
学生が臨地実習中に体験した看護ジレンマを分析した結果、『社会人としての常識』『倫理的感性の育成』『専門職としての職業倫理』の3つの課題が明確になった。その課題を、道徳性発達モデルであるコールバーグ理論を用いて考察した。教育的課題の3つの要素は、コールバーグ理論の6段階で説明でき、教育的対応について示唆を得ることが出来た。Our analysis of the dilemmas which students faced during their practical training revealed three challenges: "common sense as a member of society," "development of ethical sense" and "professional ethics as a nurse." We considered these three challenges using Kohlberg\u27s theory of moral development model. They were explained with six stages of his theory, and we could get some suggestions about educational response

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