114 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Financial IC Card Application for Indemnificatory Housing in Smart City

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    住房是目前社会广大群众重点关心的问题之一,也是比较现实的、关系到广大群众最贴近实际的问题。随着经济的不断发展,房价的不断的变化,呈现调整趋势,住房保障中的人民群众住房需求和实际保障住房的供应不匹配,人们对该领域的需求也越来越旺盛。建立完善的住房保障体系,改善中低收入家庭的居住条件,是构建社会主义和谐社会、维护社会稳定的重要方面。将金融IC卡应用到保障性住房建设中,为住户提供一站式金融服务,可以极大促进和健全保障性住房的建设和管理,是构造保障性住房数字化管理平台、建设智慧城市不可或缺的方面。 本文阐述了保障性住房金融IC卡设计、数据传输标准、信息平台主要业务功能和流程管理及保障性住房管理信息系...Housing is one of the most concerned factors directly affecting people's life and work. As the house prices have been raising, the demands of residents for housing are increasingly urgent. A sound housing security system is the basic way for the government to solve housing problem of low and medium income families, which could play an important role in maintaining social stability. To provide a on...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323131

    A research on the “Self-responsibility” of Criminal Victim in the Criminal Law

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    我国传统刑法理论重视国家与犯罪人之间的关系,认为只要行为人具有刑事责任能力,在损害结果的发生上存在故意或过失,并且行为的实施与损害结果之间具有因果关系,就应当由行为人对所发生的损害结果承担刑事责任。长久以来,我们在刑事责任的确定方面存在误区,经常泛化地理解被害人过错,尤其是在现行司法审判实践中,被害人过错仅仅被视为是对行为人量刑的考量因素。本文以我国的司法判例作为引言,继而对被害人自我答责原则进行探析,试图能够对刑事责任的认定提供更为全面的视角。 本文共分为四章。 第一章介绍了刑事被害人的概念、成立条件、特征以及司法地位,对刑事被害人的基本定义有了全面的分析。 第二章着重于分析自我答责原...In our country, the traditional theories of criminal law only focus on the relationship between country and the perpetrators. It is advanced that as long as the actor has the criminal capacity for responsibility, intention or negligence towards consequence, and there is the causality between act and result, the result should be imputed to the actor. There are some misunderstandings existing in th...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115041

    “The Belt and Road” Initiative and the Development of the Minzu Universities——From the Perspective of the Center-Periphery Theory

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    中心边缘理论在阐释发展动力结构方面有着较强的解释力,被广泛应用于区域非均衡发展研究。中心边缘理论为分析民族院校发展问题提供了独特的研究视角。"一带一路"倡议是调整中心边缘格局的重大战略抉择,为处于边缘的民族院校带来了更多的发展机遇。由于民族院校的区位优势、多元文化优势和比较优势,因而具有从边缘走向中心的可能。在服务"一带一路"倡议的过程中,民族院校面临着人才培养能力不足、国际化水平不高的巨大挑战。为实现从社会边缘、大学系统边缘和对外交往边缘到中心的三重发展目标,民族院校应采取聚焦人才培养和国际化办学的发展策略。The center-periphery theory has strong explanatory power in interpreting the developing dy-namic structure, so it,s employed in the regional development research widely. It also provides a unique perspective to analyze the development problem of Minzu universities. “The Belt and Road” initiative is a major strategic choice to adjust the center-periphery structure, which brings more development space for the marginalized Minzu universities, and also provides the possibility for the Minzu universities to the center, because of their locational, multicultural and comparative advantages. In the process of serving “the Belt and Road” initiative, the Minzu universities are facing enormous challenges of the insufficient personnel training ability and the low internationalization level. In order to achieve the three development goals from the periphery of the society, the university system and international communication to the center, the Minzu universities should uphold the development strategy focusing on the personnel training and the education in-ternationalization .湖北省高等学校教学研究项目“民族院校专业结构调整研究:基于应用型人才培养的视角”(2015202); 教育部民族教育发展中心民族教育政策与法规重点研究基地一般课题“新时期民族地区高等教育布局结构研究”(2016PRY02


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    Research on the Business Process Improvement Activities of FZ Company

