429 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Educational Effectiveness Feedback System

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    教育教学是教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间进行信息传递的一种双向交流活动,这种信息交流情况如何、教学效果如何,要靠反馈来实现。教师能否给学生提供及时、准确的反馈,教学过程中的回路是否通畅,更是成功的教学的关键之一。 基于Web的以JSP语言开发为主的教学效果反馈系统的设计与实现,是用来更好地解决教学中信息交流反馈的一个重要工具。该系统基于目标理论、多元智力理论和有效教学理论等,使教师能够最大可能限度的掌握学生的知识掌握情况,发现学生学习中的薄弱环节,以及时调整教学策略,促进教学效率的提高。该系统主要分为两大模块,即课堂实时评价模块及在线考试模块。课堂实时评价模块可以使教师在课堂上实时掌握学生对...Teaching and learning is an interactive activity between teachers and students. And it is a two-way information exchange. In order to learn about the information exchange progresses and the effect, one depends on the feedback. Whether the teacher can provide prompt and accurate feedback to the students, and whether feedback route is clearly set up, holds one of the keys to the successful education...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923026

    Wide-Range Tunable Dynamic Property of Carbon Nanotube-Based Fibers

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) fiber is formed by assembling millions of individual tubes. The assembly feature provides the fiber with rich interface structures and thus various ways of energy dissipation, as reflected by the non-zero loss tangent (>0.028--0.045) at low vibration frequencies. A fiber containing entangled CNTs possesses higher loss tangents than a fiber spun from aligned CNTs. Liquid densification and polymer infiltration, the two common ways to increase the interfacial friction and thus the fiber's tensile strength and modulus, are found to efficiently reduce the damping coefficient. This is because the sliding tendency between CNT bundles can also be well suppressed by the high packing density and the formation of covalent polymer cross-links within the fiber. The CNT/bismaleimide composite fiber exhibited the smallest loss tangent, nearly as the same as that of carbon fibers. At a higher level of the assembly structure, namely a multi-ply CNT yarn, the inter-fiber friction and sliding tendency obviously influence the yarn's damping performance, and the loss tangent can be tuned within a wide range, as similar to carbon fibers, nylon yarns, or cotton yarns. The wide-range tunable dynamic properties allow new applications ranging from high quality factor materials to dissipative systems

    Preparation and in vitro evaluation of chitosan microspheres containing matrine

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    目的:以壳聚糖为囊材制备苦参碱结肠靶向给药微球及评价其体外释药情况。方法:用乳化化学交联法制备微球,以微球的粒径分布百分数、载药量及包封率为优化指标对影响微球制备的主要因素用正交试验设计优化制备条件;并对最佳制备工艺制得的微球进行3种不同递质(人工胃液、人工肠液及大鼠结肠液)中的体外释放度评价。结果:制得的苦参碱壳聚糖微球在电镜下,球形表面圆整,粒径分布适宜,微球平均粒径为(68.3±2.7)μm,平均载药量为(16.0±0.5)%,平均包封率为(66.3±4.2)%。苦参碱壳聚糖微球在人工胃液中2h不释药;在人工肠液中4h内释放不到1%,96h释药不到10%;在含大鼠结肠内容物的磷酸盐缓冲液(pH6.8)中4h释放10%左右,36h释药近50%,此后释药趋于缓慢,96h释药近80%。结论:苦参碱壳聚糖微球几乎不在上消化道释药,而是在结肠靶向释药。OBJECTIVE To preparate the chitosan microspheres containing matrine for the colon-specific drug delivery and evaluate its release in vitro.METHODS The chitosan microspheres containing matrine were prepared by emulsion-chemical crosslink technique.The better preparation procedure with respect to particles size distribution,embedding rate and drug loading were optimized by the orthogonal experimental design.In-vitro drug release were carried out in the artificial gastric,artificial intestinal and the phosphate buffered saline(pH(6.8)) containing rat colon contents.RESULTS The chitosan microspheres containing matrine was shown to have good spherical geometry,a smooth surface and suitable size distribution under scanning electron micrographs.Average diameter of microspheres was((68.3)±(2.7))μm,drug loading was((16.0)±(0.5))%,embedding rate ((66.3)±(4.2))%.Little release and a little release of matrine from the microspheres were observed in the artificial gastric juice and in the artificial intestinal juice,respectively.However,the release of matrine was markedly increased in the phosphate buffered saline(pH(6.8)) containing rat colon contents,which was near to 10%,50% and 80% at 4 h,36 h and 96 h,respectively.CONCLUSION These findings suggest that the chitosan microspheres containing matrine may be useful a dosage form for colon-specific drug delivery.甘肃省自然科学基金(编号ZS0001-A23-073-Y

