264 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy for CZ hotel:Based on Data Analysis of Psychographic Segmentation

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    家庭式旅馆是指人们利用自有房屋用来经营旅馆业务。一般具有房间数量比较少、分布范围较广的特点。家庭旅馆档次参差不齐,且相对较低。提供的服务质量相对较差。多分布在城市、乡镇的人口相对稠密或交通便利的区域。伴随着我国经济腾飞,家庭式旅馆在改革开放后30年取得长足的发展。然而,进入21世纪,随着经济型连锁酒店的兴起,互联网垂直预订网站等营销手段的创新,家庭式旅馆在竞争中处于越发弱势的态势。在同快捷连锁酒店的市场竞争中,面对它们的资本优势、品牌服务优势、连锁优势等,本文以笔者家经营的旅馆为例,探讨家庭式旅馆在新形势下,如何进行市场营销,如何定位目标客户群,提供相匹配的服务,取得合理的经营业绩。 为了深...Family hotel refers to make family as business entities of hotel business. With characteristics of small scale, scattereddistribution.In general, family hotel is withlow level, no outstanding features, service cannot be standardized. Family hotel is located in the populous downtown or convenient transportation areas. Along with the economic development, family hotel has made great development in t...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115084

    Moving Object Tracking on Intelligent Surveillance System

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    视频监控系统涉及计算机视觉、模式识别和人工智能中的许多关键技术,对感兴趣目标的跟踪则是其中的重要环节,是基于视频的运动分析、行为理解等诸多后续处理的重要基础。在计算机视觉领域内,越来越多的研究者将目光转向基于视觉的运动视频分析,视频序列跟踪技术作为其中必不可少的关键技术而变得日益重要。本文从智能视频监控系统的角度来考虑跟踪,它是与目标检测完全不同的过程,它是一种自顶向下的思想,首先它假定物体存在,然后在图像中去验证所考虑的物体,它的实质是根据当前目标状态和观测的历史信息对下一时刻的目标状态进行估计。本文概述了运动目标跟踪的研究与发展状况,就运动目标跟踪中较为经典的方法作了详细地论述,本文的主要...Many essential problems in the filed of computer vision, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence are involved in video surveillance system, in which tracking for ROI(region of interest) is one of the most important task and provides the foundation for the following steps such as motion analysis, motion understanding etc. Nowadays many researchers focus on the motion video analysis and movi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20022802

    Finitely additive measures and measure theory of statistical convergence

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    本文致力于研究和解决下列三个问题:(1)著名的Banach-Ulam关于测度的延拓问题;(2)建立统计收敛的测度理论;(3)用测度 理论统一规范各种各样的“统计收敛”. Banach-Ulam问题是说,是否每个可列可加的(有界变差)测度都可以进行保变差延拓?我们(在第二章) 首先利用次微分工具刻画可测空间(ΩΣ)(\Omega,\Sigma)上具有界变差的有限可加测度的表示定理,其次在Yosida-Hewitt分解 定理的基础上给出其加细形式,并结合泛函分析中经典的Hahn-Banach延拓定理实现了有限可加测度(相应的,可列可加测度,纯有限 可加测度)的保全变差延拓,从而给出了Ba...The main purpose of this paper is to study and solve the following three questions: (1) the famous Banach-Ulam Problem which is concerned with measure extension; (2) establishment of measure theory of statistical convergence; (3) unification of all kinds of statistical convergence with measure theory. The Banach-Ulam Problem is about whether each countably additive measure with bounded var...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_基础数学学号:1902006015315

    Minimal Ball-Covering of the Unit Spheres in RnR^{n}

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    BanachBanach空间XX中的一个闭球族\ssXX的球覆盖,如果\ss中的任一元素不包含原点作为其内点,且\ss中元素之并覆盖了XX的单位球面SXS_{X}.一个球覆盖\ss称为是极小的当且仅当\ss的势小等于XX中所有球覆盖的势.文献[1]证明了nnBanachBanach空间球覆盖的极小势大等于n+1n+1,且当XX为光滑(特别的,X=RnX=R^{n})时,其极小球覆盖势为n+1n+1.文献[2]进一步给出了RnR^{n}中极小球覆盖的半径不小于n2\frac{n}{2},且当这n+1n+1个闭球的球心恰好在n2SX\frac{n}{2}S_{X}的内接正则单形的顶点上时,可...A family \ss of closed balls in a Banach space XX is a ball-covering of XX if every ball in \ss does not contain the origin in its interior and whose union covers the unit sphere SXS_{X} of XX,\ and a ball-covering \ss is said to be minimal if the cardinal of \ss is less than or equal to the cardinal of every ball-covering of XX.\ Article[1] showed that a nn-dimensional Banach space...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学系_基础数学学号:20032301


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    Design and Implementation of Household Registration Management System under Fire Safety for Key Unit

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    近年来随着电力、信息、建筑等行业的不断发展,人们的生活和生产方式产生了巨大的变换,在信息化、自动化等方面有了显著提高,给我们的生活带来了极大的便利,但是问题也随之而来。消防安全逐渐成为人们的生活和工作中一项不可或缺的方面,消防安全问题作为人们生产生活中的重中之重,必须引起我们的高度重视,需要在合理利用科技发展带来的便利同时,努力做好安全保障工作。 目前,市面上有很多消防安全管理系统,其中一部分已投入到公安部门的消防安全管理工作中,但是由于受到开发成本不足、技术不成熟等问题的限制,那些相关系统仍具有功能不全,安全性、稳定性不好等诸多问题。鉴于以上种种问题,我们将通过合理的分析和设计,选择适宜的...In recent years, with the continuous development of power, information, and other industries, people's life and production created an enormous transformation, has increased significantly in information technology, automation, etc., to our lives has brought great convenience, but the problem has cropped up. Fire safety and people's lives gradually become an indispensable aspect of the work, fi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223056

