52 research outputs found

    Research and Analysis of Aviation Safety Management Information System

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    目前,国内大中型航空公司建立的安全管理软件,尚未建立各类安全信息的综合分析、趋势预测、深入挖掘等功能。针对当前航空安全信息存在着数量不足、质量不高、交流共享困难、分析利用不充分等问题。论文根据民航局关于民航安全管理体系(SMS)要求,采用SSH架构一整套软件系统(ASMIS)。该应用系统由“偏差事件管理”、“飞行品质管理”、“风险管理”等子系统构成。 系统采用struts1.0的技术框架,可重用、模块化、扩展性好,提供了丰富的标签库,使页面能更加灵活的使用。在系统中融合决策辅助模块,运用数学模型和统计分析方法,为安全管理决策的科学制定提供了强有力的平台支持。核心部分是运用辨别力强的软件技术对...At present, the safety management software of airlines in China cannot yet install the functions of synthesis analysis, trend forecast, deeply excavate and etc. Direct at those problems as lazy quantity, loose quality, hard to share, insufficient utilization, that exist in the aviation safety information, paper according to the China civil aviation Safety Management System(SMS) claim from Civil Av...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023004

    The Phase Transition of Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells Bounded by Surfactant-Laden Interfaces

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    National Science Foundation of China [50873083, 10974162]Taking into account the surface-coupling strength effect, we discuss the phase transitions of a finite thickness cell bounded by surfactant-laden interfaces in a magnetic field perpendicular to the substrate and it is compared with that of a semi-infinite system. It is found that the larger the thickness, the closer the three-dimensional phase transition surface of the finite system to that of the semi-infinite one. The simulation also shows that when a magnetic field is applied to a nematic semi-infinite sample, an orientational phase transition first takes place close to the interface and then extends to the inner space as the temperature increases


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    为了确定赖氨酸生产废水经过膜技术处理后废水中的CODcr值的大小 ,我们采用超滤与纳滤相结合的工艺分别对浓废水和稀废水进行中试实验。实验结果表明 :采用超滤 -一级纳滤 -二级纳滤工艺流程处理浓废水 ,终端废水的CODcr值降低到 489mg/L ;采用超滤 -纳滤流程处理稀废水 ,最终透析液的CODcr值可以降低到 5 0 2mg/L。大大减轻了后续生化处理的负荷

    Damage to mangroves from extreme cold in early 2008 in southern China

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    通讯作者Author for correspondence (E-mail: [email protected])2008年初,我国南方19个省经历了50年一遇的持续低温雨雪冰冻天气。极端气候对华南沿海各省的红树林区造成不同程度的危害。2008年3月,在我国南方各省红树林区的10个代表性地点,对这次寒害造成的红树植物伤害程度进行了系统的调查。结果表明:冬季低温对红树林的影响极为显著,特别是在低纬度的海南、广西和广东湛江,由于极端低温正值夜间退潮,对红树林的影响更为显著;在纬度较高的福建,本地红树种类秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)及引种的木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)等,由于长期适应于冬季较低的气温或在种植前经过抗寒锻炼,具有较强的抗寒能力。各地主要红树植物中,广布种秋茄、桐花树和白骨壤最为耐寒,其耐寒性均大于红树科的木榄、海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)和红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)。海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)对温度的敏感性最强,抗寒能力最低,因此,即使在其原产地海南也受到较为严重的寒害,在纬度更高的引种地出现大面积受害甚至全部死亡,而从孟加拉国引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)却显示出一定的抗寒能力。同一地点的红树植物幼苗的抗寒能力低于大树。此次寒害也造成了苗圃场的种苗大量死亡,成熟的植株提前落花落果,这势必会影响后继一两年内红树林的自然更新和人工造林。因此,在未来红树林造林或人工引种中,一定要考虑到红树植物的抗寒能力。国家自然科学基金(30671646和30700092);厦门大学“闽江学者”启动基

    Compiler Optimization Test Case Automatic Generation Based on Branching Temporal Logic Specification

