349 research outputs found

    The Community Welfare for Old People in City Village——A Case Study of L Village in Xiamen City

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    随着我国城市化进程的不断深化,城中村数量快速增长,其所带来的城中村老人福利和保障问题日益凸显。20世纪90年代迈克尔·谢诺登教授首次提出资产建设理论,该理论将社会福利政策由简单的增加穷人的收入与消费转向了主张帮助穷人进行资产积累与投资,主张通过帮助低收入者积累资产与投资来改变其长期贫困的状态。此后,资产建设的研究和实践在全球许多地区开展,将资产引入社会福利政策为我们在提升城中村老人社区福利的路径选择上提供了一种新的视角,同时也为社会工作对老人社区福利的介入提供了一种新的行动策略借鉴和思考。 本文将厦门L村作为调查研究地点,运用个案研究的研究方法,深度访谈和参与式观察的资料收集方法,以资产建设...With the process of urbanization in china and the rapid growth of the city village number, the welfare and social security problem of old people who live in city village is become more and more severe. Professor Michael Sherraden announced asset-based policy and the theory of asset building in 1990s, that theory advised the government and scholar to help poor people build assets and do investment ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会工作硕士学号:1402014115053

    Measuring the Value of Marine Ecosystem Services for Mariculture in Fujian Province

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    海水养殖业对促进经济发展、增加就业、解决食品安全问题等有着重要的作用,并且海水养殖可以通过缓解水产品供给短缺而减少对海洋捕捞渔业资源的压力,从而保护海洋生态系统。近年来随着海岸带地区经济的发展、人口增加以及城市化程度的提高,人类对海洋与海岸带地区资源与环境利用的竞争性不断增加,海水养殖受到其它产业的排挤已经成为一种普遍现象。很多海水养殖的区域被港口、码头、地铁等项目所替代。人类对海洋生态系统的破坏性利用,在开发利用中倾向于消灭海水养殖业的现象,其中一个重要原因是没有给予海洋生态系统服务适宜的价值。本论文在对海洋生态系统养殖服务理论研究的基础上,建立海水养殖服务价值评估方法,并对福建省海水养殖服...Mariculture plays an important role in promoting economic national development, increasing employment and ensuring the food safety. Moreover,mariculture can protect marine ecosystems through reducing the pressure on marine capture fisheries by alleviating the shortage of aquatic products. However, the competitive and conflicts use of sea area are increasing with the fast economic development, popu...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与海岸带发展研究院_海洋事务学号:3042015115245


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    A Study on Accounting Issues in Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in China

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    核电设施的退役是一项技术难度大、时间跨度长的工作,对于核电设施退役费的会计问题的研究也具有极大的挑战性。目前国内外关于核电设施退役费的会计问题的研究仍十分有限,特别是我国在对退役基金、退役费估算金额调整等方面的会计处理规定仍是空白;退役费总额的估算是退役费计量的关键问题,而在这一重要领域尚缺乏深入研究和经验数据,特别是针对我国商用核电站的退役费估算方法研究尚付阙如。为此,有必要研究、对比分析和借鉴其他国家较为成熟的做法,探索理论问题和创新解决方案。 本文旨在探索适合我国商用核电站退役活动的一套完整的会计确认、计量、披露方法。笔者基于对上述问题的研究,提出以下观点: (一)关于退役费的会计确...The decommissioning of nuclear facilities is a technically difficult activity, which will cover a large span of time. Thus the study on accounting issues in decommissioning of nuclear facilities is also challenging and formidable. The worldwide research on this area is still limited, especially about the book-keeping of decommissioning fund and adjustment of the estimated amount of decommissioning...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200815713

    A study of the relationship between the conflict management styles and conflict in the property and facility management industry in Hong Kong

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    Includes bibliographical references.Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2007.published_or_final_versio

    The Analyses and Comments on the Supervision Rules of the Cross-border Internet-banking

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    国际互联网的无边界性以及在不同语言间轻松转换的便捷性,使网络银行业务的跨境提供成为一项增长潜力巨大的业务。但是风险总是伴随机遇而来。跨境网络银行业务虽然不曾改变银行业务风险的类型与性质,却几乎影响到所有类别的风险,并对以传统地理概念为基础的风险监管规则提出了挑战。为了迎接网络银行业务跨境提供带来的挑战,本文在分析国际经验和我国现行规则的基础上,就完善与健全跨境网络银行业务的监管规则提出具体建议。 文章主体分为四个部分: 第一章从巴塞尔委员会对跨境网络银行业务的界定入手,简单介绍了业务现状与发展趋势;分析了跨境网络银行业务的特殊风险影响给现行的跨境银行监管框架所带来的挑战。 第二章包括两方...The cross-border supply of Internet-banking has grown with great potential, due to the borderlessness of Internet and the convenience of language conversion it brings about. While with the benefit, come side by side some cross-border risks, which are of no new types and natures compared with the traditional ones, however, affecting almost all types of the latter, and which has also challenged the ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:20040811

    The Centralism of the Interests of Nations in the Private International Law

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    国际民事交往所体现的三层利益——国际社会利益、国家利益和当事人利益中,国家利益始终处于中心地位。无论是国际私法的法律选择理论、冲突法的基本制度,还是国际私法在新形势下的发展趋势,都是以国家的利益为依归。The interests of international community,nations and the personal parties are the three facts of interests presented in the international civil communications,with the interests of nations in center,to which the theories of law choices and the fundamental mechanisms of conflict rules as well as the development of the private international law under new circumstances are subordinated

    Design and Implementation of File Management System

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    当今,用户的信息安全与用户的档案管理越来越重要,企业单位与各高校都非常重视用户的档案信息。随着社会的多样化发展,档案的信息业越来越丰富。采用计算机来管理用户的档案已成为社会发展的趋势。开发档案管理系统对社会的发展有深远的意义。 档案管理系统以公安管理人员为主要对象。系统采用J2EE框架。J2EE框架是当今企事业系统开发的主流框架,由于可移植性高,被得到了广泛的使用。J2EE框架中成熟的层次结构,适合开发者的快速开发,开发者可以分工合作,同时参与各个层次的开发,提高了系统开发的效率。档案管理系统主要是管理用户的档案信息,根据详细的需求设计,将系统的功能模块分为了系统管理模块、档案分类管理模块、...With the development of the society, the user's information security and user's file management becomes more and more important, enterprises and universities attaches great importance to the user's profile information. With the diversification of social development, the file information is more and more rich. Using computer to manage the user's profile has become the trend of social development. D...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123084