81 research outputs found


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    Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using eggplant cv. 'Hsiao-Tan','KSA22','Akanasu' and 'VF(F1)' as rootstocks were grown in autumn and spring crop, and cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' in summer crop. Yield was not increased on grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using four eggplant rootstock in autumn crop. Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using 'Hsiao-Tan' and 'VF(F1)' had higher yield than ungrafted tomato, but not reached significant level in spring crop. Result showed survival rate of grafted tomato cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' were over than 88.3%, and their rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were also increased in summer crop. However, low rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were observed in both grafted and ungrafted tomato. The grafted tomato cv. 'Red Crown' and 'Tainan-AVRDC 6' using eggplant 'EG203' on field trial in summer crop, 2001.秋作番茄嫁接四種茄子砧木對大果番茄'農友 301'無增產效果;春作以'小丹茄'及'VF(F1)'為砧木時,產量雖較未嫁接株稍高,但增產效果不顯著。夏作結果顯示,'小丹茄'、'KSA22'、'赤茄'及'VF(F1)'等四種茄子嫁接'台中亞蔬4號'大果番茄之田間存活率達88.3以上,也顯著提高著果率、小區產量、採收果數及果重;嫁接與未嫁接株均呈著果率及產量低,採收果數少、果實小。90年夏季以'VF(F1)'為砧木,與現行推廣茄子'EG203'砧木相比較,證明目前番茄栽培使用茄子'EG203'砧木對'紅冠'及小果番茄'台南亞蔬6號'均增具增產效果,且'VF(F1)'優於'EG203'砧木


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    In bag culture of tomato, the stem diameter, plant dry weight and 8 plants with 3 cultures of fruit per bag was less than those of 6 plants with 3 clusters of fruit and 6 plants with 6 clusters of fruit. Th eplant height and the first to third in florescence were significant increased. But it did not affect the position of inflorescence node. There was no significant difference on days to first flower, number of flowers per cluster, and early yield when plant density was increased to 8 plants per bag. Eight plants with 3 clusters of fruits per bag showed smaller single fruit weight, but the ratio of large and medium size fruit was over 80% that was not significantly different compared to control. The control had the highest yield per plant, followed by 3 clusters 6 plants per bag and 3clusters of 8 plants per bag was the lowest. In comparison of harvesting first 3 clusters per plant per bag, the 8 plants had higher yield, early yield and total fruit number than the 6 plants. The soluble solid in fruit was decreased in 8 plants per bag.'花蓮亞蔬五號'番茄袋植每袋種八株收三花序果實之莖徑、植株乾重與鮮重低於種六株收三花序果實及對照組六植株採收六花序果實者,其株高明顯徒長,第一~三花序著果高度提高,但著果節位並無顯著差異。栽培密度提高至八株者對始花日、開花數影響不顯著,每袋種八株者之單果重比六株者小,大果與中果佔80%以上,與對照組間無明顯差異。單株產量以對照組產量最高,其次為每袋種六株留三花序,而每袋種八株者最低。比較三段花序果實之每袋產量、單位面積產量與每袋果實數以種八株者比種六株者高,果實可溶性固形物則較低


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    Pak-choi cv. 'Dai Tokyo' were sown in 72, 128 and 288-cell plug tray to study the cell sizes effects on seedling growth. Results indicated that, no significant difference on the fresh weigh, dry weight, leaf number, leaf area and root length among different cell sizes at early stages, However, the difference among treatments increased and became significant after 12 days of sowing. Seedlings in 72-cell plugs showed the best growth. The root/shoot ratios was found higher on seedlings in 288-cell plugs than those in 72-cell and 128 cells. The relative growth rates of roots and shoot were also found higher at early growth stage and decreased as seedling ages increased. Both the seedlings in 72 and 128-cell plug had the similar trends in plastchron index values, but that of the seedlings in 288-cell plugs was significantly lower.本試驗探討'大東京'小白菜於72、128及288格三種穴盤育苗對幼苗生育之影響,結果顯示小白菜幼苗之單株鮮重、乾重、本葉數、葉面積、葉長、根鮮重、乾重及根長等皆與穴格容積成正相關,且與播種後天數呈二次回歸正相關。播種後9-12天,在不同穴盤間並無顯著差異,隨著播種後天數增加,差異逐漸加大,以在72格穴盤有最佳生育,Plastochron Index(PI)值在72及128穴格趨勢相似,而288穴格為最低。'大東京'小白菜之地下部/地上部比以288穴格者較72及128穴格者高。地上部及根部鮮重之相對生長速率,在播種後初期成最高值,隨播種後天數增加相對生長速率逐漸降低。288穴格苗株在播種後21天之相對生長速率較72及128穴格者小,其後差異減少不顯著