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    编译器是软件产业中重要的工具,对它的质量保证非常重要。编译优化是编译器的重要功能,它的质量对于编译器质量有重大影响。可采用软件测试的方法进行编译器优化模块的质量保证。测试需要测试用例。编译优化的测试用例必须触发编译器的优化功能,是具有可被优化特征的源程序。对不同的编译优化,该特征各不相同。需要将不同优化所对应的特征加入到源程序中以构造编译优化测试用例程序。 TRANS语言结合了时序逻辑,描述了不同的编译优化,包括优化前后的代码特征、优化执行的条件及方法。优化前的代码特征和执行优化的条件可被用作构造编译优化测试用例程序所需的特征。一种基于时序逻辑的编译优化测试用例程序生成方法的框架已被提出。该方法从TRANS描述的某种变体生成编译优化测试用例程序。但是该框架并未完善,面临多方面的问题。本文参考该框架的思想,设计了编译优化测试用例程序生成方法,解决了算法框架的部分问题。该方法可以适应复杂描述的情况;公式的合法性及语义得以保持;具体化并完整化了原有框架。该方法是具有针对性的编译优化测试用例程序自动生成方法。本文对该方法作了原型系统实现,并从中得到测试用例程序。本文设计并进行针对GCC的优化模块测试实验,以覆盖率为评价指标检验了测试用例程序的质量。实验表明该方法生成的测试用例程序具有针对性。对编译优化模块的测试,该方法是一种行之有效的办法。并且该方法仍有更多的应用空间,加以改进后可用于优化组合测试、优化正确性检测等。Compilers are essential tools in the software industry. The quality assurance of compilers is vital to the software products. Compiler optimization is an important function in compiler, and its quality plays an important part in that of a compiler. The quality assurance of compiler optimization can be made with software testing, which needs test cases. Compiler optimization test cases should trigger the action of the optimizer. They are source codes containing parts to be optimized, which are different for various types of optimizations. It needs to add different parts to the source codes to build test case programs for various optimizations. TRANS language formally describes different types of optimizations with temporal logic. It describes the characteristics of source codes before and after optimizations, the action and condition of the optimizations. The characteristics before optimization and the condition should be regarded as characteristics that activate the optimizer. A compiler optimization test case programs generation framework based on temporal logic has been proposed. The framework generates test case programs from modified descriptions from TRANS. But the framework is not complete and contains problems. This paper designs and builds a new compiler optimization test case programs automatic generation method based on the framework and solves some problems. This method eliminates malformed formulae and preserves their semantics, can deal with complex descriptions, and completes the framework. A prototype system has been implemented and test case programs are produced by the system. This paper designs and executes experiments on testing GCC and uses test coverage as a criterion to evaluate the test case programs. Analysis shows that the generation method is an accurate one according to optimizations. It’s an effective method for compiler optimization module test. The method can be further enhanced to assist optimizations combination study and optimization correctness checking, etc


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    采用实验或数值方法对多孔复合电极微结构进行重构和特征化不仅是锂离子电池介观尺度数值模型的重要组成部分, 也是通过数值技术由底向上进行电极微结构虚拟设计与优化的基础. 本文以某商用LiCoO_2电池正极的孔隙率、电极组成材料的组分体积分数、活性材料颗粒粒径分布、相关函数等重要结构与统计信息作为输入参数, 采用模拟退火法对其微结构进行了数值重建, 得到了明确区分活性材料、固体添加物以及孔相(电解液)的微结构, 其重要特性参数与实际电极一致. 对重构电极的特征化分析, 得到了电极内部各组分的连通性、孔径分布等特征信息. 同时, 采用D3Q15格子Boltzmann 模型计算了重构电极的有效热导率以及电解液(或固相)的有效传输系数. 与随机行走模拟或Bruggemann 等经验公式相比, 基于实际电极微结构细节信息的介观数值方法对多孔电极有效传输系数的预测更为准确可靠


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    Screening,Fermentation Condition and Enzyme Characterization of Multicomponent Enzymes Producing Pseudomonas sp.NJ197

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    从南极普利兹湾深海沉积物中筛选到一株同时产多种冷适应酶的菌株NJ197,细菌学形态鉴定及16S rDNA序列分析表明,该菌株属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas).生长特性研究表明,该菌株属于耐冷菌,其最适生长温度为5~15℃.NJ197菌株能利用多种单一的碳、氮源产酶,最适产酶温度为20℃,最高产酶温度为30℃.粗酶液经硫酸铵盐析、DEAE cellulose-52柱层析初步分离纯化后进行酶学性质的研究.该菌株所分泌复合酶中脂肪酶和淀粉酶的活力最高,它们的最适作用温度分别为30℃和35℃,最适pH值分别为9.0和9.5,对热敏感,是典型的碱性冷适应复合酶.Ca2+、Mn2+、Cu2+、Co2+、Fe3+对该复合酶有较为明显的激活作用,而Zn2+、Hg2+、Rb2+、Cd2+、EDTA则能抑制酶活.其中脂肪酶能在高浓度的SDS、CHAPS等变性剂中表现出较好的稳定性.图5表2参21A strain NJ197, producing cold-adapted complex enzyme, was isolated fromdeep sea sediment of the Prydz Bay, Antarctic. The morphological identification and 16S rDNA sequence analysis showed that it belonged to genus Pseudomonas. The optimal growth temperature of the Pseudomonas sp. NJ197 was 5~15 ℃, indicating that it was a psychro- tolerant bacterium. The strain could use various single carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances to produce complex enzyme. Its optimal and highest temperatures for enzyme production were 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, respectively. The enzyme purification was performed by ammonium sulfate fractionation and anion exchange chromatography with DEAE cellulose-52. The activities of lipase and amylase were the strongest among the complex enzymes produced by Pseudomonas sp. NJ197, and the both were sensitive to high temperature. The optimal temperature and pH value for the lipase activity were 30 ℃ and 9.0, while those for the amylase activity were 35 ℃ and 9.5, respectively. The results indicated that they were typical alkaline cold-adapted enzymes, whose activities were stimulated by Ca~ 2+ , Mn~ 2+ , Cu~ 2+ , Co~ 2+ and Fe~ 3+ , and inhibited by Zn~ 2+ , Hg~ 2+ , Rb~ 2+ , Cd~ 2+ and EDTA. The cold-adapted lipase showed better resistance to inactivation of 1 detergents, such as SDS and CHAPS. Fig 5 , Tab 2, Ref 21国家自然科学青年基金(No.40406029)资助~