60 research outputs found


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    货币供给与经济运行密切相关 ,实现对货币供给水平的合理调控是各国中央银行追求的基本目标 ,一般地说 ,财政收支、国际资本流动、货币替换和金融创新等因素将不同方式和程度上影响着货币供给水平 ,弄清其内在作用机制对保持合理的货币供给水平具有重大的理论和实践意义

    Species composition in genus Scylla from the coast of southeast China

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    【中文摘要】 为调查青蟹属在中国大陆东南沿海的种类组成及明确优势种的种类,采集了13个地区共413只青蟹。通过形态比较,确认有4个种,它们是:锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata),紫螯青蟹(Scylla tranquebarica),拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain),榄绿青蟹(Scylla olivacea)。这4个种类可以从头胸甲额缘4齿的长度(FMSH/DFMS)、形状,螯足腕节内刺的有无、螯足及步足斑纹来区分。其中拟穴青蟹在中国大陆东南沿海分布最广,数量最多,其他3个种仅在海南和北部湾被发现。在拟穴青蟹中有9.7%的成熟个体和33.3%未成熟个体具有螯足内刺,因此不能仅凭借这个特征来鉴别拟穴青蟹。本文对青蟹属4个种的特征进行了描述并编制分种检索表。 【英文摘要】 There has been argument on dominant species and the species composition in the coast of southeast China in genus Scylla.413 individuals were collected from 13 sites and took 24 measurements with vernier calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm.By morphological comparison,there are 4 species being classified,namely Scylla serrata,Scylla tranquebarica,Scylla paramamosain,Scylla olivacea.The four species can be distinguished from the length and shape of the four frontal spines,with or without inner carpus spine and the ...福建省重中之重项目“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”; 国家自然科学基金项目(40376044

    An Analysis of GAT′s Optimal Designing

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    【中文摘要】 通过作者最近建立的关于电力半导体器件 GAT的集电结耗尽层电位分布和电场分布的二维解析模型即《GAT栅屏蔽效应二维解析模型》、《GAT实现高频率与高基区穿通电压兼容特性分析》以及《GAT实现高电流增益与高雪崩击穿电压兼容特性分析》,定量研究了优化设计 GAT的材料参数和结构参数的关系。 【英文摘要】 By the aid of the two dimensional analytical model of the electric potential and field distribution in power semiconductor device GAT′s collector depletion space in the cutoff state,i.e.the two dimensional analytical model to GAT′s gate shielding effect,and the analysis to GAT′s compatibility between high frequency and high base region punchthrough voltage and the analysis to GAT′s compatibility between high current gain and high avalanche brea..

    A Two-dimensional Analytical Model to GAT′s Gate Shielding Effect

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    【中文摘要】 建立了 GAT器件集电结耗尽层电位分布和电场分布的二维解析模型 ,定量研究了GAT的栅屏蔽效应的解析表达式 ,并借助计算机对栅屏蔽效应给以证实。该模型可供优化设计双极型高频、高压、低饱和压降功率器件参考。 【英文摘要】 A two dimensional analytical model of the electric potential and field distribution in GAT’s collector depletion space in the cut off state is derived for the first time.The formula for GAT’s gate shielding effect is derived and the gate shielding effect is proved by aid of computer quantitatively.This model will provide assistance to the optimal design of bipolar power transistor with high frequency and high breakdown voltage.国家自然科学基金( No.69896260 -06); 国家高技术研究发展计划( 863-715-010

    Biochemical genetic analysis of allozymes of mud crab, Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对锯缘青蟹 6个自然群体进行 11种等位酶电泳检测和谱带遗传分析结果表明 ,所研究的锯缘青蟹 2 2个等位酶位点和 30个等位基因中有 15个单态位点 ,即Ldh 1、Sod 2、Aat 1、Aat 2、Skd 1、Skd 2、Idh 1、Sdh 1、Adh 1、Me 1、Me 3、Mdh 1、Amy 1、Amy 2和Amy 3,而这些位点仅有 1个等位基因 ;有 7个多态位点 ,即Est 1、Est 2 (此位点厦门锯缘青蟹为单态位点 )、Est 3、Sod 1、Me 2、Mdh 2 (此位点厦门锯缘青蟹为多态位点 )和Mdh 3,而这些位点有 2~ 3个等位基因。 6个锯缘青蟹自然群体所有位点中共享大多数常见等位基因 ,其生化遗传非常相似。 【英文摘要】 Allozyme was investigated using the assay of vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in Scylla serrata. Eleven enzymes presumably encoded by 22 allozyme loci and 30 alleles are scored in S.serrata, the monomorphic loci with one allele are Ldh?-1, Sod?-2, Aat?-1, Aat?-2, Skd?-1, Skd?-2, Idh?-1, Sdh?-1, Adh?-1, Me?-1, Me?-3, Mdh?-1, Amy?-1, Amy?-2, amd Amy?-3; and 7 loci with 2~3 alleles are polymorphic, they are Est?-1, Est?-2(the monomorphic locus in Xiamen population), Est?-3, Sod?-1, Me?-2, Mdh...国家自然科学基金项目(40376044);国家海洋(863)计划项目(2002AA603013); 福建省重中之重项目“福建海岸优良种质生物学和生物活性物质的基础应用研究”;集美大学校长基金项目“锯缘青蟹遗传变异与分化的研究”资

