97 research outputs found

    Revenue Sharing Regime for Exploitation of Non-living Resources of the Outer Continental Shelf: The Implementation of Article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

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    《联合国海洋法公约》第82条规定了外大陆架的收益分享制度,即沿海国开发其200海里外大陆架上的非生物资源时,应按照相应的时间框架和比例,通过国际海底管理局缴付费用或实物;而国际海底管理局应按照公平分享的标准将上述收益分配给各缔约国。公约第82条的历史考察表明,收益分享制度是人类共同继承财产原则与沿海国外大陆架主权权利之间妥协的产物,因而其规定存在诸多模糊和缺漏之处。所以,公约各条款间的“一揽子平衡”在解释第82条时十分重要,应注意到其与公约第76条、第11部分及诚意履行和禁止滥用权利的原则之间的密切联系,并结合公约的目的和宗旨进行解释。 沿海国和管理局是收益分享制度中的关键主体,但第82条对...Article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea establishes revenue sharing regime with respect to the exploitation of the outer continental shelf. The coastal States shall make payments or contributions in kind on the basis of time and proportion, which sets in Article 82, in respect of the exploitation of the non-living resources of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical mil...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362015115092

    The Application and Limitation of Equivalence Principle of Patent Infringement in the Field of Public Interest

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    等同原则,是指在专利侵权诉讼中,法院对于涉嫌侵权的某项设计,经与已获专利的发明相比较,发现虽然该设计的技术特征表面上与已获专利的发明的技术特征不相同,但其实质上是设计人以所属技术领域普通技术人员公知的实质上相同的方式和技术手段,替换专利独立要求部分的必要技术特征,产生实质上与专利技术相同的功能和效果,这时法院视该设计并未脱离专利权的保护范围并认定该设计对已获专利的发明构成侵权。 很显然,等同原则能更充分地保障专利权人的利益,促进科技与经济的发展。目前“等同原则”已为各国司法实践所适用。我国专利法及专利法实施细则中虽然没有对“等同原则”进行规定,但在近些年的专利侵权诉讼中,等同原则的适用日趋频...Equivalence principle is a legal rule in patent infringement litigation that allows a court to hold a party liable for patent infringement in the scope of a patent even though the infringing device and the patented inventions differ in technical features outwardly, but in essence they both show the same functions and effects after the infringer replacing the essential characteristics of a patent c...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1362008115086

    The application of q-Poisson operators in curves and surfaces

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    在计算几何中,用于曲线和曲面造型的工具有很多。其中最为常用的方法有Bézier方法、NURBS方法、B样条方法以及开花方法等。这些方法有一个共同的特征就是它们的性质都是由各自的基函数的性质所决定的。例如,经典的Bézier方法,就是以从Bernstein算子中提取出来的Bernstein基函数为基础,构造得到Bézier曲线。因此,Bernstein基函数的性质决定了Bézier曲线的性质。 随着近些年q-微积分理论的迅速发展,由q-微积分衍生出来的算子越来越广泛地受到学者关注。本文从Poisson分布函数出发,将其与q-整数相结合,提出了q-Poisson算子,并从中提取出q-Poisso...Bézier methods, NURBS methods, B-splines methods and blossom methods are the most frequently used tools to construct curves and surfaces. Though these methods are different, there's one thing in common, that is, properties of curves and surfaces are all determined by those of their own basis functions. During these years, researches relevant to q-calculus become more and more popular. The most wi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_计算数学学号:1902014115261

    Research on credit customer manager competency model and application in training management based on AB Bank

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    随着我国银行业门槛逐渐开放,外资银行以及新兴中资商业银行参与市场竞争,各类金融机构如基金、保险、证券公司等提供的产品对银行现有产品的替代性越来越强,金融脱媒的趋势加剧,传统商业银行所面临的市场竞争日益激烈,产品、服务、经营模式均受到挑战,转型已成为必然趋势。 AB银行顺应市场大趋势,将未来战略发展方向定位为零售银行。这一转型对AB银行客户经理团队能力提出了更高的要求。信贷业务是AB银行最主要的利润来源,信贷客户经理作为信贷业务的主要销售力量,其胜任力水平对于银行的业绩表现有着重要影响。因此,如何衡量以及提高信贷客户经理的胜任力水平成为AB银行人力资源管理的关键任务。 本文力图通过构建胜任力...As the door of bank industry opening, the foreign bank and new Chinese bank join the completion. Financial institutions such asfunds, insurance and securities companies provide similar products as banks. With the trend of financial disintermediation, traditional banks must face increasingly competitive market. AB Bank positions itself as a retail bank to conform to the change. The new position wi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115101

