64 research outputs found


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    Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones Catalyzed by Chiral Carbonyl Iron Systems

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    手性羰基铁络合物很少被用于芳香酮的不对称氢转移氢化 .利用不同的羰基铁络合物与手性双胺双膦配体现场络合 ,形成手性胺膦铁催化体系 .考察了它们对多种芳香酮的不对称氢转移催化氢化性能 .结果表明 ,三核的手性胺膦铁簇合物是催化芳香酮不对称氢转移氢化的较好体系 .当用三核的铁簇合物 [Et3 NH] + [HFe3 (CO) 11] -体系催化 1,1 二苯基丙酮的氢化时 ,最高可获得 98%的对映选择性 .通过现场红外光谱测定 ,揣测羰基铁簇合物Fe3 (CO) 12 在催化反应过程中保持三核的簇合物的簇骼不变 .Chiral carbonyl iron systems have seldom been used in asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of aromatic ketones. In this study, new chiral iron catalytic systems were synthesized in situ from different carbonyl iron complexes with chiral diaminodiphosphine ligands, respectively. These catalytic systems have been used for the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of various aromatic ketones under mild conditions. The results indicated that trinuclear iron complexes were the best systems for the reactions. When the [Et 3NH]+[HFe 3(CO) 11]- as catalyst was used for asymmetric reduction of 1,1-diphenylacetone, high enantioselectivity up to 98% was achieved. Monitoring the reaction in situ by infrared spectroscopy, it could be conjectured that the carbonyl iron cluster Fe 3(CO) 12 kept its trinuclear skeleton unchanged during the catalytic reaction.国家自然科学基金 (No.2 0 3730 56);; 福建省科技厅重大科技项目 (No.2 0 0 2F0 1 6);; 福建省厦门市科技局重大科技项目 (No .350 2Z2 0 0 2 1 0 4 4 )资

    Evaluation of Residues of Chrysanthemum Ester Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Oolong Tea Samples

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    目的探讨乌龙茶叶及茶汤中菊酯类农药和重金属的残留情况。方法于2004年采集3个茶叶生产基地的5种春季乌龙茶样品,进行常规的泡茶,测定干茶叶中的氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯农药以及Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb等重金属残留情况。干茶叶和茶汤中的菊酯类农药分别采用超声波萃取和振荡萃取,浓缩净化后用气相色谱-电子捕获检测器测定,干茶叶及茶汤分别经消解,用电感耦合等离子体-质谱及原子荧光光度法检测其中的重金属含量。结果干茶叶样品中氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯的含量分别为0.200~0.585和0.335~0.780mg/kg,而其相应的茶汤样品中这2种菊酯类农药均未检出。各个干茶叶样品中均未检出Hg。故未做茶汤样品中Hg的残留分析,茶汤样品中Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb的含量分别为0.440~1.663μg/ml,1.590~3.509μg/ml,未检出~0.389μg/ml,未检出~14.220ng/ml,0.759~1.462μg/ml。结论菊酯类农药残留不会因冲泡茶叶进入茶汤,冲泡过程能溶出茶叶中部分重金属,但其含量基本在国家标准范围内。Objective To analyze the residues of chrysanthemum ester pesticides and heavy metals in several typical Oolong tea samples for evaluating the drink safety. Methods The residues of chrysanthemum ester pesticides in the tea samples were extracted with ultrasonic method. Gas chromatography equipped with ECD was applied to determine the pesticide residues. The heavy metals in tea samples were analyzed with an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-Mass) and an atomic fluorescence spectrometer. Results The residues of chrysanthemum ester pesticides in the dry tea samples were 0.200-0.780 mg/kg, no residues was detected in the tea water. The content of heavy metals in the dry tea and tea water was very low, under the standard limits. Conclusion The Oolong tea samples chosen in the present investigation have not been polluted by chrysanthemum ester pesticides and heavy metals, according to the results, the Oolong tea made in the area is safe for drink.厦门大学“凌峰科研奖励计划”基金资

    Good Governance of Government Based Governmental Comprehensive Financial Reporting Reform: The Experiences and Lessons from Indonesia

