32,519 research outputs found

    Contrastive study of Japanese -te oku and Uzbek -(i)b qo‘y-

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    The Impact of China’s Land Finance on Residential Real Estate Market: Mechanism, Effect and Solution

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    经营性用地招拍挂制度实施以来,中国土地出让收入规模迅速膨胀,占地方财力的比重也逐年增大。于此同时,中国的房地产市场总体呈现过热,表现为房价和楼面地价明显上升,以及房地产开发投资相对规模逐年扩大,其中,住宅市场的过热现象最为突出。学术界对地方政府的“以地生财”现象提出了种种批评,并且大多将其视为房地产市场过热的重要原因。但这些研究大多流于表面,没能基于中国的制度背景系统地建立理论框架并展开严谨的实证分析。有别于先前研究,本文立足于中国的土地招拍挂制度,在地方政府拥有完全信息和开发商不“囤地”的条件下建立了一个描述住房价格主要影响因素和住宅地价形成机制的理论框架,在此基础上分别研究了地方政府在短期...Since the implementation of bid invitation, auction and listing (BAL) system of operating land, China's land transfer income scale has seen a rapid expansion, and its share of local financial resources has also increased year by year. Meanwhile, the real estate market in general, has been showing an overheating, which means that housing prices and floor prices have been rising significantly, and t...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_财政学学号:1552012015360

    Design and Implementation of a Securities Trading System Based on J2EE

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    自改革开放以来,我国坚持走对外开放的路线,市场经济迅速发展,导致了我国的市场投资者数量和规模大大增长,证券行业成为了资本主义市场的重要一部分。证券行业的快速发展,使得人们开始投资到证券行业。改变传统的经营方式,我们需要大力引入信息技术,完善办公管理模式。 在此背景下,本论文先是重点对中原证券公司进行了一系列认真的分析调研,从而深入研究了国内外证券交易系统的发展现状。其次介绍了证券交易系统设计和实现使用的相关技术,包括JavaEE6.0框架和JSWeb框架。重点对JavaEE中的SSH框架进行详细的介绍,SSH是Struts、Spring和Hibernate技术。系统的需求分析过程中,先描述系...From the reform and opening up, Chinese government adheres to the opening-up policy, and the marketing economy rapidly develops, resulting in the increase of the number and size of the market investors in China, the capitalist market include securities. Now more and more people start to invest in the stock market and the securities industry. Changing the traditional way of management, we need to i...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323207


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    On the Problem of Bending Effect by Torsion

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    Estimates of total factor energy and CO2 efficiency of China’s agricultural sector

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    能源作为经济发展的重要投入要素,它对于中国经济发展和社会进步具有重 要的支撑作用。同时,作为环境污染物的重要来源,它的大量使用对全球气候变 化和生态环境的影响也越来越明显。中国已经是全球最大的能源消费国,同时也 是世界上最大的二氧化碳排放国。2014年,中国能源消费总量是42.6亿吨标准 煤,大约占世界能源消费总量的四分之一。CO2排放量为9333.8百万吨,约占 世界CO2排放量的27%。2014年,中国石油和天然气的对外依存度已经分别达 到59.5%和32.2%,并且呈现出逐年上升的趋势。目前,中国正处于全面建设和 谐社会和全面实现小康生活的关键时期,工业化、城镇化与农业现代...Energy is the important foundation of the development of national economy and society in China. It can promote the improvement of the level of people's living quality, but its impacts on global warming and the degradation of ecological environment are becoming more and more obvious since it is also the emitter of environmental pollutants. China is now the world's largest energy consumer an...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_能源经济学学号:3132012015366


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