1,700 research outputs found

    Study on scale-up preparation of methanation catalyst forsynthetic natural gas from coal

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    我国“贫油、少气、多煤”的能源格局,日益严格的环保要求以及持续增加的天然气需求促使我国大力发展煤制天然气项目。本课题基于实验室AM-820催化剂的小试研究成果,开发出AM-830催化剂并对其进行0.2kg、1kg、5kg、10kg级放大制备研究,以顺应中海油煤制天然气产业发展需求。主要内容为优化AM-830催化剂小试制备工艺、AM-830催化剂放大制备及其物化性质表征、探讨Na+对AM-830CO甲烷化反应活性的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1)确定AM-830催化剂NiiZrjYk的最佳摩尔比例为6:3:1,基于共沉淀方法制备AM-830催化剂,确定并流为最佳加料方式,最佳沉淀原料液浓度为0....The energy structure of lean oil, less gas and rich coal in china, increasingly stringent environmental requirements and increased demond of natural gas promote the development of the industry of synthetic natural gas from coal. This is the project to develop a new catalyst of AM-830 based on the successful experience of AM-820 preparation in our laboratory, then to inverstigate its scale-up prepa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115148

    Design and Implementation of Case Management System for the Public Security Bureau

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    随着经济发展和社会的进步,人们的物质生活水平得到了非常大的提高,但是现阶段人们的精神文化需要与社会文化发展水平有一定差距,所以随之而来的是各类公安案件层出不穷。目前,某市对公安案件的管理仍然采取以纸质公文为主的管理形式,给案件的信息管理、维护、分析等带来了极大的不便。某市公安案件管理信息系统的建设,力求改变这种局面,为某市公安部门带来一个基于网络的协同管理系统,能够实现接警、线索管理、侦办管理、信息共享、案件统计分析等多功能一体的案件管理平台。 该系统将案件登记管理、案件分配管理、案件侦办计划、案件线索管理等案件管理的各个步骤纳入到系统管理中,充分利用某市公安部门的内部网络资源,实现案件管理...Along with economic development and social progress, people's material life level has been greatly improved, but at this stage people's spiritual and cultural needs and social and cultural development level has a certain gap, so the following is a lot of public security cases. At present, city of the case to the public security management still take to paper-based documents management form, brough...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323228

    The Neural Mechanism of Arousal and Its Computational Simulation

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    意识一直是人们所关心的问题,近年来,随着神经科学等学科的发展,对意识的研究已经进入了科学的层面。我们知道,人类可以处于不同的意识状态,例如觉醒、睡眠、癫痫等等,在这些状态下人们的意识水平是不一样的。本文即从这一点出发,按照生理学上的依据,以Hodgkin-Huxley模型为基础,建立了模仿丘脑-皮层活动的模型,这个模型可以从一定程度上模拟出不同意识水平下脑电的活动。首先,通过调整参数,模型可以依次模拟出清醒阶段、浅睡阶段(睡眠梭形波)、慢波睡眠阶段以及局部癫痫发作阶段的脑电特性。从离子通道的角度,我们分析了各种状态产生的原因,尤其是睡眠梭形波的初始、维持和终止。此外,我们还用C0复杂度对模型的...Consciousness has been concerned for many years. Recently, along with the development of neuroscience, consciousness became a focus in science. Human beings can be under many kinds of consciousness states, such as arousal, sleep-spindle sleep, slow oscillation sleep and seizure. Under these different states, the level of our awareness is also different. In this article, based on the physiology of ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20032803

    Study on the Visual Perception of ‘Hole’ and ‘No-hole’ Figures

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    长久以来,在视知觉的研究中,一直存在整体特征优先加工和局部特征优先加工两种理论之争,前者以格式塔理论作为代表,后者以特征整合理论作为代表。1982年,陈霖提出了拓扑知觉理论,从而为整体特征优先加工找到了更切实的证据。我们以陈霖的工作作为出发点,提出了视知觉在早期阶段对“洞”敏感,是形成拓扑知觉的原因之一。我们从以下三个方面讨论了在视知觉中“洞”的敏感性: 1. 相对于“非洞”,“洞”诱发较低的知觉负载,这个结论得到了两方面的证据支持:从行为学上,干扰刺激的变化对“洞”有显著干扰,而对“非洞”的干扰没有显著性,说明“非洞”相对“洞”占据了更多知觉空间,从而使得干扰刺激进入不了知觉范围;从ERP...In the research of visual perception, there is a debate between global-first and local-first theories. The former is represented by Gestalt psychology, while the latter is represented by feature-integration theory. In 1982, Chen Lin proposed a theory named topological perception, which is substantial evidence to global-first theory. Original from Chen’s work, we proposed the property of ‘hole’ is ...学位:理学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_基础数学学号:2302006015337

    Research on Electromagnetic Parameters of Measuring Materials Based on Transmission Line Method

