆盘刀臂式自动换刀系统的控制流程的基础上,结合SErVOWOrkS CnC技术,开发了适用于各种自动换刀机构的PlC程序以及宏程序。最后,将所开发的控制系统应用于yy-1060立式加工中心,其在4 S~6 S内可完成整个换刀过程。研究结果表明,换刀过程快捷、准确、可靠,完全能够满足使用的要求。The automatic tool changer(ATC),which includes a magazine,a tool changer and a control system,is one of the key components of the machining center(MC).General issues of the ATC,however,are its slowness and low stability during tool changes and the complexity of control system programming.To solve those problems,one type of software and its internal PLC technology were investigated.Based on an analysis of the fundamental structure and operating principle of the ATC system and a research of the control procedure of the "disc with arm"-type ATC,the PLC program and macro programs combined with ServoWorks CNC technology were developed.Finally,it was shown that the newly designed control system can complete the whole process of changing tools in 4 to 6 seconds on the YY-1060 vertical MC.The results indicate that the process is rapid,accurate and reliable enough to completely meet the practical requirements

    Application of EtherCAT fieldbus in servo motion control system

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    为实现ETHErCAT现场总线在伺服运动控制系统中的具体应用,以五轴运动控制系统的研发为背景做了研究与测试。系统主站控制器采用爱迪纳控制技术(厦门)有限公司的AdX CnC纯软件开放式数控系统,从站设备由ETHErCAT从站接口控制器ET1100和dSP芯片组成,并由此构建了一主一从的ETHErCAT网络结构。研究结果表明:该技术可实现系统的实时信号传输和精确位置控制。To achieve the application of EtherCAT fieldbus in servo motion control system,some research and tests were done based on the five-axis motion control system.ADX CNC system was used as the master controller,which is a pure software open CNC system designed by Amoy Dynamics(Xiamen)Co.,Ltd..The slave station was consisted by EtherCAT slave controller ET1100 and digital signal processing(DSP).Research results show that the real-time transmission of signal and accurate position control can be achieved using the one-master and one-slave EtherCAT network structure


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    福建省南靖县虎伯寮南亚热带雨林自然保护区的竹类资源丰富 ,有 8属 2 0种 3变种 5栽培型 ,其中梅花毛竹 ( Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.obtusangula)为福建竹类新分布 ;主要的竹林类型有毛竹林、麻竹林、绿竹林、石竹林、单竹林。竹类资源的开发利用具有广阔的前


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    目的利用斑马鱼为模型进行黄酮类药物筛选,以期发现促进胰岛β细胞增生的药物。方法对生长5 d的斑马鱼胚胎进行黄酮类药物处理,并进行β细胞计数,筛选出能够促进β细胞数量增加的药物,并进一步分析其促进β细胞增加是源自于已有β细胞的复制或前体细胞的分化。结果淫羊藿素(Icaritin)能够增加胰岛β细胞的数量,并明显促进β细胞的复制。同时,我们发现有几个黄酮类化合物具有降血糖的作用。结论淫羊藿素能够明显促进β细胞的自我复制从而促进β细胞的增生。国家自然科学基金(No.81670709);;福建省自然科学基金(No.2017J01145);;中央高校基本科研业务费(No.20720170104、20720180044

    Effects of antimicrobial peptides on growth performance of greenhouse feeding young Pelodiscus sinensis

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    采用单因素饲养试验,在基础饲料中添加抗菌肽0(对照组)、400 Mg/kg饲料配制成2种中华鳖幼鳖配合饲料,分别饲喂平均体质量为(58.394±6.525)g的日本品系中华鳖(PElOdISCuS SInEnSIS)幼鳖60 d,以探讨饲料中添加抗菌肽对温室养殖中华鳖幼鳖生长性能的影响。结果表明,抗菌肽组和对照组的幼鳖成活率分别为99.52%和99.20%;饲料系数分别为1.20和1.29,饲料系数降低了6.98%,两组之间差异显著(P0.05),抗菌肽组和对照组的中华鳖幼鳖增重率分别为92.87%和67.63%,两组间的差异显著(P0.05).The weight gain rate of ABPs and con-trol group were 92.87% and 67.63% respectively, significantly higher than control group(P>0.05).It isconcluded that 400 mg/kg ABPs can promote the growth of young Pelodiscus sinensis in greenhousefeeding and reduce feed coefficient.福建省重大专项专题项目“名优海水鱼循环水生态养殖与重大疫病防控技术开发与示范[2013NZ0002]

