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    A survey of depth learning methods for detecting lung nodules by CT images(应用于平扫CT图像肺结节检测的深度学习方法综述)

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    肺癌是一种致死率很高的癌症.通过肺部平扫CT影像检测肺结节对肺癌早期诊断、治疗意义重大.全面介绍了 一种革命性的图像识别技术——深度学习方法,在肺结节检测中的应用.首先,横向对比了不同卷积神经网络的结构及其在图像识别上的效果,其次着重分析了不同深度学习方法在训练肺结节分类器上的应用,包括faster-RCNN、迁移学习、残差学习以及迁移学习.还介绍了一些可用的肺部CT影像数据集供读者参考

    Malignant mesodermal mixed tumor of the bladder: report of a case

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    A 59-year-old male took total cystourethrectomy on July, 1991, since the bladder tumor recurred 2 years and 4 months after transurethral resection. Six months after total cystourethrectomy, an abnormal mass shadow appeared on the right lower lung field. Metastatic lung tumor was strongly suspected from CT scan. Despite chemotherapy, the pulmonary lesion grew rapidly and the patient died. From the autopsy, metastatic lesions were found in the bilateral lung fields, skin (face, head and abdominal wall), pleura, bilateral kidneys, small intestine and lymph nodes (para-aortic and mesenteric). The primary bladder tumor contained histologically transitional cell carcinoma as the epithelial element and sarcomatous changes with osteoid formation as the non-epithelial elements. Thus, the primary lesion was diagnosed as a malignant mesodermal mixed tumor. However, all of the metastatic lesions showed only sarcomatous changes. Only 10 cases of malignant mesodermal mixed tumor of the bladder have been reported in Japan since Fujita's report. In general, total cystectomy is necessary for the treatment of this disease. It has a poor prognosis; 5 of the 10 patients died within one year after operation

    福岡県における主要市販加工食品の調査 : (Ⅹ)菓子類 : (3)オコシ,シュークリームおよびカステラ

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    There are many kinds of confectionaries and therefore it is difficult to select the samples adequately. This paper deals with "Okoshi" (small block of roasted rice stiffen with sugar and corn syrup after steaming and drying the rice), cream cake and "Kasutera" (a kind of baked cake from flour, egg and sugar). Their constituents were estimated as follows. "Okoshi": moisture 4.3~13.9(8.2±1.6)%; protein 2.6~3.6 (3.0±0.2)%; fat 0.2~0.6(0.4±0.1)%; ash 0.9~1.4(1.1±0.1)%; reducing sugar 11.5~20.7(16.8±1.7)%; sugar 10.7~30.7(23.2±3.5)%; starch 39.5~56.6(47.2±2.9)%; calorie 342~380 (365±6)Cal.; saccharin not detected. Cream cake: moisture 40.5~54.9(47.8±2.7)%; protein 5.7~6.9(6.2±0.2)%; fat 12.6~15.8(14.4±0.6)%; ash 0.4~0.7(0.6±0.1)%; reducing sugar 2.9~5.6(4.1±0.5)%; sugar 6.6~10.9(8.6±0.9)%; starch 12.5~15.5(13.7±0.7)%; calorie 254~315(279±12)Cal.; saccharin not detected; preservatives not detected; intestinal flora positive. "Kasutera": moisture 27.5~33.7(29.3±1.1)%; protein 7.1~8.5(7.7±0.2)%; fat 0.8~3.7(1.9±0.5)%; ash 0.4~0.5(0.4)% ; reducing sugar 3.5~6.7(4.8±0.5)%; sugar 30.7~45.2(38.3±2.4)%; starch 14.5~21.0(17.6±1.2)%; calorie 276~299(291±4) Cal., saccharin not detected. Especially, it must be carefully noted that intestinal flora was qualitatively detected in all cream cakes prepared in the representative makers of Fukuoka prefecture, although contamination of Escherichia coli should be further examined by much precise procedure. By sensory test, expensive "Okoshi" had got higher value, suggesting that the materials of better quality had been employed. However, relationship between evaluation and constituent was not observed. As for cream cake, dependency of evaluation on price was estimated, too. In addition, cream cake of higher evaluation seemed to contain much moisture but less sweetness. On the other hand, no significant difference within 5% in evaluation of "Kasutera" was observed, while prices are quite different from one another.菓子のうちオコシ,シュークリームおよびカステラについて官能テストならびに成分分析を行なった.オコシの成分,とくに水分や炭水化物は試料によりかなり変動するが,平均して水分8.2%,蛋白質3.0%,脂質0.4%,灰分1.1%,還元糖16.8%,ショ糖23.2%,澱粉47.2%,熱量365カロリーであって,対照の値と著しい差はなかった.サッカリンはいずれの試料からも検出されなかった.シュークリームの水分は47.8%であって対照より僅かに少いが,蛋白質および脂質は若千多くその平均値は6.2%および14.4%であった.灰分含量は0.6%であって対照と一致した.炭水化物は,一部にショ糖あるいは澱粉含量の極端に高いものもあるが,それを除くと平均して還元糖4.1%,ショ糖8.6%,澱粉13.7%であり,熱量も試料によりかなり変動するがいずれも対照値より高く,平均して279カロリーであった.いずれの試料にもサッカリンおよび保存料は検出されなかったが,大腸菌群はすべて陽性であった.カステラの水分29.3%,蛋白質7.7%であって対照より多いが,脂質および灰分はともにやや少なく,それぞれ1.9%および0.4%であった.成分中最も多いものはショ糖であって平均38.3%に達し,還元糖は4.8%,澱粉は17.6%であった.しかしこれらを含めた炭水化物含量はいずれも対照値より低く,したがって熱量も1割程度少なく平均291カロリーであった.またサッカリンはいずれにも含まれていなかった.オコシでは評価の高いものほど価格も高く,良質の原料を使用していることが推測される.しかし一般成分と評価との相関は認められない.またシュークリームにおいても評価と価格とが一致する傾向が認められた.さらにこの場合,水分が多く,甘昧の少ないものが比較的に高い評価を受けた.これに対して,カステラでは,価格にはかなりの差があるにもかかわらず,官能テストのすべての項目について5%以内で有意差はなく,各試料ともほぼ同様の評価を受けた

