27 research outputs found


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    国家发展和管理民办高等教育,主要是通过制定和实施民办高等教育政策来实现的,国家的态度对民办高等教育的存在与发展至关重要。对我国民办高等教育政策这一问题进行较为深入的探讨和分析,有利于明确国家对发展民办高等教育的责任,揭示民办高等教育发展的特殊需要,总结政府制定民办高等教育政策的得与失,为实现民办高等教育决策的科学化,为丰富高等教育理论和教育政策研究作出贡献。 本论文共分为三章,第一章是引论,内容包括问题的提出、相关概念的界定、研究的意义及现状、研究的基本思路及方法。第二章是本论文的核心部分:我国当前若干民办高等教育政策的现状及问题分析。这部分共分为四个专题:民办高等教育的发展政策、民办高等教...The Government develops and manages private higher education mainly through stipulation and implementation of private higher education, so the attitude of the government is critical to the existence and development of private higher education. Further exploration of private higher education policy issues helps to identify government obligations to the development of private higher education, revea...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:高等教育科学研究所_高等教育学学号:19981700


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    西方对亚洲国家高等教育发展的影响是巨大而又深刻的 ,这既是历史发展的结果 ,也是亚洲高等教育现实的反映。西方对亚洲高等教育发展的影响可分为殖民地和二战后两个时期 ,主要表现在高等教育模式、教学语言、课程设置等方面。如今 ,如何处理西方影响与本土需要之间的关系成为亚洲各国发展高等教育非常重要的一个问


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    Comparison of the Private-run Higher Education Policies of the Four Countries in South-east Asia

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    东南亚国家的私立高等教育政策基本上反映了当今世界各国对私立高等教育的态度和认识。我国在国情上与东南亚国家有相似之处。比较东南亚国家的私立高等教育政策 ,吸取其经验和教训 ,国家应进一步大力支持和鼓励民办高等教育发展 ;应尽快为民办高等教育立法 ;应对民办高校给予资助 ;应加强对民办高等教育质量的监控。The private run higher education policies of the four countries in South east Asia basically reflect the attitude and understanding of various countries of the world to the private run higher education policies. The state condition of our country is basically similar to that of the four countries in the South east Asia. In comparison our private run higher education policies with that of theirs and absorbing their cream, it is necessary for our country to vigorously support and encourage the development of civilian run higher education, make laws for civilian run higher education as soon as possible, help civilian run colleges and universities with fund and strengthen supervisory control to the quality of civilian run higher education


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    Exploration of Private Higher Education Policy in the Period of the Republic of China

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    中国近代意义上的私立高等教育发轫于清朝末年,但其正式确立和获得发 展则是在民国时期。当时的政府对私人兴办高等教育采取鼓励和支持的政 策功不可没。当前我国民办高等教育正处于发展时期,借鉴历史经验教训, 制定发展民办高等教育的政策,积极鼓励和大力支持,建立健全各项法规 制度,加强宏观管理并给民办高校部分经费资助。The private higher education in the modern meaning in China was started in the late period of the Qing dynasty and its formal establishment and development were in the period of the Republic of China. The policy that the government then encouraged and sup- ported it can not be left unrecognized. Nowadays, the civilian-run higher education is in the developing period, it is valuable to draw the experience from the history, make the policy for the development of civilian-run higher education, actively encourage and support it, estab- lish and amplify various rules and regulations for it, strengthen marcroscopic management of it and help civilian-run colleges and universities with partial funds

    Trial Remark on Several Questions about Sustaining Development Faced by Our Country's Civilian-run Higher Education—Concurrent talk on the feel from the investigation of the seven civilian-run colleges and universities in Beijing City

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    我国民办高等教育从恢复到现在已经20多年,成绩斐然。在民办高等教育蓬勃发展的同时,还存在一些制约民办高等教育进一步发展的障碍,如能否投资办学、如何实现公平竞争、怎样合理定位等等。这些问题如果不能得到很好的解决,将严重影响到我国民办高等教育的持续、健康发展。Our country's civilian-run higher education has experienced more than 20 years since it was resumed and has obtained good results in this period;meanwhile,there exist some obstructs that limit its further development,such as can schools be run by investment?How can they fairly compete and be located? If such questions cannot be well solved,the sustained and healthy development of our country's higher education will be seriously effected

    Analysis of the Present Conditions and Questions Concerning the Education Funds Policy for the Civilian-run Higher Education of our Country

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    经费是我国民办高等教育发展的一个重要问题,是关系到民办高校生存的基本前提。我国民办高教的经费政策主要包括经费的来源和管理使用两个方面的内容。如今,正确理解"不得以营利为目的",给予民办高校资助和允许民办高校根据培养成本自定收费标准已成为民办高校经费政策的核心问题。The funds are an important question for the development of our country's civilianrun higher education. The main policy concerned includes their source and management. Now, it has been a core question for the policy concerning the funds of civilianrun colleges and universities to correctly understand: "don't take making interest as the purpose"; giving civilianrun colleges and universities aid financially and permitting them to make the standard for collecting fee according to the real cost


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