202 research outputs found

    新たな教材としての電子カルテ教育システムの効果と課題 : 呼吸障害患者の看護過程の展開から

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    新見公立短期大学看護学科(以下本学)の取組『電子カルテ教育システムによる看護基礎教育』が文部科学省平成19年度『現代的教育ニーズ取組支援プログラム』(現代GP)に選定された。取り組みの背景としては、国では病院などで電子カルテの導入を推進していることがある。そこで電子カルテシステムを導入している病院において、基礎看護学実習で学生が電子カルテを活用してよかったこと及び困ったことについて明らかにし、学内で電子カルテシステムを活用した教育システムの課題と有効性を検討した。さらに現在行っている教材としての電子カルテ教育システムの取組の一端として取り組みの実際とその評価を行ったので報告する。Basic nursing education using an electronic chart-based training system, an initiative by the Department of Nursing Science, Niimi College (hereinafter called the College) was selected as a target for the 2007 Contemporary Education Needs Initiative Support Program (Contemporary GP) sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This initiative was designed in view of the Government\u27s promoting of the introduction of electronic medical charts to hospitals. Thus, at a hospital employing an electronic chart system, we identified what nursing students had found beneficial or troublesome on using electronic medical charts during the basic nursing practice, and discussed the effectiveness and future tasks of electronic chart-based training systems in the College. As part of the present initiative for electronic chart-based training systems as a training tool, we report the current status and interim evaluation of the initiative


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    2004年(平成16年)4月、本学では、将来構想委員会が「新見公立短期大学在学生アンケート(志望動向)」による在学生の受験志望動向に関する調査を行った。本報告は、その調査結果の集計をもとに、2002年度に本学で行われた「第1回学生生活実態調査」(学生生活委員会および自己点検・評価委員会による)集計と比較し、在学生の受験動向をまとめたものである。その結果、全学的に本学第一志望の学生の占める割合が増加していること、看護学科で国公立四年制大学志望者が増加していることが分かった。そして、公立・免許資格・専門職養成の三大動機が本学志望の特徴であることが明らかになった。The planning committee of Niimi College investigated the entrance examination trends of our college in April, 2004. An investigation on students\u27 life was done by the student affairs committee and the self evaluation committee in Niimi College in 2002. This report compares the two investigations, and reveals the students\u27 trends of Niimi College\u27s entrance examination. As a result of an investigation on entrance examination to Niimi College, we came to understand that the number of students who wanted to come to Niimi College as their first choice is increasing in all the departments, and that in the Department of Nursing, the number of students who wanted to go to a four-year national university is increasing. We have also clarified that there are the three major motives:1) being public, 2) providing license qualifications, and 3) being a professional training facility

    キャリア形成を促進する看護基礎教育への課題 : 短大卒業生の母校四大化への期待

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    新見公立短期大学は昭和55年度に開学し,看護学科では既に1,500人を超える卒業生を送り出してきた。また,平成16年度に1年間の保健師養成課程の地域看護学専攻科を新設した.しかし,看護学科3年間と専攻科1年間の積み上げによる過密なカリキュラムの中での教育では,現代の社会ニーズに対応できる人材育成には余裕がないのが現状である.学生の約4割が四年制大学編入や保健師・助産師養成課程への進学を希望しており,その傾向は強まっている.学生の主体性や豊かな人間性を育み,十分な専門的知識と技術とを兼ね備え,医療施設のみならず,家庭,地域,社会への幅広い視点を持った保健師・看護師の育成を図ることを目的として,四年制大学への移行を考えた.本稿では,看護基礎教育の四大化において,短大卒業生の反応や期待を調査し,卒業後のキャリア形成に寄与する基礎教育の枠組みを明確にすることを目的とした.その結果,回答した卒業生の約9割が四年制大学への移行を望んでおり,教育内容としては専門的な知識技術や人間関係能力など,人間力と看護力を備えた有意な人材の育成を期待していることがわかった.Our college was founded in 1980 and the nursing department has already turned out more than 1500 graduates. Also, one-year community health nursing course to become a health nurse was established in 2004. However, the fact is that there is not enough room to cultivate human resources that can deal with today\u27s social needs in the busy curricula of three-year nursing department and one-year community health nursing course that are built up each year. About 40% of the students want to transfer to a four-year college or go on to the training course of a health nurse or a midwife, and this tendency is increasing. The transition to a four-year college was considered for the purpose of developing students\u27 independence and rich humanity, and fostering nurses and health nurses that have a good knowledge, skill and a wide viewpoint on a household, a community and a society as well as healthcare facilities. The purpose of this study was to clarify a framework for basic education that helps to shape the career after graduation through the research on our graduates\u27 responses and expectations for the transition to a four-year college. The result shows that about 90% of the respondents hope for the transition and that, as for educational contents, they expect for the cultivation of human resources equipped with relationship skills and professional nursing knowledge and skills


