1,481 research outputs found

    Research on the Application of Data Mining in the Early Warning of Enterprises Churn in Commercial Banks

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    面对商业竞争的日趋激烈,信息的掌握程度成为在竞争中占据有利地位的关键—环。商业银行具有客户群体广泛、客户必须采用实名制等特点,故积累了大量的真实、质量较高的客户信息。目前商业银行产品日趋同质化,同业竞争相当激烈,若要取得比较优势,高效的信息处理变得尤为重要。数据挖掘技术作为一种新兴的数据处理技术,其商业价值在于可以从大量的数据中有目的 的寻找有利于商业运作、提高竞争力的信息。客户作为商业银行的重要资源,历来都受到高度重视。在市场瞬息万变的今天,如何利用先进技术手段达到客户流失预警的目的,无疑是竞争中至关重要的问题。 本文在业内的跨行业数据挖掘标准流程基础上加以改进,利用SASEnterpr...Providing business competition becomes more and more violent, people knowing more information will occupy the key position in the competition.Commercial banks have a wide range of customers using the real name system or others, so they have accumulated a large number of real, high quality customer information. Nowadays, commercial bank products become more and more similar,for this reason, competi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323218

    Scale Development for Social Media Fatigue

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    全球最大广告传播集团WPP旗下调研机构KantarGroup发布的《2016中国社交媒体影响报告》显示:中国网民对社交媒体的满意度持续下降、参与逐渐减少、负面认知不断攀升。这种随着社交媒体的全方位渗透逐渐显现的负面效应被称为“社交媒体倦怠”。它的不断蔓延让逃离社交媒体成为了一种风潮,给社交媒体服务提供商、营销者和普通网民都带来了一定的困扰。 关于社交媒体倦怠的研究仍处于起步阶段,在定义及测量方面缺乏共识性的成果。已有研究中关于社交媒体倦怠的测量多采用临时改编的题项,数目少且测量维度单一。同属倦怠领域的工作倦怠虽然有成熟的测量工具,但由于工作情境和社交媒体使用情境存在差异,不能直接借用。因此,...The 2016 China Social Media Influence Report which released by Kantar, a research institute of the world's leading marketing communications group WPP, shows that Chinese social media users` satisfaction and participation is gradually declining, and negative cognition is rising. These emerging phenomena are collectively called "social media fatigue", which is the flip side of the social media penet...学位:新闻与传播硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062014115307

    Study on Marine Microbial Community, Respiration Rate and Controlled Factors

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    海洋在全球气候变化中扮演着举足轻重的作用,具有吸收和储藏CO2的能力,对海洋碳循环的研究已经成为当今的热点。微型浮游生物在海洋呼吸作用中发挥了很大的作用,且主要通过代谢活动实现碳在海洋生态系统中循环。呼吸作用代表着海洋中有机物的消耗及循环流通,对于有机碳在沉积物中的积累,或者输出到大气中的CO2的量是十分重要的,这对于衡量生态系统中碳收支平衡必不可少。因此,海洋微型生物呼吸作用的研究为我们更好地了解海洋生态系统的碳通量提供了依据。微生物呼吸速率的研究已经在迅速发展,同时环境因素对原核生物呼吸速率的影响也得到了一定的证实。但由于测定方法的不同及不同水体生态系统中呼吸速率对环境因子响应存在差异,这...The ocean plays an important role in global climate change, with the ability to absorb and store CO2. The ocean carbon cycle has captured our attention. Marine heterotrophic bacteria play a very important role in ocean carbon cycle with their metabolism activities. The respiration represents the consumption or flux of organic matter in the oceans, which is important for the accumulation of organic...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物技术学号:2232013115145

    A Study on Evolution and Development in Tourism Real Estate System

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    旅游房地产行业是一个关联性非常强的新兴行业,它是旅游业与房地产业相互融合,共同发展的产物,现在也是旅游业与房地产业共同关注的新热点。从学术研究的角度,旅游房地产作为一门综合性很强的边缘学科,不仅涉及到旅游和房地产的一般理论知识,而且与文化、土木建筑、金融、管理、园林、历史、地理、信息等多门学科有着密切的联系。 目前,旅游房地产的理论研究还相对匮乏,对其进行深入的研究具有重要意义。本文将旅游房地产置于系统的视角,不单单从旅游房地产的物态形式角度考虑,而是以系统学理论为基础,从系统适应性主体的角度,以旅游房地产系统为研究对象,结合旅游学、房地产学、人工智能、系统科学等学科的理论与方法,来构建旅游...As a product of mutual fusion and development of tourism industry and real estate industry, the industry of tourism real estate is a rising industry of strong relevance and at the same time, a new common hotspot of both tourism industry and real estate industry nowadays. From the point of academic research, it not only comes down to the general theory in tourism and real estate, but also has close...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:2005130127

