282 research outputs found

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    我々は本研究により,室温において固体グルコース系糖類に生成するプラズマ誘起ラジカルの構造,およびその反応に関する一般性を確立した。短時間プラズマ照射により,種々のグルコース系糖類(単糖,二糖,多糖)に生成するラジカルのESRスペクトルはそれぞれ異なり複雑なパターンを示したが,それらはすべて基本的に類似した成分スペクトルの異なった構成比により成立していることが明らかになった。さらに,いずれの糖類に生成するラジカルも同類の反応経路が進行し,グルコ一ス単位の各炭素部位より水素引き抜き反応によりヒドロキシルアルキルラジカルが生成し,その後一部が脱水反応によりアシルラジカルに変換することを明らかにした。なお多糖類,特にセルロースのアルキル(アルコキシル)誘導体に生成するラジカルはダングリングボンドを多く含有し,架橋反応進行を示唆する結果が得られた。さらに,種々の糖ラジカルと酸素との反応性には差異が見られ,それはオリゴ糖と多糖の間の結晶構造の相違に起因することを明らかにした。Based on electron spin resonance (ESR) plasma-induced free radical formation of solid saccharides consisting of glucose units was studied. The observed ESR spectra of plasma-irradiated samples at room temperature showed multicomponent spectra which differ in pattern from each other. Systematic computer simulations enabled us to clarify the precise nature of radical formations in saccharides by plasma irradiation and disclosed that the observed spectra of glucose-based saccharides consist of spectral components similar to each other : an isotropic doublet and triplet assigned to a hydroxylalkyl radical at C1,C2,C3 and C4 . A part of the hydroxylalkyl radicals underwent spontaneous dehydration to produce the corresponding acylalkyl radical. Furthermore, a singlet spectrum assigned to dangling-bond sites (DBS) was a major component in the simulated spectra of cellulose derivatives, suggesting a higher tendency to undergo the cross-link reaction. The different reactivity of saccharide radicals with oxygen in the atmosphere could be explained by considering the difference in the polymorphic forms of the oligosaccharide and polysaccharide types

    Extraction of Xylindein from Chlorociboria aeruginosa complex and its biological characteristics

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    Xylindein (XL) was effectively extracted from wood rotted by Chlorociboria aeruginosa complex using a hot-compressed-water; in particular, with aqueous NaOH solution. The blue color of XL became red by ultraviolet irradiation, while XL was blue. It was estimated that the phenolic hydroxyl groups of XL were acylated by ultraviolet irradiation, because the acetyl XL was red. The effect of XL on the growth of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells was examined in the medium supplemented by XL. In the presence of XL, the cell growth in the medium was much retarded. The retardation was reduced when the irradiated XL was used

    教養教育としての学生相互学習の試み : 「学科合同まなび報告会」の取り組み

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     新見公立大学・新見公立短期大学教養教育委員会では,本学3学科(看護学科・幼児教育学科・地域福祉学科)の学生が,それぞれの1年間の「学び」をお互いに「学びあう」ことを目的として1年次の終わりに「学科合同学び報告会」を実施する取り組みを企画した。2010 年度は試行実施,2011 年度より本格的に実施し,報告会後に参加学生へ「報告会」での学びについての質問に自由に記述してもらう形でアンケートを行った。2011年度は1 年次終期に報告会を実施し,2012 年度は新入生対象に報告会を行った。全アンケートを学科別に分析した結果,学習成果があったという記述が大半を占めた。1 年次終期の学生アンケートからは,1年間の自分の成長を確実に感じ2年次の学びへの意欲を持ったことを読み取ることができ,新入生へのアンケートからは,目標がより明確になりモチベーションのアップにつながったことを読み取ることができた。大学・短大として教養教育を充実させるため,学科をまたいだ学生相互学習の試みを今後も続けてゆくことを目指す。 Liberal Arts Education Committee of Niimi College implemented interdepartmental reporting sessions of students\u27 learning in the three departments (the departments of Nursing, Early Childhood Education, and Community Welfare of Niimi College) at the end ofacademic year. After a trial session in the academic year of 2010, we had an actual session at the end of academic year of 2011. At the end of each session, we had the students answer the questionnaire of freely-descriptive style. In the academic year of 2011, we had this session at the end of academic year, then we had a rerun session to the new students in the beginning of academic year of 2012. We analyzed all the answers of the students in each department, and found out that almost all the students have found these sessions meaningful in learning. In the analyses of answers at the end of academic year, we found that the students clearly realized their academic developments and were motivated to work harder in their sophomore year. In the analyses of answers of freshmen who listened to the sophomores\u27 presentations in the beginning of their college life, we found that the freshmen understood their goals of learning in college, and got interested in their new major. The Committee of Liberal Arts Education of Niimi College will keep up the implementation of the interdepartmental reporting sessions of students\u27 learning to better liberal arts education


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    During the 18-year period from 1972 through 1990, 498 patients were admitted to our clinic for colorectal cancer. Dividing the patients into two groups (one included the cases of the first 10-year period which were mainly operated with "R2" lymphnode cleaning, and the another included cases of the latter 8 years with "R3" lymphnode cleaning), we evaluated the variation of the outcome of surgical treatment comparing the results of the two periods. The results were as follows : 1. The resection rates were elevated in both colonic and rectal cancer (82.5% to 98.6% and 89.5% to 95.8%, respectively). The curative resection rates also increased (colon : from 56.3% to 77.3%, rectum : from 74.6% to 86.6%) 2. The surgical mortality rates decreased from 2.6% to 0.8%. 3. Noncurative resections were caused by hepatic metastasis (61%), peritoneal dissemination (26%), distant metastasis excluding the liver (11.8%), locally far advanced extension (11.8%) and exceeding spread of lymphnode metastasis (10.5%) 4. The overall 5-year survival rates increased in colonic and rectal cancer (52.5% to 64.3% and 40.8% to 67.3%, respectively), and also improved with regard to curatively operated cases (73.4% to 78.6% and 54.5% to 81.9%, respectively). The survival rates by Dukes' classification revealed improvement in Dukes B and C of rectal cancer cases. According to stage classification, stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ had changes for the better. 5. Recurrences of curatively resected cases occurred in 83.3% within 2 years after primary operations, but no reccurrence was recognized in those cases after 5 years. 6. The incidence of sphincter saving operations for lower rectal cancer ("Ra-Rb") was elevated from 11.4% to 35.1%. The survival rates showed no significant difference between sphincter saving operation and abdominoperoneal resection in both periods