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    The purpose of this research is to point out the issues to counsel the students who experience conflicting settings in clinical training. We used the measure of Moral Sensitivity Test (MST) in order to grasp the tendency of students\u27 ethical sensitivity. We have the following results. (1) Following seven categories have been extracted, namely 1) responsibility and role, 2) conflict, 3) morality view, 4) norms and criteria, 5) decision-making based on experiences, 6) respects for wills, and 7) independence as professionals. (2) In the clinical training settings, students view human relations importantly and they find conflicts in the relations. (3) Independence as professionals have not been formed yet in students in situations such as nursing for unrecoverable patients, decision-making without patients\u27 will and nursing independently based on their own experiences

    臨地実習指導者および教員のリスクマネジメント研修会の報告 : 3年間の臨地実習施設連絡会議より

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    Clinical training plays an important role in nursing education. In the clinical training, cooperation of clinical training institutions and instructors, and strengthening of mutual understanding and leadership are indispensable. In the clinical training institutions\u27 liaison conferences for the three years in 2000-2002 of the Department of Nursing, Niimi College, lectures and workshops were done under the main theme, "The Risk Management in Clinical Training." The titles of the lectures were "The View of the Risk Management in the Medical Settings" (2000), "Risk Management of the Nursing Settings" (2001), and "The View of the Risk Management in Clinical Training" (2002). The "Incident" examples inclinical training were used in the workshops


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    Students these days have been said to be short of basic life habits forming. For students who major in nursing, welfare or early childhood education, it is very important to form basic life habits because they need to support other people\u27s lives in their future careers. We have found out that comparatively many students have acquired the basic life habits in hygiene, but relatively smaller percentage of students have formed the basic life habits in protection against infecdon, and excretion. We need to consider how we can make our students acquire basic life habits


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    In the field of medicine, various measures are being conducted so as to prevent malpractice. In basic nursing education, we need to establish management systems to handle the accident cases in clinical nursing practice. In the academic year 2003, Niimi College has introduced the risk management manual for clinical nursing practice in order to handle possible accident cases. We invesdgate the trends of risk management in medical and nursing fields. We also explain the situation that we need to introduce the risk management manual and point out the things we need to improve in the future


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    The purpose of this paper is to consider further the methods of classroom instfuction for practices in nursery schools with the consideration of the availability and problems of each student\u27s individual learning task. Our previous paper argued that giving individual learning task is not enough, and that they need to feed back from their own experiences. In this paper we discuss what the students use as clues to feed back from their own experiences. We will also consider better ways to instruct for practices in nursery schools

    臨地実習における医療事故防止に向けての教育上の課題 : SHELモデルを用いたインシデントの分析から

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    We have analyzed incidents that our nursing students encountered during their practical training with the use of SHEL Model. Consequently, we were able to extract the factors of incidents that instructors and nurses tend to overlook. We have found out that lack of experience of the students is likely to lead to the incidents. We also have found out what we need to know in instructing students in practica1 training. In order to prevent the medical accidents by the students, we (instructors and nurses at the training institutions) need to not only raise the students\u27 consciousness to medical accidents but also educate and instruct with the common view points of "medical accident prevention.

    看護学生の看護ジレンマの構造と看護基礎教育における倫理教育の課題 : コールバーグ理論を基に(創刊二十五周年記念号)

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    学生が臨地実習中に体験した看護ジレンマを分析した結果、『社会人としての常識』『倫理的感性の育成』『専門職としての職業倫理』の3つの課題が明確になった。その課題を、道徳性発達モデルであるコールバーグ理論を用いて考察した。教育的課題の3つの要素は、コールバーグ理論の6段階で説明でき、教育的対応について示唆を得ることが出来た。Our analysis of the dilemmas which students faced during their practical training revealed three challenges: "common sense as a member of society," "development of ethical sense" and "professional ethics as a nurse." We considered these three challenges using Kohlberg\u27s theory of moral development model. They were explained with six stages of his theory, and we could get some suggestions about educational response