    Study on Hayekian Liberalistic Economic and Social Theory

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    弗雷德里希•奥古斯特•冯•哈耶克(FriedrichAugustvonHayek)是20世纪的著名经济学家和政治哲学家。本文拟就他的社会、经济思想的一些主要论点展开讨论,着重于其自由市场经济理论,在对其自生自发的市场秩序思想的建构、论证、主张做一系列梳理的同时,进行批判性研究。 自由市场主义是目前经济理论中声音非常强大的一种主张。自17世纪始,自由主义的主张就一直是西方社会的主流意识形态诉求之一,而且,就一般而言,愈是发达的资本主义国家,这种诉求愈是强烈,以致人们在思考自由与发达之间关系时,抽象掉了历史以及其他因素,甚至颠倒了因果关系,而把“自由主义”意识...Friedrich August von Hayek is a famous economist and political philosopher in 20th. This dissertation studies his social and economic thought. Free market economy is currently one of most powerful economic propositions. Since 17th, liberalism has been the mainstream ideology in Western Society, and generally, the appeal to liberalism is getting stronger in one capitalist country as the country is...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_政治经济学学号:B20041600

    Beautifying handwriting characters based on the optimization of strokes and structure

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    本文提出了一种基于在线手写输入的字形美化方法.首先给定手写体的笔画和拓扑结构的形式化描述;然后借助拓扑结构和笔画的稳定性计算,采用类似轮盘赌的方; 法从用户手写样本中得到最佳的拓扑结构和笔画集,并分别对输入汉字的空间布局和各个笔画进行美化;最后通过分析书法理论中\笔断意连"的几种常见模式,确; 定需要笔断意连的笔画,实现笔画之间的呼应关系优化,从而得到符合书法审美要求的字形.In this paper, we propose a method for beautifying online handwriting; characters. First, we introduce a formalization description of the; handwritings topological structure and strokes. Then, in order to; beautify the spatial arrangement and strokes of the input character, we; capture the writers stability factors for the topology and strokes of; their handwriting, and select a suitable topological structure and; strokes from users handwritten samples, using the roulette wheel method.; In addition, we analyze certain classical stroke connection types as; described in calligraphy theory, and determine which strokes need to; consider visual effects. Finally, we apply curve fitting to optimize the; stroke relations in order to generate a final result that meets the; calligraphy aesthetics requirements.国家自然科学基

    The AVS Video Decoder Design and Research Based on LEON2

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    AVS是我国具备自主知识产权的第二代信源编码标准,其重点解决的问题是数字音视频海量数据的编码压缩问题。AVS作为数字音视频产业“牵一发动全身”的基础性标准,为我国构建“技术→专利→标准→芯片与软件→整机与系统制造→数字媒体运营与文化产业”的产业链条提供了难得机遇。AVS解码芯片的设计是AVS产业化的核心部分,因此,如何设计出低成本并具高性能的AVS解码芯片,具有重要的意义。 本文在此背景下,基于32位嵌入式微处理器LEON2进行了AVS解码器的设计研究。首先,对AVS视频标准进行了初步研究,并对其关键技术进行深入分析。其次,对LEON2处理器的原理做了简单的分析,介绍了LEON2处理器在SO...AVS which our nation owns the Intellectual Property is the second generation coding standard of information. It comes out to solve the coding compression problem of the massive data of video and sound. AVS is now the basic standard of video and sound which offers us the greatest opportunity to build the industrial chain of “Technology-Patent-Standard-Chip&Software-System&System Manufacture- Digita...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_电路与系统学号:2312008115318

    Different proteomics profiling of Crassostrea angulata gonad exposed to Zn and bisphenol-A

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    锌(Zn)和双酚A(BPA)是典型的低毒性环境污染物,已有证据表明它们会对水生生物和人类生殖系统构成潜在威胁。Zn是机体必需微量元素,但其过量累积又会危害个体健康,其毒理效应机制复杂。BPA是典型的环境内分泌干扰物,影响生物性腺发育和性别特征,进而影响生物种群性别比例,对环境生态系统造成破坏。而这二者生殖毒性的分子机制目前尚不明确。牡蛎是富Zn能力最强的生物之一,具有雌雄同体和雌雄转换现象,性腺发育周期短且高度发达,是研究环境污染物生殖毒性的常用模式生物。本文以福建牡蛎为对象,研究在长期胁迫条件下,ZnCl2和BPA对牡蛎性腺的慢性毒性效应,以ICP-MS和GC-MS/MS方法分别分析牡蛎性腺...Zn and Bisphenol-A (BPA) are the typical environmental pollutants of lower toxity, and there are lots of evidences showing that they threats aquatic life and human reproductive systems. Zn is an important biological essential element, however, excessive accumulation of Zn in organisms would endanger the health of individual organisms, and the mechanisms of related toxicological effects were compli...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162011115248


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