42 research outputs found


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    Ambient nitrate switches the ammonium consumption pathway in the euphotic ocean

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    高树基教授研究团队的研究论文,以现场原位速率观测与环境因子调查,证明了环境硝酸盐浓度是调控海洋真光层不同氨氮消耗途径的关键因子。硝酸盐通过影响浮游植物对于氨氮吸收的能力,决定了真光层内氨氮的氧化路径强弱,刻画了海洋真光层氮循环的微结构。高树基团队利用同位素示踪培养技术,围绕南海和西北太平洋真光层内硝化作用和浮游植物氨氮吸收速率的垂直分布特点及其动力学特征进行研究。首次提出硝酸盐浓度通过影响不同浮游植物类群对于氨氮的吸收能力,从而调控真光层的氨氮消耗途径。研究团队的万显会博士为成果的第一作者,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室的戴民汉教授,史大林教授、张瑶教授、盛华夏博士后、祝依凡,以及澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组的Tom Trull教授和美国Bigelow海洋实验室的Mike Lomas教授为成果的共同完成人。【Abstract】Phytoplankton assimilation and microbial oxidation of ammonium are two critical conversion pathways in the marine nitrogen cycle. The underlying regulatory mechanisms of these two competing processes remain unclear. Here we show that ambient nitrate acts as a key variable to bifurcate ammonium flow through assimilation or oxidation, and the depth of the nitracline represents a robust spatial boundary between ammonium assimilators and oxidizers in the stratified ocean. Profiles of ammonium utilization show that phytoplankton assemblages in nitrate-depleted regimes have higher ammonium affinity than nitrifiers. In nitrate replete conditions, by contrast, phytoplankton reduce their ammonium reliance and thus enhance the success of nitrifiers. This finding helps to explain existing discrepancies in the understanding of light inhibition of surface nitrification in the global ocean, and provides further insights into the spatial linkages between oceanic nitrification and new production.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through grants 91328207, Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China through grants 41721005 and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) through grants 2014CB953702, 2015CB954003. T.W.T. was supported by an MEL Visiting Scholar award. 成果获得了国家重点基础研究发展计划(2014CB953702, 2015CB954003),国家自然科学基金委“创新研究群体项目”(41721005)以及重点基金(91328207)的资助

    Impact of Global Allocation of Resources on Industrial Policy

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    随着经济的全球化,各国资源配置将在世界范围内进行,主权国家是否仍有能力通过产业政策实现对资源的合理配置?本文认为,各种资源国际间流动,削弱了主权国家对本国资源直接配置的能力,导致产业政策的失效。因此,经济全球化,推动国内产业发展,竞争政策将比产业政策更有效。Together with economic globalization,resources in every country are allocated around the whole worldDoes a sovereignty state have the power to reasonably allocate the resources through industrial policy?The movements of varied resources among countries weaken the power of the sovereignty states to directly allocate their national resources ,and lead to the invalidity of industrial policyTherefore,economic globalization pushes the development of national industries,while the competition policy is more effective than industrial polic

    Research on Enterprise-like Operation of Tech-enterprise Incubators

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    科技型孵化器的主要职能是进行科技企业创业辅导,需要在内部与外在各种条件成熟的情况下才有可能实行企业运营。企业孵化器由于服务对象的特殊性,在其发展的初期并不具有进入市场的能力,孵化器企业化方向发展,需要孵化器提供的创业服务能够以市场方式被创业者所接受,创业服务能够成为商品在市场上按价值进行买卖交易。孵化器企业化运营,关键还在于创业服务功能的培育和增强,提高孵化企业效率。The major function of tech-incubator is to help tech-enterprise creation;it is able to run operation only when its internal and external conditions are all mature.Enterprise incubators do not have the ability to enter market at its beginning,due to its specialty of service customers.To be enterprise,incubator should make its creation service be accepted by creators in market,make its service become commodity to be deal by its value.The key point for enterprise-like incubator to operate is to build up and enhance its creation service function,and enhance its incubation efficiency

    An Empirical Analysis of the Evolution of Industrial Structure in the Countywide Economic Growth

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    国内外研究表明,随着经济的发展,产业结构中第一产业比重将不断减少,而第二、第三产业所占比重将逐步增加。就我国县域范围来看,随着县域经济的发展,虽然二、三产业的比重提高,但三次产业结构中,第三产业的变化没有呈现出钱纳里所说的不同阶段产业结构的标准数值。无论从人均收入还是从GDP总量分析,第三产业所占的比重似乎更加趋于某一个数值,其中的原因是县域经济第三产业发展空间相对狭小,服务业的发展更多地集中在大中城市。Domestic and overseas studies have demonstrated that with the economic development, the proportion of the first industry in the industrial structure is decreasing, while that of the second and the tertiary industries are increasing. However, in the countywide industrial structure, the tertiary industry does not change in the way H. Chenery described in which the industrial structure has a standard data for each development phase, though the proportion of the second and the tertiary industries in the county economy are increasing. It seems that the proportion of the tertiary industry is approaching a fixed data, whether analyzed from per capita or GDP total capacity. It is attributed to the development of service industry mainly in medium or big cities, while in the countywide economy the tertiary industry has a limited space for development.教育部博士点基金“我国民营中小企业区域分布特点、行业特征及其发展规律研究”(批准号:03JB790032


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