251 research outputs found

    Daughter and Daughter-in-law: The Support Behavior Difference of the Double Identity of Women in SanHe Village in Minnan Area

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    在我国传统父系宗族制度下,农村女性作为女儿和儿媳的生活以结婚为节点,由前者过渡到后者。女性婚后作为丈夫的依附体进入婆家生活,她们无需赡养自己的父母,却要无条件地孝养公婆。但随着时代的变迁,农村女性作为女儿和儿媳的生活不再泾渭分明,婚后她们仍与娘家保持紧密联系,并越来越多地给予父母养老支持,从而打破了女儿无需赡养父母的传统;同时,农村对儿媳孝养公婆的社会期待仍然存在。因此,现代农村女性婚后同时拥有女儿和儿媳双重身份,在赡养公婆的同时也越来越积极地参与对父母的养老。 通过对闽南山河村的田野调查,分析同时兼有女儿和儿媳双重身份的农村已婚女性在娘家和婆家的赡养行为差异。已婚女性在家庭中权力与地位的不...Under the traditional patriarchal clan system in our country, rural women’s role will transit from daughter to daughter-in-law when they married. Women moved into his husband's family after marriage as they were parts of their husband. they don't need to support their parents, but unconditional piety in-laws.But as the changes of The Times, rural women’s life as daughter and daughter-in-law are no...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院_人类学学号:1062012115219


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    The Differences of the Elderly Support Activities for Rural Married Women with Dual Identity—— Based on an Anthropology Investigate in Village S in Minnan Area

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    通过对闽南S村的田野调查,分析同时兼有女儿和儿媳双重身份的农村已婚女性在娘家和婆家的赡养行为差异。已婚女性在家庭中权力与地位的不断上升及其孝道观念的变化,使得农村家庭养老呈现出一种特殊现象:儿媳不再将赡养、照顾公婆当做义不容辞的责任,并在赡养行为中更多地体现出交换色彩;女儿对父母的养老回馈则不仅有情感照顾和精神抚慰,还提供经济支持,并且更富亲情和报恩色彩。Through the fieldwork in village S, the paper analyzes the differences in support behaviors of rural married women with dual identity which is daughter in the mother's home and daughter-in-law in the husband's family.With the rising of status and power for married women and the changing of fi lial piety concept, special phenomenon of rural family elderly support has shown.Daughter-in-laws will not care parents-in-laws as obligatory responsibility any longer, and their support behavior display more meanings of exchange.The supporting feedbacks of daughters to their own parents not only have the emotional care and spiritual comfort, but also provide fi nancial support, and fi lled with affection and gratitude colors


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    目的对陕西87例耐药结核分枝杆菌进行分型研究,了解不同基因型在陕西的流行情况及耐药相关性。方法收集陕西省结核分枝杆菌耐药菌株87株,采用Spoligotyping方法对结核分枝杆菌临床分离株进行基因分型。结果 87株耐药结核分枝杆菌中北京家族占86.21%(75/87),非北京家族占13.79%(12/87);非北京基因型中,T家族(T1、T2、T2-3、T3)占9.20%(8/87),Manu家族占1.15%(1/87),新发现基因型占3.45%(3/87)。北京家族和非北京家族的单耐药、多耐药、耐多药、其他类型耐药比率分别为38.67%(29/75)、13.33%(10/75)、42.67%(32/75)、5.33%(4/75)和66.67%(6/9)、11.11%(1/9)、22.22%(2/9)、0.00(0/3),差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论陕西省结核分枝杆菌呈基因多态性,其主要流行基因型为北京家族;北京家族和非北京家族的耐药性差异无统计学意义。陕西省社会发展科技攻关项目(No.2016SF-272


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    采用循环伏安法和电化学原位表面增强拉曼光谱 (SERS)技术研究甲酸的解离吸附与氧化行为 .首次报道了甲酸吸附、解离和氧化的电化学原位SERS谱 ,发现甲酸在粗糙铂电极上能自发解离吸附 ;首次成功地获得了粗糙铂电极上甲酸吸附解离的强吸附中间体CO和活性中间体COOH的表面增强拉曼光谱 ,同时首次检测到甲酸氧化最终产物CO2 的拉曼光谱信号 ,从分子水平证实甲酸解离吸附反应的双途径机理

