


Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using eggplant cv. 'Hsiao-Tan','KSA22','Akanasu' and 'VF(F1)' as rootstocks were grown in autumn and spring crop, and cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' in summer crop. Yield was not increased on grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using four eggplant rootstock in autumn crop. Grafted tomato cv. 'Known-You 301' using 'Hsiao-Tan' and 'VF(F1)' had higher yield than ungrafted tomato, but not reached significant level in spring crop. Result showed survival rate of grafted tomato cv. 'Taichung-AVRDC 4' were over than 88.3%, and their rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were also increased in summer crop. However, low rate of fruit setting, single fruit weight, number of harvested fruits and plot yield were observed in both grafted and ungrafted tomato. The grafted tomato cv. 'Red Crown' and 'Tainan-AVRDC 6' using eggplant 'EG203' on field trial in summer crop, 2001.秋作番茄嫁接四種茄子砧木對大果番茄'農友 301'無增產效果;春作以'小丹茄'及'VF(F1)'為砧木時,產量雖較未嫁接株稍高,但增產效果不顯著。夏作結果顯示,'小丹茄'、'KSA22'、'赤茄'及'VF(F1)'等四種茄子嫁接'台中亞蔬4號'大果番茄之田間存活率達88.3以上,也顯著提高著果率、小區產量、採收果數及果重;嫁接與未嫁接株均呈著果率及產量低,採收果數少、果實小。90年夏季以'VF(F1)'為砧木,與現行推廣茄子'EG203'砧木相比較,證明目前番茄栽培使用茄子'EG203'砧木對'紅冠'及小果番茄'台南亞蔬6號'均增具增產效果,且'VF(F1)'優於'EG203'砧木

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