Potential Quality Problems and Countermeasures in the Expansion of Higher Education


中国的高等教育从1999年开始大扩招至今取得了巨大的发展,但同时也使生源质量下降、教学资源短缺、原有的人才培养模式与新形势不适应以及学科专业设置失衡等问题突显出来。为缓解或解决上述问题,应树立多元、多层次的人才培养质量观、调动政府、学校和社会多方的积极性加大对教育的投入、建立并完善高等教育质量保障体系等对策,来保证我国高等教育健康稳定地发展。Since the university enrollment expansion in 1999,Chinese higher education has scored tremendous achievements and,meanwhile,some problems have emerged: the declining quality of source students,insufficient teaching resources,the old talent training model that does not adapt to the new situation, and unbalanced establishment of disciplines and specialties.Therefore,in order to ensure the sound and stable development of Chinese higher education,we should set up the concept of training multi-element talents at various levels,bring into play the initiative of the government,higher learning institutions and the society to increase educational investment,and develop the higher education quality assurance system

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