163 research outputs found

    Study on the construction of environmental education system in Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve

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    环境教育是红树林自然保护区主要的功能之一,一些发达国家或者红树林保护开展较早的国家都在红树林湿地环境教育方面取得了很好的效果。在我国,从20世纪80年代中期以来,各省红树林自然保护区的环境教育已开展并取得了一定的成效,积累了一定的经验,对于红树林湿地知识的普及、环境保护意识的提高起到了重要的作用。随着红树林自然保护区的发展以及公众生态保护意识的提高,红树林自然保护区中的环境教育价值正在被社会广泛认可。 福田红树林自然保护区是以保护、研究、教育为目的而规划、建设和管理的特定区域,主要保护对象是深圳市福田红树林湿地生态系统以及依赖红树林生活的珍稀濒危动物。近年来,福田红树林自然保护区的环境教育从...Environmental education is one of the main features of mangrove nature reserves. Developed countries or regions with mangrove protection experience have achieved good results in using mangrove wetland for environment education. Since mid 1980s, mangrove nature reserves in many provinces of China have carried out environmental education activities and have achieved certain results. These experience...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境管理学号:2262006115240


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    CLSI EP15-A3在临床生化正确度验证中的应用

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    目的探讨美国临床和实验室标准化协会(CLSI)EP15-A3文件在正确度验证中的应用价值。方法按照EP15-A3文件5×5实验设计方案,用IFCC提供的Rela A(水平1)和Rela B(水平2)样品、美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)909C参考物质分别验证肌酐(Cr)、尿素(Urea)、尿酸(UA)、总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、葡萄糖(Glu)的正确度。每个样品每天1批,每批重复5次,共5 d,每个样品获得25个数据。用Grubbs’法计算离群值,单因素方差分析(ANOVA)计算用户的批内不精密度(SR)和实验室内不精密度(SWL),基于SR和SWL计算结果的均值及其标准差,计算靶值(TV)及其标准误差,最后计算出TV的确认区间(VI),观察各指标检测均值是否在VI内,如通过则用户证明了候选方法的偏差可接受;若不通过则计算均值和TV的相对偏差,观察该相对偏差是否小于用户定义的可接受范围(<1/2 TEa),若是则证明候选方法的偏差可接受。否则,需查找原因或与厂家联系。结果6个生化项目的测定结果均通过Grubbs’法离群值检查,各项目无离群值。该次验证实验中,除NIST 909C参考物质样品Urea、TC,Rela样品Cr水平2均值不在VI内,但相对偏差均小于1/2 TEa外,其他均值都在VI内。结论用EP15-A3文件进行验证的6个生化项目的正确度均符合临床要求。国家自然科学基金(81572088);;“十二五”国家科技支撑计划(2013BAI02B04,2012BAI37B01);;广东省中医院拔尖人才项目(2014-47);广东省中医院综合标准化示范项目(YN2015BZ10

    To Study Medical Service Recovery with Structural-Equation Model

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    本文以医疗服务失误中的严重性和归因、服务补救中的结果公平和过程公平四个维度作为操作变量,以360名大学生和公司职员为研究对象,采用情景模拟法设计医院服务中12种不同的失误情景和补救情景,通过建立结构方程模型研究各维度对患者满意度、信任度和忠诚度的影响。In this study the severity and the attribution of service failure and the distributive fair and the procedural interactive fair of service recovery were choose as four operating variables.Then,360 undergraduate and corporation staff acted as study objects,and 12 units of scenarios of failures and recoveries about hospital service were designed.Finally,by using structural-equation model the impact of the different dimensions on patient satisfaction,trust and loyalty were investigated.中国博士后科学基金(2005038171


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    文章提出了一种表面增强拉曼光谱的检波算法.该算法基于选择性学习和3种经典检波算法,构建了一个组合波峰检测器.结果表明,与传统算法相比,针对波峰提取,作者的算法有更好的正确率和检出...National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61472333,61772441,61472335);; Project of marine economic innovation and development in Xiamen(No.16PFW034SF02);; Natural Science Foundation of the Higher Education Institutions of Fujian Province(No...

    Food source and feeding habit of Helice tientsinensis from the common reed vegetation in high marsh of Yellow River Delta,China

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    Investigating the composition of food sources with stable isotope method can provide direct evidence for the top-down control in the coastal wetland.In this study,we examined food source and feeding habit of Helice tientsinensis of common reed (Phragmites australis) vegetation in high marsh of Yellow River Delta.The results showed that the density of crab was (5.5 1.5) ind&middot;m~(-2),with the behavior of climbing P.australis to feed on the leaves at night.Under the same indoor experimental condition,H.tientsinensis showed feeding preference on fresh leaves of P.australis.The stable isotope food source analysis showed that the leaves of P.australis were one of the important food sources of H.tientsinensis in the field.There were temporal variations in the proportion of fresh leaves [May:(6.44.9) %,July:(5.84.9) %,September:(12.58.8) %] and dead leaves [May:(12.47.8) %,July:(15.59.9) %,September:(15.19.4) %].Therefore,H.tientsinensis could inhibit P.australis&#39;s growth and affect litter decomposition through feeding disturbance behavior.</p

