124 research outputs found

    Fabrication and Performance Investigation of the Fe-Ni Based High-frequency Soft-magnetic Multilayer Thin Films

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    随着电子信息技术的迅速发展,电子元器件逐渐向高频化和集成化发展,其对磁性材料的性能需求逐渐提升。目前具有高饱和磁化强度的软磁薄膜引起了学者们的广泛关注。应用于高频范围的软磁薄膜需要具备高饱和磁化强度(4πMs),高电阻率(ρ),高磁导率()以及可调控的面内磁各向异性场(Hk)等特性。NiZn-铁氧体作为一种金属氧化物不仅具有铁磁性,还有很高的电阻率。将NiZn-铁氧体作为中间绝缘层与Fe-Ni合金复合形成软磁多层膜,铁氧体可为多层膜提供一定的磁性并同时提高多层膜的电阻率,使得该多层膜体系与传统多层膜体系相比可在保持高的饱和磁化强度的同时获得较高的电阻率。此外研究没有磁性的SiO...With the development of electronic information technology, electronic components have been developed to be high-frequency and highly integrated, which needs to improve the magnetic properties of materials. Currently soft magnetic thin films with high saturation magnetization have attracted researchers' attention. The soft magnetic film applied in high frequency range is required to possess high sa...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料物理与化学学号:2072011115009

    Research of The Legal Problems of The Bank Financial Products Pledge

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    随着我国经济的快速发展,金融产品的创新不断得到加强。目前我国商业银行的理财产品发展迅速,而且种类繁多,也受到人民群众的欢迎。同时,理财产品质押贷款或者融资在当前解决客户的融资需求和理财需求方面有着重要的意义,不少商业银行也开办了此类业务。但是在现行法律框架下,理财产品质押缺乏法律依据,无法满足公示要求,司法实践中既无法对理财产品资金享受优先受偿权,也无法对抗司法机关的扣划和冻结,存在着很大的法律风险。一旦纠纷产生,银行的权益无法获得保障。因理财产品质押在法律层面上存在着缺陷,阻碍了其的业务发展,目前商业银行理财产品发展迅猛的情况与理财产品质押融资业务发展相对滞后的情况形成了强烈对比,人民群众的...Since August 2004, at the beginning of China Everbright Bank’s “Sunshine Financial Plan B”, financial products of China’s commercial banks began their rapid development of the course. Loan based on pledge of financial products has an important significance on settlement customers' financing needs and financial needs and in practice, some commercial banks have started a business based on it. But in...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201012009

    The Phonologic and Lexical Evolvements of Amoy Dialect in the Past Over 100 Years——A Study on 3 Books Written by Missionaries

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    本文主要利用英国传教士杜嘉德编写的《厦英大辞典》(1873),参考与其同时期的传教士材料《翻译英华厦腔语汇》和《英华口才集》,考察厦门方言语音系统和词汇系统一百多年来的演变。这些教会方言材料在以往的方言研究中鲜少使用。 19世纪下半叶,厦门方言处于纵横两向发展的交汇处,一方面经历方言自身演变,一方面方言因与他方言(语言)接触而相互影响。我们选取这一时代的厦门方言材料与现代厦门方言进行比较研究,试图考察方言语音系统演变与词汇发展的关系,分析影响词汇系统变化的内外因素。 本文共6章。开篇主要介绍本课题的研究意义和所采用的理论依据、材料和方法。 第二章从音系、字音、词音三个方面考察百年来厦门方...This dissertation focuses on the phonologic and lexical evolvements of Amoy dialect in the past over 100 years. In the late 19th century, Amoy dialect experienced both diachronic evolvements and language contacts. The dissertation attempts to outline the relationship between phonologic evolvements and lexical developments, and find out factors affecting the lexical evolvements in Amoy dialect. ...学位:文学博士院系专业:人文学院中文系_汉语言文字学学号:B20040101


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    The Difference of Luminous Performance Between Traditional Phosphor Packaging LED and Remote Phosphor LED

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    研究了传统白光lEd与蓝光激发的球冠形远程荧光粉白光lEd在不同电流、不同热沉温度下的发光性能,并对其机理差异展开了探讨。实验结果表明:随热沉温度和驱动电流的上升,传统白光lEd的量子效率和电光转换效率急剧下降,并导致其y/b比(yEllOW/bluE rATIO)下降,相关色温上升。而在远程荧光粉白光lEd中,其量子效率、光转换效率和相关色温在相同实验条件下变化幅度都较小。由光强空间分布和y/b比空间分布可知,远程荧光粉白光lEd的光强分布呈类似蝠翼分布,且y/b比空间均匀性远大于传统白光lEd。Under different drive current and heat sink temperature,luminous performances as well as physical mechanisms were studied for both traditional phosphor-dispensing packaging white LED and blue light-converting hemisphere remote phosphor LEDs.With the increase of the heat sink temperature and the drive currents,the quantum efficiency and light conversion efficiency in the traditional phosphor-dispensing packaging white LED drop rapidly,which is responsible for the decrease of Y/B ratio(Yellow/Blue Ratio) and the apparent increase of CCT(correlated color temperature).However,the parameters of quantum efficiency,light conversion efficiency and CCT in blue light-converting hemisphere remote-phosphor packaging LEDs have little change under the same experimental conditions.In addition,the remote phosphor LEDs exhibit a batwing spatial luminous intensity distribution and the spatial Y/B ratio distribution is much more homogeneous compared with the traditional phosphor-dispensing packaging white LED.国家自然科学基金(11104230;61102030); 福建省产学研重大科技项目(2011H6025;2013H6024); 福建省重点科技项目(2012H0039)资