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    近年来,一系列法律规章奠定了我国政府综合财务报告制度改革的战略方向和蓝图。印尼以英联邦国家为模板进行公共部门会计改革已经有10多年,其核心是在现金制预算会计的基础上渐进式引入应计制会计、制定政府会计准则以及各级政府编制、审计和公开应计制政府综合财务报告,但仍存在政府会计准则的遵循程度较低、政府财务报告质量低下以及政府财务报告未被充分利用等问题。高质量的政府会计和财务报告能够提升国家善治实务,国家善治所诉求的公开、透明、责任、参与、回应、有效等基本原则,诸多方面能够通过政府综合财务报告实现。我国政府综合财务报告制度的建设和执行可从循序渐进的改革、保持相关政策的统一性、建设自动化的政府财务管理信息系统、加强人力资源建设、引入年度审计制度、提升报告的有用性、完善配套政策等角度借鉴印尼经验,以期促进国家善治实务、早日实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。In recent years, a series of law and regulations have outlined the strategic orientation and roadmap for the reform of the China government's comprehensive financial reporting system. Based on the contingency model of Lttder, the status quo, problems, and experiences of the Indonesian government's reform of its comprehensive financial reporting system are introduced. More than ten years have passed since Indonesia set out to reform public sector accounting by drawing upon the experiences of the British commonwealth of nations. Indonesia's primary object is to gradually implement accrual-based accounting on the basis of cash-based budgeting accounting, establish government accounting standards, and require gov- ernments at all levels to prepare, audit and publish accrual-based comprehensive financial reports. However, there are many problems, including low compliance with government accounting standards, and poor quality and underutilization of government financial reports. High-quality governmental accounting and reporting can promote the good governance prac- tices of government. Good governance of government follows some principles, such as openness, transparency, accountabil- ity, participation, responsiveness and effectiveness, and the governmental comprehensive financial reporting helps the gov- ernment achieve compliance with these principles. The research provides some public policy recommendations for the estab- lishment and implementation of the Chinese government's comprehensive financial reporting system. The recommendations include taking a step-by-step approach, enhancing the uniformity of related public policies, developing an automatic gov- ernment financial management information system, strengthening human resource, introducing an annual audit system, per- fecting the supporting policies, and promoting the usefulness of government financial reports.教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金青年项目“公共部门财务报告内部控制质量:基于组织经济学的经验研究”(15YJC790098);教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“公共部门财务治理问题研究”(14JJD630003);国家自然科学基金项目“国家治理情境下政府综合财务报告体系构建”(71473211)

    Studies on Experimental Economics(Symposium)

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    [提要]马涛、李绍东认为,实验经济学研究的是人的行为,但人的行为是复杂的,实验的结果同参与人的文化程度之间有着密切的联系,因此,它需要建立在人文关怀的基础上才可能更趋合理;而这正是实验经济学方法论面临的难题。郭建斌认为,尽管现在就判断实验经济学能否如边际主义那样在经济学各领域引发革命还为时尚早,但它对经济学的证伪主义方法论无疑将产生积极的影响。周星则指出,实验经济学在中国的发展,要更加注重对经济发展和制度变迁等动态性问题的研究,要能为中国经济体制改革提供一个完整的理论说明。Ma Tao and Li Shaodong hold that the studies on experimental economics is a kind of human behavior, while human behavior is complicated. The experimental results are closely related with the education of the persons who are involved. Therefore, it needs to be established on the foundation of humanistic concern that could be more reasonable, and it is exactly the difficulty with which the methodology of experimental economics is faced. Guo Jianbin believes that, although it is still early to judge whether experimental economics can, like marginal economics, induce a revolution in the fields of economics, it can be no doubt to insert an active influence on judging false statements in economics. Zhou xing points out that, as for the development of experimental economics, more attention should be paid to the studies on dynamic problems such as economical development and institutional change, so as to provide a whole theoretical interpretation for the institutional reform of Chinese economy


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    重庆市作为西部唯一的中央直辖市和长江上游地区最大的经济、文化、商贸中心 ,在未来的西部大开发运动中将扮演十分重要的角色。重庆市是一个典型的山地丘陵城市 ,地形起伏大 ,工程地质条件复杂 ,施工难度大而且建设费用高 ,因而极大地限制了重庆市城市建设的发展。再加上受以前城市建设政策的影响 ,重庆市的城市建设发展缓慢。城市建设用地长期不足。重点放在搞好城市建设规划 ,加强城市基础设施建设上。首先要做好城市建设用地预测 ,以便为规划提供科学依据。从重庆市城市建设用地的实际情况出发 ,采用目前应用广泛的灰色系统分析法GM (1.1)预测了重庆市区城市非农业人口规模 ,进而算出城市人口 ,并根据几种可能的人均用地水平科学地预测了未来重庆市区城市建设用地规