24 research outputs found

    A Research on the Limitation of Trans-category Protection of Well-known Trademark in China

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    为更好地保护商标权利人的合法私益,促进市场经济的发展,我国顺应国际知识产权保护趋势确立了驰名商标跨类保护制度。大量与驰名商标跨类保护相关的司法实践表明,相关立法缺陷造成该制度的滥用,须对驰名商标的扩大保护进行合理规制。本文以合理限制驰名商标跨类保护为核心,围绕侵权判定标准的统一和跨类保护范围的限定两大问题,结合法理和案例分析驰名商标跨类保护的限制性因素,最后总结出合理限制驰名商标跨类保护的若干建议。全文从理论和实践两个角度探讨驰名商标跨类保护限制的必要性、正当性和可行性,旨在为司法实践中合理限制驰名商标跨类保护提供一个较为切实可行的操作指南,同时也对相关立法具有一定参考价值,以解决当前我国驰名...In order to better protect the trademark owner's legitimate interests and promote the development of market economy, China has established the system of trans-category protection of well-known trademark to conform to the trend of international intellectual property rights protection. A lot of relevant judicial practices show that related legislative defects have caused abuse of the system, expansi...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法律硕士教育中心_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302011115031

    A New Filter Algorithm for Random Valued Impulse Noise

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    文章详细分析了随机值脉冲噪声污染图像的局部灰度统计特征,定义了一种噪声可信度的估计函数—灰度等级共现几率,并在此基础上提出了共现几率极小的中值滤波算法。算法模拟生物视觉在注视过程中的变分辨率特性,以不同分辨率对噪声进行多层次的定位及滤波。实验结果表明,该文算法可以有效地滤除噪声,并较好地保留图像的边缘细节信息,其滤波效果比其它算法更接近理想的中值滤波,尤其是对于噪声高度污染的情况。The locally statistical characters of the random valued impulse noise image are studied in detail.And the gray-levels occurrence probability is defined to measure the noise reliability of the image pixels.Then a nonlinear algorithm called Minimum Occurrence Probability Median(MOPM) filter is presented to remove the random valued impulsenoise from grayscale images.The presented algorithm performs noise detection and filtering at multiple resolutions based on the biological concept of foveal vision.Computer simulation results show that the presented algorithm outperforms the other filtering algorithms in the aspects of filtering ability,adaptability and details preserving ability,which is very close to the ideal median filter,especially for highly corrupted images.国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:60371044

    Proliferative and Chondrogenic Potential of Peripheral Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Demineralized Cancellous Bone Scaffolds

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    目的:研究外周血来源的间充质干细胞(PBMSCs)在3D多孔支架中的生物学行为。方法:将兔PBMSCs接种到猪脱矿松质骨(DCB)支架中,并以骨髓间充质干细胞(BMMSCs)以及关节软骨细胞(ACCs)进行对照,通过扫描电镜观察3D环境中的细胞形态和分布;通过Live/Dead染色检测细胞活性,Hoechst33258法检测DNA含量,二甲基亚甲基蓝(DMMB)法检测糖胺聚糖(GAG)含量,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和免疫荧光法检测二型胶原(COL 2)表达、RT-PCR法定量分析软骨分化相关基因的表达。结果:扫描电镜(SEM)观察显示3种细胞在支架中均匀贴附,Live/Dead染色显示接种3天后3种细胞存活率相似(P〉0.05),7天后3种细胞增殖能力以及DNA含量无明显差异(P〉0.05)。PBMSCs和BMMSCs均较ACCs分泌更多GAG,但COL 2分泌量相似。此外,PBMSCs和BMMSCs的聚集蛋白聚糖(AGC),COL 2和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)等基因表达均明显上调(P〈0.05);而ACCs组这些基因的表达显著下调(P〈0.05)。MSCs组的COL 1表达趋于增加,而ACCs组中的表达趋于减少(P〉0.05)。在成软骨诱导21天时,PBMSCs和BMMSCs的COL 2和ALP表达较ACCs升高(P〈0.05),AGC和COL 1表达与ACCs相比无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论:外周血来源的间充质干细胞在异种脱矿松质骨支架中具有与骨髓间充质干细胞相似的良好的增殖和成软骨能力,但体外培养条件下依然存在肥大软骨细胞基因表达的现象,需要对培养条件进一步优化。Objective To study the biological behavior of peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells(PBMSCs) in 3 D composite scaffolds. Methods The proliferation and chondrogenesis of rabbit PBMSCsseeded on porcine cancellous bone(DCB) scaffolds were evaluated,and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMMSCs) and articular chondrocytes(ACCs) were used as controls. Cell morphology anddistribution in scaffolds were observed using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Live/Dead stainingwas employed to detect cell viability,Hoechst 33258 method to measure DNA content,dimethylmeth-ylene blue(DMMB) assay to detect glycosaminoglycan(GAG),enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and immunofluorescence to detect the content of type 2 collagen(COL 2),and RT-PCR toanalyze chondrogenesis-related gene expression. Results SEM showed that three kinds of cells uniformlyadhered and evenly distributed in DCB scaffolds. Live/Dead staining observed the similar viability ofthe three kinds of cells three days after seeding(P〈0.05). There was no significant difference in theproliferation ability and DNA content among three kinds of cells after seven days of in vitro culture.After 21 days of chondrogenic culture,both PBMSCs and BMMSCs secreted more GAGs than ACCs,while the secretion of COL 2 was similar to that of ACCs. Moreover,the gene expression of AGC,COL2 and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) were significantly up-regulated(P〈0.05) in PBMSCs and BMMSCsbut significantly down-regulated in ACCs(P〈0.05). The expression of COL 1 in MSCs groups dis-played an increasing trend but a decreasing trend in ACCs group(P〈0.05). The gene expression ofCOL 2 and ALP,but not of AGC and COL 1,in PBMSCs and BMMSCs was higher than those inACCs(P〈0.05). Conclusions PBMSCs and BMMSCs have similarly excellent proliferation and chondro-genesis potential in 3 D porous DCB scaffolds. However,hypertrophic gene expression is still observedunder in vitro culturing condition,suggesting the need to further optimize the cu国家自然科学基金面上项目(51273004