    Preparation and Properties of MnO_2 /polyaniline Composite

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    以δ-MnO2为前驱体,通过酸处理后引入苯胺并聚合,得到了MnO2/聚苯胺复合材料。经XRD分析表明,在本研究条件下,经酸处理后的δ-MnO2晶型由δ型转变为α型,而在随后的苯胺引入及其聚合步骤中MnO2晶型均不再改变。以200mA·g-1的电流进行恒电流充放电性能测试,结果显示,MnO2/聚苯胺复合材料的充放电容量达到160.2mA·g-1,与酸处理后得到的α-MnO2接近(160.9mA·g-1),但比前驱体δ-MnO2高(125.8mA·g-1);更为重要的是,MnO2/聚苯胺复合材料与前驱体及酸处理得到的样品相比,其循环性能得到了较大的提高。MnO2 /polyaniline composite was prepared by polymerization of aniline in α-MnO2 from the acid-treating precursor of δ-MnO2. XRD results showed that during acid treatment the precursor of δ-MnO2 was transformed into α-MnO2, and this in α-MnO2 polymorph kept unchanged in the subsequent processes, as intercalation and polymerization of aniline. Comparison of charge-discharge performances among the precursor, its acid-treated form and the final composite, showed that at current density of 200 mA·g-1 the discharge capacity of the composite was 160.2 mA·g-1, which is close to that of the acid-treated material (160.9 mA·g-1) but higher than that of the precursor (125.8 mA·g-1). More important, the MnO2 /polyaniline composite showed a much better cyclic performance than the precursor and its acid-treated form.福建省高新技术重点项目(No2005H071);; 三明市重点科技项目(No2005-G-9

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint of Chinese Marine Medicine Dried Scallop

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    目的建立海洋中药干贝高效液相色谱(HPlC)指纹图谱分析方法 ,为其质量控制和药材鉴别提供依据。方法采用反相AllTIMA-C18柱,水(A)和乙腈(b)为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速为0.8Ml/MIn,检测波长210nM,柱温20℃,进样体积30μl;采用高效液相色谱二极管阵列检测器-质谱联用技术(HPlC-dAd-MS)对其特征峰进行快速分析;采用相似度计算软件用于10批干贝药材的相似度评价。结果初步建立了干贝药材的HPlC指纹图谱,10批干贝药材指纹图谱有9个共有峰,相似度均在0.85以上;HPlC-dAd-MS分析获得的4个特征峰的紫外光谱和质谱信息,可用于干贝药材指纹图谱特征峰以及共有峰的准确确定。结论该方法准确、简单、稳定性好,为干贝药材的真伪鉴别及质量控制提供了科学依据。Objective To establish a chromatographic fingerprint of Dried Scallop,a kind of Chinese marine medicine,by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),and apply for quality assessment and control of medicine materials of Dried Scallop.Methods Separation was performed on an Alltima-C18 (250 mm × 4.6 mm,5μm),with mobile phase consisting of water (A) and acetonitrile (B) with gradient elution at the flow rate of 0.8 ml/min.The UV detection wavelength was 210 nm,column temperature was 20℃.Characteristic peaks of the fingerprint could be rapidly analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS),and the software of similarity analysis was used to calculate the similarity of all the Dried Scallop samples.Results All samples tested contained the same nine peaks,and the similarities of 10 batches of Dried Scallop were more than 0.85.MS and UV spectra of the 4 characteristic peaks obtained using HPLC-MS could be used to accurately confirm the characteristic and common peaks in fingerprint of Dried Scallop.Conclusion This method is simple,accurate and stable,and can provide scientific reference for the identification and quality control of Dried Scallop.国家自然科学基金(No.20602009;20905017);海洋公益性行业科研专项(No.200705011;200805039