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    随着现代化科学技术的不断发展,微波技术己经在各个行业起到重要作用,在通信、航空、生物、医学等方面得到广泛应用。各种新型新材料的不断出现,需要完善测量理论和测量方式来加以验证,这就对材料微波电磁属性测量提出了更高的要求,随着微波工程应用和材料科学的不断发展,对材料的电磁参数测量技术的研究成为当前的一个热门课题。 本文主要研究短路微带线法测量纳米磁性薄膜的相对复磁导率。通过与传统的复磁导率测量方法对比,最终使用反射式短路微带法,测量纳米磁性薄膜材料。首先从传统的传输/反射法理论计算推导出测量复磁导率的公式,然后使用电磁仿真软件CST建立仿真模型,通过设置面内单轴各项异性材料属性进行模拟仿真。最后...With the continuous development of modern science and technology, microwave wave technology has played an important role in industry, in communication, aerospace, biology, medicine and other aspects are widely used. The emergence of new materials requires for better measurement methods and theory, which put forward a higher demand for material properties measurement in the microwave range, for th...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3432014115281

    Research on Pettifogger of Qin and Han Dynasties

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    秦汉史书中,如《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》中多次提及“刀笔吏”,然而学界似乎对这个问题不屑一顾,可以看到的关于“刀笔吏”的文章甚至于字眼都极其少。对于这个一直出现于历代史籍中乃至今天还有人用的称谓进行考究显然是很有必要的。“刀笔吏”最早见于《史记·萧相国世家》所记:萧相国“于秦为刀笔吏,录录未有奇节”。就以秦汉时代,这个“刀笔吏”源起时代为时限,对“刀笔吏”问题中几个重要的方面进行初步考述,以就教于学界。Pettifogger has been refered to for many times in the historical book of Qin and Han dynasties,such as Shiji,Hanshu and Houhanshu.However,our research today pays little attention to it.I think it is necessary to get into this problem.Pettifogger was found at first in Shiji·Xiaoxiangguoshijia:in xiaoxiang country Qin is a pettifogger,who recorded without remarkable pieces of writings.So,I want to make some basic study of pettifogger in it's first appearance period.I hope my work will take a little benefit to further research


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    Financial And Value Analysis Of Neusoft And China National Software

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    软件服务外包行业是一个结合了外包和高科技的行业。从二十世纪末期开始在我国逐渐孵化成型,并经历了二十一世纪初十年的黄金发展,通过技术外溢效应,带动软件技术和产品在国内的应用和发展,极大促进国内生产力的发展。但是在08年之后,金融危机带来的负面影响逐渐显现,加之国际汇率变化加剧,国内人力成本快速上升,软件服务外包行业该如何应对,该如何发展? 本文选取外资背景的东软集团和国有背景的中国软件作为此次研究的对象,从两家上市公司的2008~2013年的财务报表入手,分析它们的财务数据、指标以及市场价值,对比不同应对策略下公司经营的业绩表现,对财务政策作出评价和建议。 全文共分七章,第一章概述研究意义及...Software service outsourcing industry is a combination of outsourcing and high-tech industries. It began development in our country from the end of the last century, and rapid development in the tenth year of this century. Through technology spillover effect, drive software technology and product application and development in domestic, greatly promote the development of domestic productivity. But...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115102

    Theoretical Calculations on Mechanisms of Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Transformation: Linkage between N2H4 and N2, H2O2 and 1O2

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    占空气体积分数大约99%的氧和氮与人们的生活和工业生产密切相关。氧、氮物种,由于电子结构的差异而具有不同的形式,如NOx、N2H4、NH3、N2、O2、O2-、O22-、O32-等,这些氧、氮物种在反应中具有不同的作用特性,会影响反应的活性和选择性,因而研究氧、氮物种的转化,具有重要的理论意义和应用背景。本文着力于研究氧、氮物种转化中的两个例子,即,肼的分解转化和H2O2与单重态氧间的转化。肼是生物固氮和化学固氮——合成氨等反应中的一个重要中间体,其转化或反应是串联生物固氮和合成氨的一个重要环节。H2O2分解转化为1O2,则涉及过氧与分子氧物种间的动态转化,对其微观机制的理解将有助于对氧物种在...Oxygen and Nitrogen, as the fundamental components of atmosphere, play a very important role in people’s daily life and industrial production. Due to the difference of electronic structures, there are many forms and structures of the oxygen- or nitrogen-based species, such as NOx, N2H4, NH3, N2, O2, O2-, O22- and O32-, et. al.. Those different species are of various properties and will affect the ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052006115200

    The Design and Implementation of Wholesale Market Electronic Trading Platforms

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    近年来,计算机科技的发展带来了信息时代的进步,在互联网的飞速发展之下悄然改变着人们的生活。而电子商务(e-commerce)更是一项重要的互联网应用,它不仅改变了人们的生活,改变了公司业务的发展方向,更推动了全球经济的发展,是未来产业链发展的重要环节。电子商务交易方式要建立全球化发展的模式,目标在于以最快速、最方便、最适用的方式在互联网中建立一个庞大的交易平台,改变传统的宣传推广和营销模式。 本文研究的电子交易平台围绕将云南省昆明螺蛳湾国际商贸城打造成现代化的电子商城,实现一个大型的B2C网站。提供一站式服务的商品销售于结算平台网站,包含功能有平台集信息发布、内部管理、资金清算、买卖双方的交...In recent years, the development of computer technology has accelerated the development of Information Era, and the rapid development of the Internet has been changing people's lives quietly. As an important internet application, e-commerce has not only changed people’s lives and the development direction of company business, but also enhanced global economic development and become a key link in t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823014