    Seasonal and spatial variation of phytoplankton and relationship with water-quality factors in Futian Mangroves of Shenzhen

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    在探讨深圳福田红树林区浮游植物群落结构及种群数量变化规律的基础上,对红树林区不同水质环境中浮游植物时空变化进行了研究,初步分析主要水质因子与浮游植物密度时空变化的相关关系。分析表明,福田红树林区浮游植物有5门28属51种(含未知9种),以硅藻门种类为主,优势种为微小小环藻(Cyclotella caspia)和诺氏海链藻(Thalassiosira nordenskildi)等,蓝藻、绿藻能发展成为优势类群,优势种为小颤藻(Oscillatoria minima)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)等。浮游植物种类组成季节变化明显,空间变化显著。浮游植物密度空间变化明显,季节差异不大。各季度的浮游植物密度较高,达到106cells·L-1的级别。由于接纳生活污水、工业废水、养殖废水等陆源污水,5个站位的主要水质因子受污水排放影响明显,站位受陆源污水影响的顺序依次为:Ⅳ>Ⅱ>Ⅴ>Ⅰ>Ⅲ,污水排放进入红树林区的水域水质显著区别于完全海水水域。陆源污水输入对浮游植物密度时空变化造成显著影响,浮游植物密度与总氮浓度、盐度相关性较好,与总氮成显著负相关,与盐度成显著正相关。Phytoplankton community were studied at 5 sites in Futian Mangrove Reserves of Shenzhen from Oct. 2005 to Sep. 2006. The species composition, densities and distribution of phytoplankton, in seasonal and spatial scale, were studied. Main water-quality factors were preliminary examined for their relations to phytoplankton densities. As result a total of 51 taxa (including 1 variety and 9 unidentified taxa) belonging to 28 genera in 5 phyta were identified. It showed that diatoms, such as Cyclotella caspia and Thalassiosira nordenski?ldi dominated in 4 seasons in most sites. Among the others, species of Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta, such as Oscillatoria minima and Chlorella vulgaris, only dominated at a few sites. In contrast to a remarkable seasonal and spatial variation of species compositions, the phytoplankton densities changes little in season though they alternated with sites in spatial. Phytoplankton density was high reaching 106 cells?L-1 in 4 seasons. Water qualities changed with seasons in 5 sites due to the influence of domestic and industrial wastewater. The sites contaminated by the sewage are in sequence of Ⅳ >Ⅱ >Ⅴ >Ⅰ >Ⅲ, the pollution made water quality quite different with that of seawater in the open sea. Correlations of phytoplankton density with total nitrogen and salinity were found. It showed that the phytoplankton density changed positively with salinity but negatively with the total nitrogen.中国近海海洋综合调查与评价项目908-01-ST06和908-02-03-0

    Seedling emergence and dispersal pattern of the introduced Sonneratia caseolaris in Shenzhen Bay, China