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    跨国公司的发展深化了国际分工,加速了先进技术的转移,促进了生产结构的调整,将生产要素以更加合理的方式进行配置,已成为全球经济发展的支柱力量。跨国公司的业务流程改善直接关系到一个企业能否获得其独特的核心竞争优势,也将深刻影响到全球范围内各个产业结构的调整和升级。 本文以跨国制造型企业B集团FZ公司的业务流程改善为实例,阐述了处于战略转型阶段的跨国制造型企业通过改善业务流程提升企业竞争力的具体过程,分析了FZ公司流程改善项目中成功点、失败点及各自的原因,归纳了跨国制造型企业业务流程改善的整体思路。本文认为,跨国制造型企业的业务流程改善是个系统工程,具有较高的复杂性,只有高级管理层甚至是一把手对业...International firms play a vital role in the development of global economy and their business activities contribute to the international specialization, advanced technology transfer, industrial restructuring and the rational allocation of resources and factors of production in the world. The business process improvement of an international firm determines to a large extent whether the firm can ach...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792012115102

    A Study on Improving the Legal System Regarding Corporate Governance of State-controlled Commercial Banks

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    2007年发端于美国的次级贷款危机逐渐演变为席卷全球的金融海啸,各国企业特别是银行公司治理结构上的问题被认为是引起金融危机的深层次原因。反观我国,国有商业银行目前虽大都成功上市,但仍然并非完全市场化主体,公司治理领域存在诸多问题。因此,探讨当前国有商业银行治理不足,寻求从根本上予以完善的法律对策具有重要的现实意义。 本文主要采取理论研究的方法,从利益相关者理论出发,对我国国有控股商业银行公司治理法律问题进行研究,并提出相应建议。文章基本结构安排如下: 第一章从一般企业公司治理理论入手,进而着重分析商业银行在资本构成、经营风险、信息不对称程度、政府监管等方面的特殊性,通过对比引入商业银行公司...The subprime mortgage financial crisis, originated in the Wall Street, U.S.,2007, has been spread all over the world. The reason is the existing corporate governance mechanisms, which caused the financial crisis. In China, the state-controlled commercial banks has been playing a "strategic tool " role for the government, rather than the fully market-oriented subject. There are many issues in the c...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1362008115087

    The Study on Interference Cancellation of Massive MIMO

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    近年来移动通信快速发展,人们渴望越来越高的传输速率。多输入多输出 (MultipleinputMultipleoutput)技术可提高频谱利用率而受到密切关注, 但传统的MIMO技术很难满足未来数据业务呈指数趋势上升的需求。2010年提出的 大规模MIMO概念(MassiveMIMO),通过深度挖掘空间维度资源,可有效地实现超 大容量,超高频谱效率和超高能量效率,是目前研究热点。但大规模MIMO由于其 天线数目达几十根甚至上百根,除延续一般MIMO技术的优缺点以外,其抗干扰技 术、大数据引入的计算复杂度、快速实现分布式处理算法及新应用场景等问题亟 待研究,本文针对大规模MIMO的...By deeply mining spatial resource, massive MIMO technology can effectively solve the spectrum efficiency and power efficiency in future wireless communication system.While massive MIMO renders many traditional problems in communication theory less relevant, it uncovers entirely new problems that need research: computational complexity, realization of distributed ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:2312012115290

    The Application Research of Improvement Design Method in Mechanical Product Based on TRIZ Theory

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    进入21世纪后,以产品为主导的企业竞争加剧。随着市场的需求和用户的要求的不断提高,产品更新换代的速度直接关系到企业的生存和发展。 产品的改进设计是一个针对现有产品的设计缺陷进行深入地研究,并通过提出改进方案来解决产品中存在的问题,实现产品性能升级的过程。它是产品创新设计领域的重要组成部分。在现实中绝大多数的创新成果均来源于对己有产品的改进设计。采用先进的设计理论、方法与技术工具指导产品的改进设计过程,对设计出高品质、优性能的产品具有至关重要的作用。 经常困扰设计人员的两大因素是:“如何做对的事情”和“如何把事情做对”,即如何准确地找到造成产品缺陷的根本原因,以及如何正确地应用科学的方法寻得...In 21st century, the competition between the Product-oriented enterprises is more and more dramatic. To meet with the demands of market and the requirement of customers, products updating is more and more critical to the subsistence and development of enterprise. The improvement design of product is a product upgrading process with deep analysis of the design defect in current product and approac...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械工程学号:X200718200


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