Study on scale-up preparation of methanation catalyst forsynthetic natural gas from coal


我国“贫油、少气、多煤”的能源格局,日益严格的环保要求以及持续增加的天然气需求促使我国大力发展煤制天然气项目。本课题基于实验室AM-820催化剂的小试研究成果,开发出AM-830催化剂并对其进行0.2kg、1kg、5kg、10kg级放大制备研究,以顺应中海油煤制天然气产业发展需求。主要内容为优化AM-830催化剂小试制备工艺、AM-830催化剂放大制备及其物化性质表征、探讨Na+对AM-830CO甲烷化反应活性的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1)确定AM-830催化剂NiiZrjYk的最佳摩尔比例为6:3:1,基于共沉淀方法制备AM-830催化剂,确定并流为最佳加料方式,最佳沉淀原料液浓度为0....The energy structure of lean oil, less gas and rich coal in china, increasingly stringent environmental requirements and increased demond of natural gas promote the development of the industry of synthetic natural gas from coal. This is the project to develop a new catalyst of AM-830 based on the successful experience of AM-820 preparation in our laboratory, then to inverstigate its scale-up prepa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115148

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