139 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Bank International Settlement System

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    国际结算是一项国际间的综合经济活动,从国际结算到外汇市场,以及离岸金融市场,商业银行始终是最重要的参与者。目前国际业务通行的结算方式主要有汇款方式、托收方式以及信用证方式。随着国际贸易的各个环节向电子化方向发展,传统的国际结算方式也正发生着一场深刻的革命,电子数据交换替代纸质单据将成为国际结算的主要形式。 本文重点研究国际结算系统的设计与实现,目的在于满足现代商业银行国际业务发展的电子化需求,实现国际结算业务品种的全覆盖。同时,通过实现业务数据处理自动化、业务数据自动共享,减少银行业务处理环节,降低业务处理风险,为客户提供便捷的本外币一揽子服务。论文结合银行国际结算系统在设计与实现过程中涉及...International settlement is an international comprehensive economic activity, from the international settlement to the foreign exchange market, as well as the offshore financial market, commercial Banks has always been one of the most important participant. At present the main means of settlement of international business are remittance, collection and L/C. With the direction of each link to the e...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323121

    Synthesis, Structures and Luminescence Studies of AuI-AgI Clusters With N-Au Bonds

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    金属间相互作用广泛存在于金属簇合物中,特别是当存在两个或多个d10电子构型的金属核心时,可形成同金属或异金属间的相互作用。拥有d10闭壳电子构型的AuI体系中,不仅存在Au-Au相互作用,还可与AgI发生作用。此类化合物在可见光区间拥有高强度、长寿命的发光特性,并可对多种因素发生响应,应用前景广阔。 在过去三十多年里,以主族元素为中心的AuI化合物引起了人们广泛的关注和研究,如[C(AuPR3)5]+,[C(AuPR3)6]2+,[N(AuPR3)5]+,[P(AuPR3)5]2+,[P(AuPR3)6]3+,[O(AuPR3)3]+,[O(AuPR3)4]2+等,其中心的主族元素以超越寻常...Intermetallic interactions are widely present in metal clusters, especially when there are two or more metal cores of d10 electron configuration, which can form interactions with metal or isomeric metals. In the AuI system with d10 shell electron configuration, Au-Au interaction exists not only, but also with AgI. These compounds have high-intensity and long-life luminescence properties in the vis...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115161

    Factors Influencing Undergraduate Students’ Academic Achievement—Evidence from 2009 Freshmen Cohort of a Chinese Research University

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    本科第一年是大学生学习和发展的奠基阶段,也是大学生学术、社会生活双方面的适应时期。本科新生的学习与发展,既是高等教育管理者亟须关注的实际问题,也是高等教育研究的重要课题。本文以某“985工程”大学2009级大一新生为研究对象,采用问卷调查与管理数据收集相合的方式建立新生学习经历综合数据组,客观展示当前中国高等教育改革与发展的特定情境和“985工程”高校的特殊院校背景下本科新生从高中到大学过渡时期的经历与表现;应用教育生产函数模型建立新生学业成就之影响因素的计量关系模型,采用线性回归、分位回归、包含工具变量的两阶段最小二乘回归和多层线性模型等统计、计量方法技术,探索新生学业成就背后个人特征和家庭...Entering college means taking a big step. What freshmen do can have a great impact on their academic and personal development in future college years, not to mention the rest of their lives. In China, though rapid and complex developments in higher education domain have prompted a prominent and visible voice asking for understanding freshmen’ campus experience both at institutional and individual ...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572009015338


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    The Research on OKORDER Project of CNBM International Corporation

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    改革开放以来,中国的外贸业务取得了重大的发展。但是,近些年来,随着信息技术的发展和国际化交往的日益频繁,外贸企业的生存面临重大危机。在供应商和客户的眼里,外贸企业经常成为要被从供应链中省略掉的一环。当今的形势下,外贸企业对于上下游的控制力逐渐被削弱。原材料价格、劳动力成本、融资成本持续大幅上涨,人民币持续升值,使原本利润率就很低的建材产品,利润空间不断压缩,企业面临的压力日趋增大。由于外贸业务的特点而造成人员的频繁流动,也给企业留住人才、吸引人才制造了难题。企业逐渐遭遇发展的瓶颈,包括规模扩张的局限,利润来源的单一,品牌塑造的困难。业务模式创新、提供增值服务,在价值链的上下游纵深延伸等成为外贸...Since reform and opening up, China's international trading business has made significant development. However, in recent years, with the development of information technology and international exchanges becoming more frequent, the international trading enterprises face a major crisis to survive. In the eyes of suppliers and customers, international trading companies often become the part to be om...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200715602

    A Explanation about Marx’s commodity concept as viewed from semeiology

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    马克思从最简单、最抽象的商品概念出发,分析了资本主义社会的生产过程。而财富日渐丰富的当代社会,在物质生产的基础上商品的社会意义和符号价值的创造也日益显现出重要性。随着消费社会的到来,如何重新理解商品的概念及其所蕴含的的社会意义?鲍德里亚用符号学发展马克思的政治经济学批判的思路给了我们很大的启发。如果用现代符号学的方法重新去解读马克思的商品概念,我们可以看到商品与符号具有相似的逻辑结构。在商品概念中,使用价值是所指,交换价值是能指。在商品交换过程中,商品是所指,货币是能指。而鲍德里亚认为,在当今时代里商品要成为消费的对象必须先转变成符号。在符号的结构中,社会地位和差异意义是所指,商品及其各种商标...Abstract Marx analyzed the capitalist society based on the commodity which is the simplest and most abstract concept. But in the present age, the material wealth is enormous rich, so the produce of the it’s social significance and sign value have become more and more important. In consumer society, how to re-understand the concept and the social significance of commodity? Baudrillard enlight...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_马克思主义哲学学号:20030500


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    The Mismatch between the Labor Market Demand and the Talents Output of Higher Education in China and the Countermeasures Thereof

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    随着近年来中国高等教育的大规模扩展,高等教育的供需矛盾凸显。造成这种矛盾的制度、社会原因是脱离市场需求的大规模扩张和个人对高等教育的需求膨胀机制。为此,必须考虑社会就业机会,调整高等教育本身结构和劳动力市场需求的透明度,同时扩大院校自主权,实行灵活的学籍管理。As China's higher education expands rapidly, the conflict between the talents output of higher education and the labor market demand becomes evident. The causes of this conflict lie mainly in the system and society. Specifically, the conflict is caused by the large-scale expansion of higher education and the expansion of individual's demand for higher education without taking the labor market demand into account. To solve the problem, the employment market should be put into consideration; the higher education should be restructured, the transparency of employment market should be strengthened; a greater autonomy should be given to colleges and universities, and a more flexible administration of students' records should be allowed


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