37 research outputs found

    Concentration and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments collected in the Southern Yellow Sea

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    采用气相色谱与质谱联用(gC/MS)技术,在一个航次内对南黄海表层沉积物中16种优先监控的PAHS的污染状况进行了调查,采用菲/蒽、荧蒽/芘、荧蒽/(荧蒽+芘)、吲哚芘/(吲哚芘+苯并(g,H,I)苝)等特定比值对PAHS来源进行了分析.结果表明,南黄海表层沉积物中检出PAHS的总含量为90.4~732.65ng·g-1,各站点均以4~6环为主;与其它站位相比,倾废区的H01站位受到PAHS污染较为明显,无论是16种PAHS总量还是高分子量组分最高值都出现在该站点,虽然该海区沉积物中PAHS的含量没有超出生物影响低值,但苯并(b)荧蒽、吲哚芘和苯并(g,H,I)芘等一些没有最低安全标准的PAHS也有不同程度的检出,对海洋生物具有潜在的毒副作用.PAHS可能来源于原油、生物和煤燃烧造成的污染.The concentrations of sixteen representative Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in surface sediment samples collected from the Southern Yellow Sea were determined by GC-MS.The distribution and potential sources of PAH contamination in the region were investigated.The types of PAHs found in the surface sediments were mainly 4~6 ring PAHs,and they are unevenly distributed among the different sampling sites covering an area of 139 km2.The area is known for continuous waste dumping activities in recent years,and indeed sites adjacent to such activities were found to have high levels of PAHs.Some high molecular weight PAH compounds such as benzobbfluoranthene,dibenzoa,ha,hanthracene and benzog,h,ig,h,iperylene were detected in some samples.The health implication of these contaminants needs careful assessment since toxicity guidelines are not available for these species.The potential sources of PAHs are discussed using various source-specific PAH indexes such as Phenathrene/Anthracene、Fluoranthene/Pyrene、Fluoranthene/(Fluoranthene+Pyrene) and Indeno [1,2,3-cd] pyrene/(Indeno[1,2,3-cd] pyrene+Benzo [g,h,i] perylene).The composition of the observed PAHs reflects that they originate from both petroleum utilization and incomplete combustion.海洋公益性行业科研专项(No.200705011);中国海监技术支撑体系项目;2008年海洋环境保护及节能减排专项---

    Comparison of Recoveries of PAHs Obtained by Ultrasound-assisted Extraction from Wet and Freeze-dried Marine Sediment

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    以美国环保局(EPA)优先控制的16种多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)为研究对象,建立了湿法超声波辅助萃取技术提取沉积物中痕量PAHs的可靠方法,对萃取剂、萃取功率、萃取次数和萃取时间进行了优化。并与传统干法超声辅助萃取进行了比较,湿法超声波辅助萃取的PAHs回收率为57%~125%,而干法超声波辅助萃取PAHs的回收率为48%~113%,对相对分子质量小的PAHs如萘~芴的回收率,湿法明显高于干法。该文建立的湿法超声辅助萃取适用于沉积物和泥土中痕量PAHs的快速测定。An ultrasound-assisted extraction method for the extraction of 16 trace PAHs(USEPA priority pollutant) from wet(i.e.untreated) marine sediment was developed.The effects of solvent type,power of ultrasound,and extraction time were studied and optimized.The developed method was compared with the traditional ultrasound-assisted extraction for freeze-dried sediment.The results showed that recoveries of sixteen PAHs extracted from the wet marine sediment ranged from 57% to 125%,whereas those extracted from the freeze-dried marine sediment ranged from 48% to 113%.The results also indicated that the recoveries of PAHs with smaller relative molecular mass(e.g.naphthalene and fluorine) extracted from the wet sediment were higher than those from the freeze-dried sediment.Thus the developed method was appropriate for rapid determination of trace PAHs in marine sediment and soil.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200705011);; 中国海监技术支撑体系项目;; 2008年海洋环境保护及节能减排专

    Evaluation of DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Capability of Hippocampus japonicus Kaup. and Their HPLC Fingerprint

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    目的采用体外1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼(dPPH)抗氧化模型对海马提取物的抗氧化性质进行评价,并建立小海马HPlC特征指纹图谱,用于小海马药材的鉴别及质量评价。方法利用离线dPPH抗氧化评价体系对海马不同提取物进行评价,结果表明,海马水提物抗氧化能力最强,在此基础上又探明了海马水提物抗氧化能力随时间和浓度的变化规律,为海马抗氧化活性提供了科学依据。依据抗氧化活性实验结果,建立了海马水提物HPlC特征指纹图谱分析方法。结果海马水提物大部分化合物达到基线分离,方法的精密度、重现性、稳定性良好;建立小海马药材HPlC指纹图谱,采用中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,对小海马进行真伪辨别和质量评价。结论表明该方法简捷、有效,是小海马药材鉴别及质量控制的有效方法。OBJECTIVE To evaluate the antioxidant activity of the extracts of Haima,and to establish the HPLC fingerprint of Haima for the discrimination and the quality evaluation of Haima.METHODS Antioxidant properties of Haima extracts with different solvent were assayed in terms of antioxidant activity by scavenging activities on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhdrazyl(DPPH).The effect of time and concentration of Haima extract on the antioxidant activity was also studied.Secondly,a chromatographic fingerprint method was developed.RESULTS The antioxidant activity of water extract of Haima was higher than all the other extracts of Haima.The developed HPLC method was simple,accurate and reliable for the development of Haima fingerprint.Ten Haima samples collected from different medicine store were analyzed and the Haima HPLC fingerprint was established.The similarity of the HPLC chromatogram was performed for authentication and quality control of Haima.CONCLUSION The HPLC fingerprinting techniques have high potential in authentication or source-tracing types of applications.国家自然科学基金重点项目(20235020);青岛市共建生物医药研发测试中心资助项目(LS-05-KJZX-76

