56 research outputs found


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    本文试图对借款费用的各种会计处理方法作初步探讨全文共分五部分约四万四千字 第一部分指出会计理论与实务中涉及资本化或费用化会计处理方法选择的论争主要体现在 四个方面即如何对研究和开发成本软件开发成本石油天然气会计中未成功废井的勘探成 本以及借款费用进行会计处理接着通过描 述美国英国中国这些对借款费用的会计处理方法具有代表性的国家中借款费用会计处理 方法的历史演变过程揭示了借款费用会计处理方法的历史沿革 第二部分阐述了借款费用会计处理方法的会计理论基础对借款费用进行资本化或非资本化 处理实际上涉及资产与费用(成本 支出)等基本会计要素的定义与特征以及资产与费用的确认与计量等基本会计...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:19951101

    On The Information Protection System of U.S.Antidumping Law

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    在反倾销调查过程中,主管机构会要求利害关系方提交充足的信息包括机密信息,利害关系方则以主管机构披露的信息为基础准备辩护。因此,WTO《反倾销协定》确立了信息保密的原则,要求各成员对利害关系方的机密信息进行保护。美国反倾销法中的信息保密制度比较完善,而中国又是美国反倾销调查的主要目标国,因此,对其反倾销法中的信息保密制度进行研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文从反倾销法中信息保密的概念和特征入手,介绍了信息保密制度在反倾销法中的发展和作用,分析了其制度中的利益冲突与均衡,进而揭示美国反倾销法中信息保密制度的典型性。在研究信息保密制度方面,文章结合相关法律实践,对美国反倾销法中信息保密制度的实体...During antidumping investigation, the administrative agencies ask interested parties to submit sufficient information including confidential information, while interested parties prepare for their defense in the investigation based on information which disclosed by the administrative agencies. Consequently, WTO Antidumping Agreement has established a general rule on protecting confidential informa...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:20040821


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    Fast Model-based Automatic Target Recognition Method for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Image

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    针对基于合成孔径声呐(SAS)图像目标识别的先验模板获取困难、运算复杂度高的问题,该文提出一种基于模型的改进型相关快速识别方法。首先,基于构造凸壳估计目标姿态角,实现目标成像几何关系的估计;其次,提出改进的基于隐藏点移除的目标图像快速生成方法,可实时得到各备选目标对应成像几何关系的仿真图像;进而基于图像相关实现目标图像识别;最后,仿真实验证明了算法的有效性。仿真实验结果表明,相比于常规的直接模板识别方法,该方法识别率高,计算速度快。A modified model-based method is proposed to obtain sufficient prior templates and reduce the computational complexity on Synthetic Aperture Sonar(SAS) automatic target recognition.First, a quick method based on build convex hull is proposed to estimate the target pose quickly as well as the SAS imaging geometry for the specified target.Second, an improved method based on Hidden Point Removal(HPR) algorithm is proposed to obtain the target SAS simulation image effectively.Accordingly, the target recognition is realized by the correlation between the test image and the simulated image.Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the simulation experiment.It is shown that the proposed method can achieve higher computational efficiency than the conventional direct templet-based method, but remain the same high recognition rate.国家自然科学基金(61271391;41176032;41376040)资助课


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    Spatial Distribution of Seawater Dimethylsulfide in Winter of Jiulong Jiang Estuary

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    以九龙江河口湾区为研究区域探寻受人为干扰严重的河口湾区DMS排放规律 .2 0 0 1年冬季采样调查发现在九龙江河口和湾口区叶绿素、盐度和营养盐等环境因子呈现出区域差异 ,海水DMS也存在明显的空间分布特征 ,平均浓度分别为1 0 1 0和 2 4 2 1ng·L-1 .随着海水盐度从低到高 ,DMS浓度出现先降低后升高的现象 ,DMS高值出现在九龙江最大浑浊带的河口峰面处 【英文摘要】 Cruise investigation of dimethylsulfide (DMS) emission in estuarine areas, heavily disturbed by human activities, was carried out in the winter of 2001 in Jiulong Jiang Estuary. The concentrations of chlorophyll, salinity and nutrients showed evidently spatial distribution in Jiulong Jiang Estuary, so did DMS concentrations in surface water. The average of seawater DMS was 101.0 and 242 1 ng·L -1 in river mouth area and gulf area, respectively. DMS concentrations decreased first with the increase of ...国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 0 1770 0 2 ;2 0 13 1160 73 1;3 0 2 3 0 3 10

    Discussion on the Participation of Infantile Massage in Community Health Care

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    小儿推拿具有取穴少、经济安全、操作简单、家长易学等优点,适合在社区中推广。本文就其参与社区卫生服务的方式、内容、优势、问题和解决方法等方面,对实现小儿推拿“家庭化“进行论述,认为小儿推拿参与社区卫生服务最理想的方式是实现其“家庭化“,且“家庭化“的建立将是医疗技术进入社区的重要措施,是家庭卫生服务中最具特色的形式之一。Infantile massage has many advantages,for example,less acupoint selection,economic,safe,simple operation and easy to learn.It's suitable for promoting in the community.From aspects of methods,details,advantages,problems and solutions of infantile massage participating in community health service,the paper discussed infantile massage "family oriented"and thought that achieving its "family oriented"was the best way of infantile massage participating in community health service.The building of its"family oriented"was the key of medical technology entering into the community,and was one of the most unique forms of the family health service