10 research outputs found


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    饱和土的动力响应一直是土动力学重点关注的问题,尤其是在循环荷载作用下饱和砂土容易发生孔压升高、强度降低的液化现象。同时,采用有限元法求解尺寸较大的实际饱和土场地,巨大的自由度数往往造成整体系统的计算效率极低,制约着饱和土数值方法的发展。因此,基于已提出的u-p(u为固相土骨架位移,p为孔压)饱和两相多孔介质动力方程的全显式有限元法,将其嵌入Open Sees开放性平台中,并利用软件自带的饱和多孔介质单元和本构模型,实现了高效、显式计算饱和土的动力响应。通过计算二维弹性饱和土动力响应,与Newmark法的计算结果对比,两者结果吻合较好,验证了嵌入算法的正确性。将提出方法计算非线性自由场海床土的地震响应问题,有效模拟了海床土的液化过程和失效模式以及发生的侧向变形,同时说明了提出方法在计算效率方面具有的显著优势。国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(No.51421005);国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51578026)~


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    给出热力耦合的热弹粘塑性材料的有限元分析方法, 讨论与之相关的时间积分算法. 为改善线性插值函数所引起的不协调性及提高运算速度, 应力协调迭代理论被引入相关的算法及程序中. 最后对非绝热过程中热-塑变形局部化及激光诱导的剪切变形集中进行了数值模拟, 其结果与理论分析有良好的吻合

    Martensitic transformation under impact with high strain rate

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    This paper deals with the quantitative prediction of the volume fraction of martensitic transformation in a austenitic steel that undergoes impact with high strain rate. The coupling relations between strain, stress, strain rate, transformation rate and transformed fraction were derived from the OTC model and modified Bodner-Partom equations, where the impact process was considered as an adiabatic and no entropy-increased process (pressure less than or equal to 20GPa). The one-dimensional results were found to model and predict various experimental results obtained on 304 stainless steel under impact with high strain rate

    Iterative method using consistent mass matrix in axisymmetrical finite element analysis of hypervelocity impact

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    We present in this paper an iterative method using consistent mass matrix in axisymmetrical finite element analysis of hypervelocity impact. To retain the advantage of integration on an element-by-element basis which is at the heart of modern hydrocodes, we suggest that the first step should be to solve for accelerations at an advanced time step by using the lumped mass approach, then iterate using a consistent mass matrix to improve the estimate. Examples are given to show the improved resolution with the new method

    The application of B-P constitutive equations in finite element analysis of high velocity impact

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    We present in this paper the application of B-P constitutive equations in finite element analysis of high velocity impact. The impact process carries out in so quick time that the heat-conducting can be neglected and meanwhile, the functions of temperature in equations need to be replaced by functions of plastic work. The material constants in the revised equations can be determined by comparison of the one-dimensional calculations with the experiments of Hopkinson bar. It can be seen from the comparison of the calculation with the experiment of a tungsten alloy projectile impacting a three-layer plate that the B-P constitutive equations in that the functions of temperature were replaced by the functions of plastic work can be used to analysis of high velocity impact


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    一、该项目针对农业生产中食品安全和环境污染问题,开展了S-诱抗素、新奥霉素、壳寡糖、棉铃虫病毒杀虫剂与昆虫病原线虫生物制剂、功能性堆肥及其浸提液工业化生产等的试验和示范,立项准确,针对性强,意义重大。 二、项目研究出S-诱抗素等生物制剂及其生产工艺、工厂化技术;研究开发出昆虫病原线虫活体繁殖技术,实现了工厂化生产;研究开发了两种功能性堆肥及浸提液,提出了“功能性堆肥+秸秆生物反应堆+堆肥浸提液+S-诱抗素等生物制剂”健康、安全设施蔬菜生产模式;在宁夏实现了地上、地下,土壤、作物生物制剂联防技术体系,为低耗、高效、安全、健康农产品生产开辟了新途径。 三、在S-诱抗素、新奥霉素高产菌株的生产工艺,昆虫病原线虫活体繁殖工厂化生产方面取得了新突破;在S-诱抗素、新奥霉素、壳寡糖、棉铃虫病毒杀虫剂、功能性堆肥及其浸提液集成应用控制作物病虫害等方面有创新。研究成果达到了国内先进水平,S-诱抗素、新奥霉素高产菌株的生产工艺研究达到国际领先。 四、项目执行期间,在宁夏15个市县建立核心试验基地14个,示范推广点40个,累计推广面积17万亩,新增效益9600万元。获得发明专利4项,实用新型专利1项,制定地方标准5项,专著1部,发表论文19篇(其中SCI收录6篇)。培训农技人员300人次,农民4700多人次