    Potential Quality Problems and Countermeasures in the Expansion of Higher Education

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    中国的高等教育从1999年开始大扩招至今取得了巨大的发展,但同时也使生源质量下降、教学资源短缺、原有的人才培养模式与新形势不适应以及学科专业设置失衡等问题突显出来。为缓解或解决上述问题,应树立多元、多层次的人才培养质量观、调动政府、学校和社会多方的积极性加大对教育的投入、建立并完善高等教育质量保障体系等对策,来保证我国高等教育健康稳定地发展。Since the university enrollment expansion in 1999,Chinese higher education has scored tremendous achievements and,meanwhile,some problems have emerged: the declining quality of source students,insufficient teaching resources,the old talent training model that does not adapt to the new situation, and unbalanced establishment of disciplines and specialties.Therefore,in order to ensure the sound and stable development of Chinese higher education,we should set up the concept of training multi-element talents at various levels,bring into play the initiative of the government,higher learning institutions and the society to increase educational investment,and develop the higher education quality assurance system

    Moving Object Detection Algorithm in Video Sequences

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    提出一种基于前景目标分类的视频序列中运动目标检测方法。该方法在RGB空间内建立了一种新颖的背景模型;为了解决背景更新“死锁”问题,提出了像素点的跳跃度函数和稳定性函数,将前景分类为静止目标、运动目标及虚假目标;最后提出了一种基于HSV颜色信息和一阶梯度信息的混合阴影剪除算法。实验结果表明,该方法能有效分割视频场景中的运动目标并鲁棒地分离目标及其阴影区域。An efficient algorithm of detecting moving objects in video sequences was proposed.An adaptive background model was built and subsequently the background model is updated by a foreground object classification based background update algorithm which can resolve the "deadlock" problem efficiently.An improved shadow suppression algorithm which combines HSV color information with first-order image gradient information was exploited to segment shadows.Extensive experiments results on indoor and outdoor image sequences demonstrate that the proposed system can effectively detects moving objects and suppresses their shadows.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60175008);; 国家创新研究群体科学基金项目(60024301

    Moving Object Tracking Based on Location and Confidence of Pixels

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    运动目标跟踪是视频信息处理的重要研究课题之一·首先将时间域上的中值背景建模与空间域上最小交叉熵法相结合,用于检测运动目标所在跟踪区域·在此基础上,提出了跟踪区域内基于像素的可信度与空间位置的权重函数,利用HSV色彩分布模型计算出目标模型与预测模型间的相似性,选出最优相似模型作为当前目标模型,从而实现了多目标的跟踪·实验显示,该算法计算简单,对相似目标能实现准确的跟踪,对非刚性目标的尺度变化、多目标的交叉及部分遮挡具有鲁棒性·Moving object tracking is a critical issue of image sequence processing. In this paper, a moving object tracking algorithm based on location and confidence of pixels is proposed. Firstly, the moving objects are detected by combining the median background model in temporal domain with the minimum cross-entropy in spa tial domain. Then the rectangle area of the objects are obtained, and at the sa me time an HSV color distribution model is used to measure the similarity betwe en t arget rectangles and hypothetical rectangles. In this process, a weighting func tion based on location and confidence of pixels is presented to weigh the pixel values in the rectangle area of the tracking. The experimental results show tha t the algorithm is computationally efficient and robust to scale invariant, part ial occlusion and interactions of non-rigid objects, especially similar objects .国家创新研究群体基金项目(60024301);; 国家自然科学基金项目(60175008


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    目的观察赋能教育模式对血液透析伴矿物质及骨代谢异常患者钙磷代谢及营养状态的影响。方法组建赋能教育模式团队,选择2015年6月至2016年6月我院透析中心维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者60例,赋能教育模式干预12周后,采用自身前后对照的方法,比较患者血钙、血磷、钙磷乘积、全段甲状旁腺激素(intact parathyroid hormone,i PTH)、血红蛋白(hemoglobulin,Hb)、血浆白蛋白(albumin,Alb)、前白蛋白(pre albumin PAB)、肱三头肌皮褶厚度(triceps skinfold thickness,TSF)和上臂中段肌肉周径(mid-arm muscle circumference,MAMC)。结果赋能教育模式后患者血钙、血磷、钙磷乘积、赋能教育模式后患者血钙(t=0.017,P=0.002)、血磷(t=0.368,P=0.005)、钙磷乘积(t=3.089,P≤0.001)、i PTH降低(t=4.216,P=0.004),Hb(t=-1.267,P=0.039)、Alb升高(t=-1.051,P=0.045),TSF升高(t=-2.546,P=0.009),MAMC有升高趋势,但差异尚无统计学意义(t=-1.056,P=0.736)。结论赋能教育模式可改善血液透析伴矿物质及骨代谢异常患者钙磷代谢及营养状态。国家自然科学基金项目(No:71403232);;厦门市科技计划项目(No:3502Z20174037