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    海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)是我国华南沿海主要红树林造林树种,在深圳湾引种造林15年后,在天然红树林和光滩中出现了大面积的扩散。为了研究深圳湾红树植物海桑的幼苗扩散及其与生态因子的关系,作者采用样线和样方调查法于2006年9月至2007年9月对深圳福田红树林内天然扩散的海桑幼苗的密度、高度和盖度及其相关生态因子(包括种间竞争、群落类型、光照、扩散距离与滩面高程)进行了6次调查。天然红树林和人工海桑林林下海桑幼苗密度在调查初期分别为24.7棵/m2和19.7棵/m2,到2007年9月林下的一年生海桑幼苗全部死亡,说明林下的弱光生境显著抑制了海桑幼苗的早期生长和自然更新。不同林型下(包括天然白骨壤林和秋茄林、人工海桑林)的海桑幼苗的密度、高度、盖度差异不显著(P>0.05);而林中空地各指标显著高于林下(P0.05),而人工海桑林林下的海桑幼苗密度与光照强度呈显著正相关,且相关系数逐次增大,说明海桑幼苗的早期生长受到光照强度的影响极为显著。因此,深圳湾引种海桑的繁殖体在天然白骨壤林和秋茄林下的扩散主要受与母树距离的影响,但在海桑人工林下光照强度是影响幼苗分布的最重要生态因子。Due to its rapid growth, Sonneratia caseolaris, a mangrove species indigenous to Hainan, was introduced to Shenzhen Bay, Guangdong for afforestation purpose during the early 1990s. The seedling emergence, early growth and dispersal pattern of S. caseolaris and their responses to environmental factors have not been well studied in the new habitat. In this study, we evaluated the density, height and coverage of S. caseolaris seedlings underneath the canopies of various mangrove forests (including both natural Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina communities and introduced S. caseolaris communities) and on the mudflats without canopy, in Futian Mangroves Natural Reserve of Shenzhen Bay from September 2006 to September 2007. Line intercept and square intercept methods were used in the survey. Tidal elevation, light intensity, community types and the distance between the sample squares and the nearest adult S. caseolaris were also recorded. The mean densities of S. caseolaris seedlings under the canopies of both the introduced and natural mangrove forests decreased from September 2006 (24.7 seedlings per m2 and 19.7 seedlings per m2 , respectively) to September 2007 (no seedlings survived). No significant differences were found in the seedling density, height or coverage of S. caseolaris among different mangrove communities. However, the density, height and coverage of S. caseolaris seedlings were significantly higher on the mudflats without canopy than under the mangrove canopies, indicating that higher light intensity in on the mudflats without canopy promoted the dispersal and vertical growth of S. caseolaris seedlings. Although the optimal tidal elevation for S. caseolaris seedlings in Shenzhen Bay was between 1.40 m and 1.60 m, an area that falls within the mid-to-high intertidal zones, seedling density and tidal elevation were weakly correlated. The seedling density under the native mangrove canopies was negatively related to dispersal distance. However seedling density were positively correlated with light intensity(P<0.05), and the correlation coefficients for the introduced S. caseolaris forest increased through time with successive surveys. In contrast, there was no significant correlation founded between seedling density and light intensity under native mangrove canopies. We concluded that distance to mother tree was the most important factor determining S. caseolaris seedling density under native mangrove canopies, whereas the light intensity was the most important environmental factor for controlling seedling dispersal pattern under the canopy of the introduced S. caseolaris forest.中国科学院“百人计划”资助项目;; 国家自然科学基金(30700092);; 中国博士后科学基金(20060400529

    Effect of Salinity Stress on the Activities of ATPase and Phosphatase in the Mud Crab(Scylla serrata)

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    采用酶学分析的方法研究了盐度(分别为5、15、25、35)胁迫下锯缘青蟹鳃、肌肉和肝胰腺中腺苷三磷酸酶和磷酸酶活性变化。结果表明,随着盐度降低,青蟹鳃中Na+,K+-ATPase、Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase活性均升高,随着胁迫时间延长,Na+,K+-ATPase活性呈现不同的变化规律,且趋于平缓。青蟹肌肉中ACP活性随着盐度的升高而呈小幅度下降,而肝胰腺中ACP活性则呈小幅度升高,但各组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。不同胁迫时间同一盐度组青蟹肌肉中的ACP活性有升有降。青蟹肌肉、肝胰腺中AKP活性随着盐度升高而升高;随着胁迫时间延长,同一盐度组青蟹肌肉中AKP活性均呈升高趋势,肝胰腺中AKP活性有升有降。由此可见,盐度对青蟹生理生化影响显著。The mud crab(Scylla serrata) is a kind of important marine culture species in China.Salinity is one of the most important environmental factors which relates closely with the development of S.serrata.The activities of ATPase and phosphatase in gill,muscle and hepatopancreas of S.serrata were determined under different salinities(5,15,25,35) for understanding its physiological-biochemical response to salinity stress.The results showed that the effects of salinity stress on Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the gill of S.serrata were significant(P0.05).The AKP activities in both muscle and hepatopancreas increased with the salinity increasing,and increased with the time duration in the same treatment.Both ACP and AKP activities in hepatopancreas were higher than those in muscle.The changes of AKP activities in hepatopancreas and muscle seemed to be related with Na+,K+-ATPase activities changing in gill under different salinities.These results suggested that the physiological-biochemical response of S.serrata to salinity stress was significant,which could offer some theoretic basis for water quality management of mud crab aquaculture.厦门大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目“锯缘青蟹营养需求及其免疫营养研究”;; 江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点建设实验室项目(JLCBE05007

    Effect of rich organic matter on Paraprionospio pinnata (Polychaeta:Spionidae) on Futian tidal flat in Shenzhen Bay

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    根据1999年1月至2002年10月在深圳湾福田潮滩A、D、E三个断面获得的大型底栖动物奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospiopinnata)和有机质数据,分析了深圳湾福田潮滩奇异稚齿虫对有机质含量的效应特征。结果表明,深圳湾福田潮滩奇异稚齿虫有明显的季节变化,即3、4月密度高,形成全年的高峰期,9、10月密度低,形成全年低谷期。奇异稚齿虫密度随着有机质含量的增加逐渐降低,前者密度和生物量大小是:A>D>E,而有机质大小也是:AD>E.The distribution of organic matter content is also A<D<E.There is negative correlation between density of P.pinnata and organic matter content.The higher organic matter is,the lower density and biomass of P.pinnata are