214 research outputs found

    Three main phonetic types of the “X-(er)儿” in Hebei dialects

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    The fabrication of cell culture chip and Pilot study of Mesenchymal Stem Cells differentiation on-chip

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    微全分析系统(MiniuatriezdTotalAnalysisSystems,简称μTAS)作为一门多学科交叉的研究领域,越来越受到重视,作为其中之一的微流控芯片,由于具有传统细胞培养无可比拟的优势,成为近年来快速发展的热门方向。 本论文初步建立了芯片的设计制作工艺和温度压力控制方法及进样技术。成功制作了玻璃-玻璃、玻璃-PDMS不同材料的芯片并测试了各种芯片的性能。制作成功的芯片对各种细胞有很好的保留作用,有利于细胞的固定和培养。作为芯片应用的初步研究,本文选择兔骨髓间充质干细胞作为研究对象,进行了成骨和成脂分化的前期研究,并在玻璃芯片上进行了干细胞的培养实验。 本论文主要工作如下: ...Miniaturized Total Analysis Systems (μTAS) is becoming more and more important as an interdisciplinary technique. Due to its advantages, microfluidic chip has been applied in cytological researches in recent years. In this dissertation, the fabrication technique of different kinds of microchips has been studied, including chip design, glass etching, glass bonding, temperature control and sample i...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_水生生物学学号:2012005130201

    The discussion on the right of marine subrogation

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    内容摘要海上保险代位权是海上保险中的重要制度,对保险人、被保险人以及第三人之间法律关系做出了合理的安排,它为被保险人的保险给付请求权和损害赔偿请求权发生重合时的利益归属提供了法律依据,有效地防止了被保险人不当得利,并且使第三人最终在经济上有所负担。本文运用了比较研究的方法,分析了海上保险代位权的基本理论,并对实务中争议比较大的一些问题进行了比较深入的研究,并在此基础上提出了一些解决思路。全文除前言和结束语外,共分五章。第一章海上保险代位权的理论基础。首先阐述了海上保险代位权的概念,然后从英美法系和大陆法系的角度对海上保险代位权进行解释,对各种学说进行了评析。最后分析了海上运输法律制度的特殊性对...AbstractThe right of marine subrogation is very important in marine insurance. It provides the legal basis to settle the conflict of interests between insurer, insured and wrongdoer, when insured enjoy double claims, i.e. the claim for damages and claim in insurance contract. The purpose of subrogation is the prevention of the unjust enrichment of the insured, and to make wrongdoers burden the res...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:20020809


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    On the Distribution for the Burden of Proof to Medical Tory Litigation

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    “举证责任乃诉讼中的脊梁”,医疗侵权纠纷的举证责任如何分配,一直都是法学界、医学界、司法界所关注的重点和争议的焦点,因此,如何合理分配医疗侵权举证责任是平衡医患双方利益的关键。《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》(以下简称《侵权责任法》)的出台,对医疗侵权纠纷的举证责任分配做出了新的规定。本文运用了比较分析法、价值分析法,对我国医疗侵权纠纷的举证责任进行了详细的评析。文章首先对医疗侵权、归责原则及举证责任的概念特点做了简要阐明,并提出笔者的论文观点:医疗侵权诉讼应当回归过错归责下的举证责任分配规则,法官可以在证明评价过程中通讨表见证明、证明妨碍等心证规则与制度辅助处于弱势的患者。这一举证责任的分配规则...Onus probandi is the backbone in lawsuit. The allocation of onus probandi in medical tort dispute is always the debatable focus of law circle, medical circle and judicial circle. Therefore, reasonable allocation is crucial to balance the benefits of hospital and patient. As the Tort Law of the People's Republic of China (TLPRC for short) is launched, it makes new regulations for the allocation of ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:X200712004

    Research on the Financial Management during the Strategic Turnaround of Artsalbum Enterprises

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    中小企业在我国经济发展中具有极为重要的地位和作用。外贸行业中90%的企业是中小企业,属于中小企业密集的代表性行业。 战略决定生存,执行创造效益。中小型外贸企业的特点和其面临的产业竞争环境决定了其在实施战略转型时要采取得当的财务对策来确保转型的成功。 本文最后部分以案例的形式表现中小型外贸企业是如何实施战略转型的,以及由此总结出中小外贸企业在战略转型中的一些财务对策,旨在为同类型企业的管理者实施战略转型时提供一些有益的参考。The small and medium sized enterprises [SME] play an important role in the development of China’s economy. As more than 90% enterprises belong to SME, foreign trade has become a very typical group. Strategy decides survival and execution creates profits. To insure their strategic turnaround success the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises need some preparation on enterprises manageme...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X20041114

    Study on the Drying, Pyrolysis and Combustion Process of Tobacco and Numerical Simulation of a Burning Cigarette

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    吸烟与健康是烟草行业在前进过程中面临的主要挑战之一,系统而深入地研究烟草干燥工艺与热解燃烧特性,探究烟气中有害成份的形成过程以及各种变量对烟气组份分布的影响,并建立卷烟燃烧数学模型。通过模型模拟各变量对卷烟燃烧内部温度场分布、浓度场分布和卷烟烟气中主要有害成分释放量的影响。以卷烟减害为目的,根据卷烟燃烧模型反馈的信息,为烟草的干燥工艺、低危害卷烟的配方设计以及卷烟辅材料开发设计提供科学依据,这也是烟草行业从经验研究上升到理论研究的必然趋势。 本项目主要包括三方面的内容:烟草干燥工艺优化、烟草热解燃烧特性研究,以及卷烟燃烧数学模型的建立。具体研究内容如下: (1) 在实验室水平建立烟草烘箱干...The relationship between smoking and healthy continues to pose a great challenge to tobacco industry. Studying on the tobacco drying process, pyrolysis and combustion reaction, and harmful constituents forming mechanism is very important for tobacco industry development. Setting up a cigarette burning model to simulate the temperature distribution, concentration distribution and the yield of harmf...学位:博士后院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:201117002