
The Community Welfare for Old People in City Village——A Case Study of L Village in Xiamen City


随着我国城市化进程的不断深化,城中村数量快速增长,其所带来的城中村老人福利和保障问题日益凸显。20世纪90年代迈克尔·谢诺登教授首次提出资产建设理论,该理论将社会福利政策由简单的增加穷人的收入与消费转向了主张帮助穷人进行资产积累与投资,主张通过帮助低收入者积累资产与投资来改变其长期贫困的状态。此后,资产建设的研究和实践在全球许多地区开展,将资产引入社会福利政策为我们在提升城中村老人社区福利的路径选择上提供了一种新的视角,同时也为社会工作对老人社区福利的介入提供了一种新的行动策略借鉴和思考。 本文将厦门L村作为调查研究地点,运用个案研究的研究方法,深度访谈和参与式观察的资料收集方法,以资产建设...With the process of urbanization in china and the rapid growth of the city village number, the welfare and social security problem of old people who live in city village is become more and more severe. Professor Michael Sherraden announced asset-based policy and the theory of asset building in 1990s, that theory advised the government and scholar to help poor people build assets and do investment ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会工作硕士学号:1402014115053

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