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    本研究以'花蓮亞蔬五號'番茄為材料,調查不同水溫、植株部位、冷水灌溉時間對番茄苗矮化效果及其品質之影響,其目的為建立冷水灌溉矮化番茄苗之系統,以作為種苗產業之應用的參考依據,並作為深入研究矮化苗之基礎資訊。試驗結果顯示當灌溉水溫較室溫水愈低(5°C)或愈高(65°C)均可抑制番茄苗莖伸長,以冷水處理(5°C)能獲得較高莖硬度(g/mm)及壯苗指數(seedhng index;地上部乾物重/株高比值)之番茄苗。冷水處理主要抑制番茄苗之部位為第一節間莖長。冷水灌溉時間於每日清晨(8:00)進行較中午(13:00)及下午(16:00)能夠獲得更矮之植株;每日植株最大生長速率為夜晚至清晨期間。冷水處理四週後,矮化植株的效果最佳,且冷水處理之溫度愈低或處理持續時間愈長,矮化植株效果愈明顯。冷水澆施至栽培介質內,介質土溫能夠在60-90秒內降至最低點,土溫回復至正常溫度約需60分鐘;葉溫鞍上溫變化程度大且葉片回溫時間較介質為短。綜合上述結果顯示5°C冷水灌溉能夠有效的矮化番茄苗及提升種苗品質,可作為種苗產業之參考及應用。In this study,‘Hwalien Yasu No.5'tomato was used to study the effects of different temperatures of irrigation water, parts of plant, timing of irrigation on the shortening and quality of plg-seedling. The purposes of this study were to establish the cold-water irrigation system for plug-seedlings production, and to provide the basic knowledge of shortening seedling for advanced study. The results indicated that shortest seedling was found in the seeding irrigated with the lowest (5∘C) or highest (65∘C) water temperature.However, highest stem strength and seedling index was only found in the seedling irrigated with the 5∘C water. Decrease in the length of first internode was primary responsible for the shortening seedling by cold-water irrigation.Irrigation of cold water at the morning (8:00) or evening (16:00) showed the best results in shortening seedling. After the cold water irrigation, the soil temperature drop to minimum within 60 to 90 sec, and recovered to the room temperature after 60 min. Longer period of cold-water irrigation and lower the cold-water temperature resulted shorter the seedlings. In conclusion, cold-water irrigation system for plug-seedlings production could apply in the commercial usages


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    將供試葉菜蔬菜播種於72、128及288格穴盤,分別調查不同生育期間及定植後地上部之葉面積、葉數、鮮重、乾重及地下部之根長、鮮重、乾重等性狀,建立穴格幼苗移植田間後可獲得最快生育之苗齡與條件.The project is to study the influence of plug size on seedling growth and quality of leafy vegetable. Seeds of leafy vegetable are sown on 72、128 and 288 cells of plug tray as well as the 4-cell unit in 128 plug tray. Seedling vigor and horticultural traits are investigated to establish the best seedling stage with various cell size. The expect result is to obtain the most suitable age of transplants for shortening the growing time in field production which enable farmer of growing chemical-free vegetables and increase the efficiency in land use

    Level of Water in Relation to Quality and Growth of Seedling of Important Vegetable during Handling and Transportion Period

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    介質添加親水性聚合物後在育苗期間水分及養 分之管理,可以控制幼苗生長,而獲得葉面積大,株 矮及莖硬之幼苗,並防止幼苗在貯運時品質之劣 變與提高定植後植株之成活率及生育情形.瞭解 育苗期間介質之保水能力及不同養分濃度,對甜 椒和甘藍穴盤苗之生育情形.可以發揮親水性聚 合物之特質並提高及維持穴盤苗之品質