    福岡県における主要市販加工食品の調査 : (Ⅸ)コンニャクおよび簡易包装麺

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    "Konnyaku" is prepared from tuber of Elephant-Foot, Amorphophalus konjack K. Koch by coagulating swelled paste of its main component glucomannan with alkali. It tastes plain and has elastic texture. It has been often employed for some Japanese dishes such as "Sukiyaki" or "Oden". In addition, people prefer it as low-calorie food. On the other hand, "Udon"(Japanese noodles) has been also preferred due to simple cooking. Usually, dried "Udon" is put on the market for the sake of preservation, while it must be boiled in water just before eating. It can be preserved for longer time, after proper treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Thus, wet "Udon" is recently put on the market with or without packing in plastic bag. The former is much hygienical and better keeping qualities. Constituent of both the products was determined as follows. "Konnyaku": moisture 96.3~98.2(97.5±0.3)%; protein 0.1~0.2(0.1)%; fat 0%; ash 0.2~0.4(0.3)%; carbohydrate 1.5~3.2(2.1±0.3)%; pH 10.5~12.4(11.4±0.3); calorie not-calculable. Packed wet "Udon": moisture 74.8~81.1(78.9±1.1)%; protein 1.9~2.9(2.5±0.2)%; fat 0%; ash 0.2~0.3(0.2)%; carbohydrate 16.8~22.0(18.4±0.9)%; calorie 77~102(86±4) Cal.; hydrogen peroxide 30~80(60±10)mg/kg. Almost no difference was observed in the constituent of "Konnyaku." Since it has plain taste, it was generally evaluated on its appearance and color, rather than on taste, by the sensory test. In addition, the evaluation had no connection with the price. On the other hand, "Udon" was evaluated on taste, sense of touch and flavor. "Udon" of higher content of protein and ash (mainly sodium chloride) which influences on elasticity seemed to be evaluated higher, although distinctive difference had not been observed in chemical constituents.コンニャクおよび簡易包装麺の調査を行なった.コンニャクの平均成分は,水分97.5%,蛋白質0.1%,脂質0%,灰分0.3%,炭水化物2.1%であって対照とほぼ完全に一致し,またpHは11.4であった.一方,簡易包装麺は,水分78.9%,蛋白質2.5%,脂質0%,灰分0.2%,炭水化物18.4%,熱量86カロリーであって,対照より水分含量が若干高く炭水化物ならびに熱量が低かった.過酸化水素はいずれの試料からも検出されたが,その含量は30~80mg/kg,平均60mg/kgであった.コンニャクの成分にはほとんど差はないが,官能テストによると,一般に味よりも外観や色沢によって多少評価が行なわれている傾向にあった.また評価は価格にも関係はなかった.これに対して,麺は味や食感,香味などによって判定され,価格に明白な差はないが,一応官能テストの結果と比例するように思われた.成分間にも明らかな差はないが,麺の弾性に関する蛋白質および灰分(食塩)の多いものが高い評価を受ける傾向が認められた