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    Autowave-competition neural network and its application to the single-source shortest-paths problem

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    将竞争机理引入网络的自动波产生与传播过程中,提出自动波竞争神经网络(ACNN)模型,并成功地应用于求解单源最短路问题,给出了基于ACNN的最短路求解算法.与其他神经网络最短路算法相比,基于ACNN的最短路算法具有网络所需的神经元数目少、神经元及网络的结构简单、易于软硬件的实现、以及全并行方式计算等特点,可用于求解非对称赋权图的最短路径树问题,且其计算时间(迭代次数)仅正比于最短路径上的跃点数,与赋权图的复杂度、路径总长、边长的精度、通路总数等因素无关.计算机仿真结果表明该算法的有效性和快速求解能力.In this paper, the competitive mechanism is introduced to the production and propagation processes of the autowave of neural network. The autowave-competition neural network (ACNN) is proposed to successfully resolve the problem of single-source shortest paths (SSSP). The algorithm for shortest paths based on ACNN is presented. Compared with other neural network based approaches, the new algorithm has the following advantages: less number of neurons needed, simple structure of neurons and networks, readily available software and hardware. When ACNN is employed to resolve the shortest path problem, the computational complexity is only related to the hop number of the shortest path, but independent of the complexity of path graph, the number of the existing paths in the graph and the precision of the length of edges. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is plausible and effictive.国家自然科学基金(批准号:10605019);; 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(批准号:2006AA03A175)资助的课题.~


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    :通过田间小区磁化水滴灌试验,研究了磁化水膜下滴灌对土壤水盐分布特征、棉花生长特性及产量 的影响。结果表明:磁化水灌溉可以提高土壤含水量,促进棉花根系对水分的吸收,0&mdash;100cm土层内磁化 强度为3 000Gs时的土壤含水量最大,保水效果最好。磁化水灌溉可以有效降低土壤盐分含量,加快土壤 盐分的淋洗,0&mdash;100cm土层内各磁化水处理土壤平均含盐量表现为3 000Gs<4 000Gs<1 000Gs< 5 000Gs<0Gs,磁化淡水处理的土壤脱盐率为2.7%~28.2%,3 000Gs磁化处理的土壤脱盐率最高;磁化 微咸水处理的土壤积盐率为21.7%~33.9%。磁化水滴灌可以促进棉花生物量及产量的增长,淡水、微咸 水磁化处理的产量较未磁化处理增加了8.98%~31.4%,3 000Gs磁化处理下的棉花产量最高。从棉花生 长特征、产量、水分利用效率等方面综合考虑,3 000Gs为最佳磁化强度处理。</p