    Identification of Bohai Sea crude oil based on characteristic fingerprinting by MSPD-RP-HPLC

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    建立渤海原油的高效液相色谱(HPlC)特征指纹图谱,为渤海原油的鉴别提供一种新方法。以氧化铝作为基质固相分散剂进行样品处理,采用HPlC法进行分析,双反相C18色谱柱串联,以乙腈-水为流动相,二元线性梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 Ml/MIn,柱温为20℃,双波长检测226 nM、254 nM,进样量10μl;采用所发展的方法对10批渤海原油样品进行分析,建立渤海原油的HPlC特征指纹图谱,结合相似度分析用于渤海原油的鉴别。该方法具有很好的精密度、重复性和稳定性,10批渤海原油特征指纹图谱有13个共有峰,结合相似度分析可以用于渤海原油样品的鉴别,说明HPlC特征指纹图谱是渤海原油鉴别的有力工具。Based on the high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) characteristic fingerprinting,a new method for crude oil identification of Bohai Sea was developed.The sample pretreatment was done using matrix solid-phase dispersion,and Al2O3 was used as the dispersant.The chromatographic fingerprints were determined by injecting 10 L sample solution each time on two reverse phase C18 columns in series with the gradient elution solvent system composed of water and acetonitrile.The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min,the column temperature was maintained at 20℃ and the signals were acquired at 226 nm and 254 nm.The characteristic fingerprints of crude oil were established by analysis of ten representative samples derived from Bohai Sea,and identification was carried out by the similarity analysis of the characteristic fingerprints.The method was ideally suited for the fingerprinting of Bohai Sea crude oil with good precision,repeatability and stability.13 peaks were selected as the common peaks of the characteristic fingerprint and used for the similarity analysis,which could be applied to distinguish crude oil of Bohai Sea from that of other sources.The characteristic HPLC fingerprinting technique thus was a powerful tool for the identification of crude oil originated from Bohai Sea.海洋公益性行业科研专项(200705011;201005034-3);中国海监技术支撑体系项目;2008年海洋环境保护及节能减排专


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    目的建立一种适合现场检测需要的A型流感快速诊断试剂。方法以自制的抗A型流感(FluA)病毒核蛋白(NP)单抗为原料,建立快速检测A型流感病毒的双抗体夹心酶免疫渗滤试验,并对其灵敏度和特异性进行了初步评价。结果该试剂对不同地区流行的各种亚型的A型流感病毒株均有较高的反应性,而对非FluA病毒株无交叉反应。比较该试剂与BD公司的两种流感快速诊断试剂,发现该试剂对随机选取的3株FluA病毒的检测分析灵敏度高出Directigen EZ Flu A试剂5~125倍,对2株FluA病毒的分析灵敏度高出Directigen Flu A试剂约20倍。另外,用该试剂对57份含漱液标本和170份动物拭子标本进行检测,结果显示:本试剂的灵敏度(>85%)和特异性(>95%)均优于当前主流的商品化A型流感快速诊断试剂。结论利用抗FluANP单抗为原料建立了A型流感快速诊断试剂,该试剂的应用无需任何专用仪器,操作简便快速,可满足现场检测需要

    South China Maritime Merchants and Catholic Dissemination in the 16th and 17th Centuries

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    16、17世纪,随着全球化贸易体系在亚洲海域的进一步扩张,在果阿、长崎、马尼拉、宿务等地形成了一个以海外贸易网络为依凭的早期华南海商天主教群体。这批活跃于东南亚水域的早期华南海商教徒——“濂水人“,在跨文化交流史上占有特殊的地位。其所驾轻就熟的海上商贸航路,曾经一度是活跃的传教航路,在推动天主教入华传播方面发挥了重要作用。作为重要的文化中间人,华南海商教徒也积极参与到这场全球化背景下多元知识传播与交流中,成为推动跨文化接触的一个重要媒介。With a further expansion of globalized trade system in Asian seas in the 16 th and 17 th centuries, there formed an early-period South China maritime merchants' Catholic community based on an overseas trade network.These active Catholics occupy an extraordinary position in the history of inter-cultural communication.Their familiar maritime trade r oute had once been also a route of missionary activity and played an important role in Catholic dissemination into China.Being the important go-betweens, South China maritime Catholics took an active part in this multiple dissemination and communication of knowledge in the situation of globalization, and become an important medium in promoting intercultural contacts.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“17世纪西班牙文献中的郑成功家族史料辑录、翻译与研究”(13JJD77023); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“南中国海周边区域的族群关系与社会文化”(ZK1032)的阶段性成


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