

將供試葉菜蔬菜播種於72、128及288格穴盤,分別調查不同生育期間及定植後地上部之葉面積、葉數、鮮重、乾重及地下部之根長、鮮重、乾重等性狀,建立穴格幼苗移植田間後可獲得最快生育之苗齡與條件.The project is to study the influence of plug size on seedling growth and quality of leafy vegetable. Seeds of leafy vegetable are sown on 72、128 and 288 cells of plug tray as well as the 4-cell unit in 128 plug tray. Seedling vigor and horticultural traits are investigated to establish the best seedling stage with various cell size. The expect result is to obtain the most suitable age of transplants for shortening the growing time in field production which enable farmer of growing chemical-free vegetables and increase the efficiency in land use

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