    The servo control method of a virtual microassemble system integrated CAD model

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    虚拟技术可克服微装配中显微视觉系统小景深、小视场的问题,但构造虚拟场景时,数据量大、效率低.利用微器件设计时的CAD数据,可减小构造虚拟环境的数据量、提高效率,能够使构造出的场景更精确.利用显微镜聚焦———失焦理论并借助于器件CAD模型构造虚拟环境;将获得的深度信息集成在伺服控制方程中.通过这些方法,可进行复杂路径的规划,完成三维微装配任务,仿真和实验结果均表明上述方法是可行的.Virtual microassembly technology can avoid the problem that the focal depth and the viewing field of microscope are too small.But when building virtual scene there are too many assembly environment data and the efficiency is lower.Using the CAD data produced by the micro-parts can reduce the amount of the environment data and improve efficiency.The virtual environment is constructed using the focus-defocus theory of microscope and the CAD model,and the depth information of microscope is integrated in the servo control equation.By these methods the complex path can be programmed and the complicated micro-assemble task can be completed.The simulation and the experimentation indicate that these methods are feasible.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50275078


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    Abundance and production of bacteria and their correlations with environmental factor

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    以2014年8月南海北部海水样品为研究对象,利用平板计数法和流式细胞仪计数法对南海北部表层和垂直海域可培养细菌和细菌总数分布状况进行研究,对细菌; 生产力进行测定,并结合环境因子进行相关性分析。结果表明:珠江口到南海北部海域,水平方向可培养细菌总数变化范围是3.70*10~2 ~; 1.42*10~3 CFU/mL,细菌总数变化范围是5.12 * 10~5 ~1.61 * 10~6; cells/mL,细菌生产力的变化范围是0.03 ~0.40 mg/m~3/h;垂直方向上可培养细菌变化范围是1.08 *10~3 ~9.00; *10~3 CFU/mL,细菌生产力变化范围是0.01 ~0.08; mg/m~3/h,其中表层海水中的细菌生产力明显高于底层。与环境因子相关性分析表明,水平方向上,影响南海北部表层海水细菌总数和细菌生产力的主要因; 素是温度、盐度、硝酸盐(NO_3-N)、硅酸盐(SiO_3-Si)、亚硝酸盐(NO_2-N)和磷酸盐(PO_4-P)(P<0.05);垂直方向上; ,影响南海北部可培养细菌总数的主要因素是NO_2-N(P<0.05),影响细菌生产力的主要影响因素是温度和盐度(P; <0.05)。可见,南海北部表层海水中细菌总数高于可培养细菌总数2; ~3个数量级,表明该海域表层海水存在大量不可培养细菌;细菌的生命活动在海水表层相较底层更为活跃。Distribution of abundance and production of bacteria and their; correlations with environmental factor were investigated, using plate; count method and flow cytometry, in the surface and vertical waters of; the northern south China sea in August 2014. The cultivable bacterial; abundance ranged from 3.70 * 10~2 CFU/mL to 1.42 * 10~3 CFU/ mL, the; total bacterial abundance ranged from 5.12 * 10~5 cells/mL to 1.61 *; 10~6 cells/mL and the bacterial productions varied from 0.03 mg/m~3/h to; 0.40 mg/m~3/h in horizontal distribution. In vertical distribution, the; cultivable bacterial abundance ranged from 1.08 * 10~3 CFU/mL to 9.00 *; 10~3 CFU/mL and the bacterial productions varied from 0.01 mg/m~3/h to; 0.08 mg/m~3/h, respectively. The correlation analysis results showed; that the environmental factors affecting the abundance of total bacteria; and bacterial productivity included temperature, salinity,; nitrate(NO_3-N),silicate (SiO_3-Si), nitrite (NO_2-N),and phosphate; (PO_4-P) (P<0.05). NO_2-N was the main influencing factor to cultivable; bacteria abundance (P < 0.05), while bacterial productivity was highly; correlated with temperature and salinity in vertical distribution of; northern south China sea (P < 0.05). The total bacterial abundance was 2; ~ 3 orders of magnitude higher than cultivable bacteria, suggesting that; there were many uncultured bacterium in surface water of northern south; China sea and bacterial activities in the surface maybe more active than; in the bottom.全球变化与海气交互作用; 国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对专项; 海洋公益性行业科研专