    An Analysis of GATs Compatibility Between High Current Gain and High Avalanche Breakdown Voltage

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    【中文摘要】 通过作者最近建立的关于电力半导体器件 GAT的集电结耗尽层电位分析和电场分布的二维解析模型定量研究了 GAT的雪崩击穿特性 ,并且定量解释了该器件实现高击穿电压与高电流增益兼容的实验结果。 【英文摘要】 By the aid of the two dimensional analytical model [5] of the electric potential and field distribution in power semiconductor GATs collector depletion space in a cut off state which was established by the writers lately,the GATs avalanche breakdown characteristics was investigated quantitatively,and the experimental results which concluded that the GATs can realize the compatibility between high breakdown voltage and high current gain,were...国家自然科学基金!( No.69896260-06 );国家高技术研究发展计划( 863-715-010

    An Analysis of GATs Compatibility Between High Frequency and High Base Region Punchthrough Voltage

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    【中文摘要】 通过作者最近建立的关于 GAT器件集电结耗尽层电位分布和电场分布的二维解析模型 ,定量研究了 GAT的基区穿通电压 VPI,并且解释了该器件实现高频率与高电压兼容的实验结果。 【英文摘要】 By the aid of the two dimensional analytical model of the electric potential and field distribution in GATs collector depletion space in a cut off state which was established by the writers lately,the GATs base region punchthrough voltage V PI was investigated quantitatively,and the experimental results which concluded that the GATs can realize the compatibility between high frequency and high voltage were explained.国家自然科学基金( No.69896260-06 );国家高技术研究发展计划( 863-715-010

    High-Frequency and High-Voltage Characteristics on Gate Associated Transistors

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    【中文摘要】 建立了 GAT器件集电结耗尽层电位分布和电场分布的二维解析模型 ,定量研究了 GAT的栅屏蔽效应和 GAT的基区穿通电压 VPI,并且解释了该器件实现高频率与高电压兼容的实验结果 .该模型可供优化设计双极型高频、高压、低饱和压降功率器件参考 【英文摘要】 The two\|dimensional analytical model of the electric potential and field distribution in GAT's collector depletion layer in the cut\|off state is derived for the first time.The GAT's gate shielding effect and the GAT's base region punchthrough voltage V PI are analysed quantitatively, and the experimental results that the GATs can realize the compatibility between high frequency and high voltage is explained. This model will provide assistance to the optimal design of bipolar power transistor with...国家自然科学基金!( No.69896260 -06); 国家高技术研究发展计划( 863-715-010

    Cloning and expression analysis of lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α(LITAF) of Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis)

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    脂多糖诱导的肿瘤坏死因子(lIPOPOlySACCHArIdE-InduCEd Tnf-AlPHA fACTOr,lITAf)是一类重要的炎症细胞因子,在先天性免疫系统中发挥重要的介质作用。文章根据虾夷扇贝lITAf基因EST序列,应用rACE技术克隆了虾夷扇贝lITAf全长CdnA,对序列及编码的氨基酸进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,该基因CdnA全长1 551 bP,其5′非编码区包含76 bP,3′非编码区包含1 001 bP;开放阅读框(Orf)为474 bP,编码157个氨基酸,氨基酸序列中存在一个保守的lITAf结构域;理论分子量16.99 kdA,等电点为6.24。lITAf基因序列为3 698 bP,由3个外显子和两个内含子组成。利用实时荧光定量PCr技术分析lITAf在虾夷扇贝不同组织、不同胚胎发育阶段以及鳗弧菌(VIbrIO AnguIllAruM)刺激后各时间段的表达情况。结果表明:lITAf基因在所检测的6个成体组织中均有表达,其中肾脏的表达量最高;胚胎发育的7个时期中,担轮幼体时期表达量最高;菌刺激36 H实验组与对照组的表达量差异大。lITAf基因是lITAf家族的一员,推测lITAf基因参与虾夷扇贝的先天性免疫反应。The lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-alpha factor(LITAF) is an inflammatory cytokine,which plays an important role in innate immunity system.Based on the expressed sequence tag(EST) of Japanese scallop(Mizuhopecten yessoensis),the cDNA of LITAF gene was amplified using rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) approach.Results showed that the full-length cDNA of LITAF is 1 551 bp consisting of a 5′ untranslated region(UTR) of 76 bp,a 3' UTR of 1 001 bp,and an open reading frame(ORF) of 474 bp encoding a polypeptide of 157 amino acids,and there is a conserved LITAF domain in amino acid sequences.The estimated molecular mass is 16.99 kDa and the theoretical isoelectric point is 6.24.The total length of LITAF is 3 698 bp,which includes three exons and two introns.Real-time quantitative PCR was carried out to measure LITAF mRNA expression in adult tissues and monitor mRNA expression patterns during embryonic development after bacteria(Vibrio anguillarum) challenged.The expression level of LITAF mRNA was detected in all the adult tissues with the highest in the kidneys.The trochophore owns the highest expression level of LITAF in embryonic development.LITAF expression showed significant difference(P<0.01)between the control and bacteria challenged specimens at 36 h.These results suggest that the LITAF should be a member of the LITAF family that perhaps involved in the innate immune response of Japanese scallop.国家海洋公益性行业科研专项(编号:200805037);国家自然科学基金项目(编号:31140073)资