    Analysis on maternity insurance for female migrant workers in China

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    生育不仅是一个家庭生存延续的重大问题,同时也关系到一个国家(或民族)的繁荣和发展,我国的城乡二元化,使生育保障也呈现出二元化的局面。生育保险是指针对生育行为的生理特点,根据法律规定,在职业妇女因生育子女而导致劳动力暂时中断、失去正常收入来源时,由国家或社会提供物质帮助的一项社会保险制度。在国际社会保障发展史上,妇女生育保险是现代工业化社会的产物。迄今为止,在全世界建立社会保障制度的150多个国家和地区中,大部分都包含生育保险的内容。虽然各个国家的生育保险制度在实际运作和制度规范方面不尽相同,但都涉及到覆盖范围、待遇标准、立法与管理等几个方面,反映了不同国民经济发展水平和社会文明程度。目前我国学...Reproductive behavior is not only a continuation of the major issues of family, Also relating to the prosperity and development of a country (or national). Because of the urban-rural dual of China, maternity protection is also showing a situation of dual. Because of the childbearing, working women interrupt work force temporarily, loss of normal income. According to the law, the country or communi...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_政治经济学学号:X200714100

    Study on RFID Technology Application in the Libraries under Multi-campus Environment

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    本研究对rfId进行了介绍,对rfId在多校区图书馆的应用进行了分析和探讨,并提出了几点建议,为关注者和准备实施rfId的多校区图书馆提供参考。In this study,RFID was introduced and RFID application in multi-campus libraries was analyzed and discussed.On that basis,several suggestions were made in order to offer reference for the future implementation of RFID in multi-campus libraries

    Study on the Kink Angle of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

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    自从碳纳米管被发现以来,人们便一直关注这个纳米尺度管的特性。对纳米碳管特性的研究主要在电磁性能、力学性能、热学性能、光学性能、储氢特性和电化学性能等方面。由于碳纳米管具有以上的特性,人们开始探索在实际商业制品中如何应用它们。碳纳米管分为多壁碳纳米管和单壁碳纳米管。碳纳米管的结构多样,实验观察到十二边形的环状多壁碳纳米管,每次碳管弯曲的角度为30度。对碳管弯曲角度的研究,前人提出了两种模型,一种是五边形-七边形对模型,另一种是应用分子动力学模拟的方法。这两种模型仅限于解释单壁碳纳米管的弯曲。由于多壁碳纳米管各层并不具有同步性,因此这两个模型不能用来解释十二边形的环状碳管。本文将应用弹性理论,引进...Since carbon nanotubes was discovered, much attention has been paid to the characteristics of these nano scale tubes. Most of investigation on carbon nanotubes center on electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, optical, hydrogen-enclosed and electrochemical properties and their potential applications. Carbon nanotubes are categorized into single-wall carbon nanotubes and multiwall carbon nanotub...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_理论物理学号:20022400


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    Phase transition and wetting behavior of liquid crystal cell under magnetic field with the substrate coupling

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    液晶在界面的锚泊能量最早由Rapini和Papoular于1969提出以简单唯象公 式1/2Wsin2ϕ表示,在接下来很长一段时间这个公式作为基本的锚泊能被广泛应 用于液晶相关的研究中,但是后来人们发现这个公式只能用于方位角形变很小的情 况,当方位角的形变不能忽略时,RP公式表示的锚泊能与实验上得到的结果差异较 大,于是有人提出对RP公式进行修正,但是这些修正的公式都缺少理论上的证明, 一直到最近由Fukuda从理论上计算推到得到新的锚泊能公式,我们称之为Fukuda锚 泊能,这个锚泊能也得到了实验的证明。 本文研究的是厚度有限的液晶盒模型,液晶盒具有两个相同的界面,并...Anchoring energy of liquid crystals at substrates was first expressed phenomenologically by RP form and had been widely used in the liquid crystal study involving surface interaction for a long time, but later on the deviation of theoretical prediction given by RP from experimental results was found. Further studies showed that it is due to the azimuthal distortion, which can not be neglected. Som...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_理论物理学号:1982008015049


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