    Bio-Inspired Aggregation Control of Carbon Nanotubes for Ultra-Strong Composites

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    High performance nanocomposites require well dispersion and high alignment of the nanometer-sized components, at a high mass or volume fraction as well. However, the road towards such composite structure is severely hindered due to the easy aggregation of these nanometer-sized components. Here we demonstrate a big step to approach the ideal composite structure for carbon nanotube (CNT) where all the CNTs were highly packed, aligned, and unaggregated, with the impregnated polymers acting as interfacial adhesions and mortars to build up the composite structure. The strategy was based on a bio-inspired aggregation control to limit the CNT aggregation to be sub 20--50 nm, a dimension determined by the CNT growth. After being stretched with full structural relaxation in a multi-step way, the CNT/polymer (bismaleimide) composite yielded super-high tensile strengths up to 6.27--6.94 GPa, more than 100% higher than those of carbon fiber/epoxy composites, and toughnesses up to 117--192 MPa. We anticipate that the present study can be generalized for developing multifunctional and smart nanocomposites where all the surfaces of nanometer-sized components can take part in shear transfer of mechanical, thermal, and electrical signals

    Environmental Behavior and Risk Assessment of Organic Phosphorus Pesticides at Water from Jiulong River Estuary

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    利用SPE GC FPD测定了九龙江口水体中 1 7种有机磷农药的浓度 ,总有机磷农药 (1 7种 )的含量范围是1 3 4 8~ 3 5 4 6ng/L ,平均 2 2 7 2ng/L .对其各组分的含量与行为特征进行分析表明 ,5种有机磷农药 (甲胺磷、敌敌畏、马拉硫磷、氧乐果、乐果 )在各站位均占主要部分 ,其行为受复杂的来源输入及河口的水动力影响 .对九龙江口水体中的有机磷农药的含量与其他地区进行比较 ,评价了该河口水体中有机磷农药的污染水平及风险概率Organic phosphorus pesticides (OPPs) were determined by SPE-GC-FPD. The contents of the total seventeen OPPs ranged from 134.8ng/L to 354.6ng/L (the mean was 227.2ng/L) at water in Jiulong River Estuary (JLRE). The distribution and behavior characteristics of OPPs indicated that five main OPPs (Methamidophos, Dichlorvos, Malathion, Omethoate, Dimethoate) were predominant of the total OPPs, which were affected by the complicated hydrological kinetics. When compared with other areas, the OPPs concentration level in JLRE was some moderate. But the risk evaluation of OPPs in JLRE indicated that some kinds of OPPs (Methamidophos, Dichlorvos, Omethoate) had threat to the ecological environment and human health.海洋环境科学教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(MEL0 10 4);; 中国博士后科学基金项目 ( 2 0 0 2 466


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    采用混合固相反应法制备了一系列不同焙烧温度的镁铝复合氧化物载体,并负载Co-Mo活性组分制备了Co-Mo/MgO-Al2O3催化剂;通过扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱、N2吸附-脱附、X射线衍射、热分析和质量滴定等方法考察了焙烧温度对载体性能的影响,并评价了Co-Mo/MgO-Al2O3催化剂在水煤气变换反应中的活性。实验结果表明,500~800℃焙烧的镁铝复合氧化物载体以MgAl2O4.xMgO.yAl2O3无定形复合氧化物形式存在,900~1 300℃焙烧的镁铝复合氧化物载体转变为MgAl2O4尖晶石;600~800℃焙烧的镁铝复合氧化物载体具有适宜的比表面积和孔结构,有较高的零电荷点,有利于Co-Mo活性组分的吸附和分散,以其为载体制备的Co-Mo/Al2O3-MgO催化剂具有很高的活性


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    应用旋转圆盘电极和电化学阻抗法研究了二茂铁在Tris-NaC l(pH=7.2)缓冲溶液中于旋转玻碳电极上的电化学阻抗行为及其与DNA的相互作用.结果表明,二茂铁于旋转电极的伏安曲线呈现明显的极限电流平阶,而其交流阻抗谱则出现两个电容弧.二茂铁与DNA的作用,若受扩散过程控制则其极限扩散电流随DNA浓度增大而减小,而在电化学控制过程中则表现为电化学反应电阻随DNA浓度增大而增大.根据旋转圆盘电极和电化学阻抗谱测试,表明由这两种方法数据拟合求得的二茂铁条件电位速率常数能够很好地相互吻合,但如存在DNA时,则其条件电位速率常数有一定程度的减小


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    [摘要]:利用GC2ECD 和GC2MSD 对1999 年11 月闽江口水、间隙水和沉积物中的有机氯农药进行了研究. 结果显 示,闽江口水中有机氯农药的含量范围是01532~1182μg/ L ,间隙水中有机氯农药的含量为4154~1317μg/ L ,沉 积物(干重,以下讨论到的沉积物,无特别说明都是干重表示) :28179~52107μg/ kg ;与其他河口如珠江口、九龙江 口相比,闽江口的污染水平居中. 间隙水的污染物浓度普遍高于其上覆水的浓度,而沉积物中的浓度大于间隙水、 表层水,是由于有机污染物在水体中倾向于吸附在沉积物颗粒,并且通过再悬浮从底层向上迁移. 对水体中有机 氯农药各组分的含量及特征进行了分析,发现有机氯农药的主成分为:β2HCH ,DDE ,Heptachlor (七氯) ,Endosulfan Ⅱ(硫丹) ,Methoxychlor (甲氧滴涕) . DDE、β2HCH、Endosulfan Ⅱ分别占DDTs、HCHs 和硫丹的主要部分;有机氯 农药各组分间有正相关性,表明其河口有机氯农药陆源的土壤输入与相似的环境行为;对该河口的污染水平进行 了初步的评价,HCHs 符合国家海水水质一级标准,DDTs 则超过该标准.[Abstract]:The concentrations of 18 organochlorine pesticedes in water , pore water and surface sediment from Minjiang River Estuary were analyzed by GC2ECD , and confirmed by GC2MSD. The range of organochlorine pesticides was 01532~1182μg/ L at water , 4154~1317μg/ L at pore water , and 28179~52107μg/ kg at sediment . Compared with the results of other estuaries and gulfs (Pearl River Estuary , Jiulong River Estuary and so on) , it showed that the pollu2 tion of organochlorines in Minjiang was some moderate. The concentration difference in surface water , middle water , bottom water , pore water and sediment , due to the higher affinity of these hydrophobic compound for sedimentary phase than to water and a potential flux of pollutants from sediment to overlying water. The predominance ofβ2HCH ,DDE , Heptachlor , Endosulfan Ⅱand Methoxychlor in all water , pore water and sediment were clearly observed. On average , DDE、β2HCH、Endosulfan Ⅱoccupied the most part of total DDTs , HCHs and Endosulfans respectively , indicated the fate of these parent compounds or congeners. At the same time , it was found that thepositive relationship among the in2 dividual organochlorine components (HCHs , DDTs and Endosulfans) , which indicated that the similar of the source and behavior for organochlorine pesticides.海洋环境科学教育部重点实验室开放基金与教育 部重点基金联合资

    Theoretical Study of Substituent Effects on Bond Dissociation Enthalpies in Lignite Model Compounds

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    为了探究褐煤热解过程中氧桥键C—O均裂这一重要反应,选取α-O-4和β-O-4类结构单元作为褐煤模型化合物,运用不同密度泛函计算了部分模型化合物中C—O的离解焓,并以CbS-Qb3作为理论基准值进行比较,最后选取M05-2X进行离解焓计算.结果显示,对于选定的α-O-4和β-O-4类模型化合物,其平均离解焓分别为51.0 kCAl/MOl和66.1 kCAl/MOl.周围取代环境能显著影响C—O离解焓,芳环上存在给电子基团(OH,OCH3和CH3)能降低C—O离解焓,而吸电子基团COOH则能增加其离解焓.然后深层次分析了取代基效应对C—O离解焓的影响.此外,分子内氢键的形成对离解焓也有很大的影响.C—O的离解焓与其键长没有特定的相关性,不能简单的通过C—O键长来预测其离解焓.Lignite is an abundant natural resource that is a potential source of clean fuel and value-added chemicals.The mechanisms by which thermal and catalytic treatments deconstruct lignite remain elusive,which is where quantum mechani-cal calculations can offer fundamental insights.In order to investigate the cleavage of C—O bridge bond,which is the critical step in the thermal decomposition of lignite,the α-O-4 and β-O-4 types of structural units are selected as lignite model com-pounds to calculate the C—O bond dissociation enthalpies using several kinds of density functional theory methods(B3PW91,B3P86,PBE1PBE,BMK,M06-2X and M05-2X) at 6-31+G(d,p) level.By the comparison between the results and the theoretical benchmark values provided by CBS-QB3 method,M05-2X functional was applied for the calculations on C—O bond dissociation enthalpies.The present results indicate that the C—O average bond dissociation enthalpies are 51.0 kcal/mol and 66.1 kcal/mol for the α-O-4 and β-O-4 types of model compounds,respectively.Local substituents have a great withdrawing groups such as carboxyl group.Then the substituent effects are deeply analyzed on the basis of the ground-state effect on the C—O bond dissociation enthalpies,the C—O bond dissociation enthalpies will decrease when the adjacent arene rings are substituted by electron donating groups(OH,OCH3 and CH3),while the results are opposite for the electron effect and radical effect.An electron donating group can stabilize the phenoxy radicals(radical effect),however,an electron withdrawing group has the opposite effect.In most cases,the radical effect is more important than the ground-state effect.Furthermore,there is a negligible correlation between the C—O bond distances and strengths,and the C—O bond dissocia-tion enthalpies cannot be predicted so easily.Interestingly,the C—O bond dissociation enthalpies can be significantly influ-enced by the intramolecular hydrogen bond,if the intramolecular hydrogen bond still exists after the cleavage of the C—O bond,the bond dissociation enthalpies will be lower.国家重点基础研究发展计划(No.2012CB214901); 国家自然科学基金(No.51274197)资助~