359 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Computer Proficiency Test Management System for Middle School Students

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    随着社会的进步和信息技术的发展,也随着高考的改革以及计算机技术课程在中学的普及,计算机水平测试对高考生来说显得越来越重要,常规纸质考试已经不适应当代计算机专业水平测试的要求。采用计算机技术、网络技术等现代化手段实现的在线考试系统是学校对计算机技术水平测试的发展方向。 一直以来学校的考试管理工作都是通过传统的纸质考试方式来测试学生掌握计算机知识的程度以及管理考试的相关事宜,这种管理方式有着很多不足之处,如:用时绵长、效率低下、统计容易出错,且容易集结大量数据,给查找、更新及维护带来了诸多不便。基于计算机和网络技术的办公自动化系统逐渐成为了学校等单位提高工作效率的一种重要途径,据此开发一个计算机...With the society’s progress and information technology’s development, as well as the reform of college entrance examination and the popularity of computer technology courses in middle school, the computer proficiency test seems more and more important for the candidates. Regular paper exam has not adapted to the present requirements of computer professional proficiency test. Adopting the online ex...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323031

    チイキ ノ ニホンゴ キョウシツ ヲ ヤメタ チュウゴクジン ガクシュウシャ ノ ケース スタディ

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    本研究は、地域の日本語教室をやめる学習者が多いという現象の原因を探るため、日本語教室をやめた中国人学習者10名にインタビューを行い、マルチプル・ケース・スタディによる分析を行った。その結果、日本語教室をやめた学習者には3 つのパターンが見られた。(1)交流が目的で日本語教室に通い、やむをえない事情でやめたパターン。(2)日本語の勉強が目的で日本語教室に通い、教室になんらかの不満をもったためにやめたパターン。(3)日本語の勉強が目的で日本語教室に通い、やむをえない事情でやめたパターン。さらに、同じように日本語の勉強が目的で日本語教室に通った学習者のうち、教室になんらかの不満をもってやめた学習者とやむを得ない事情でやめた学習者の比較分析を通して不満の原因に対する対策についても検討した。上記の分析から、日本語教室が学習者の定着率を高めるためには、学習者オートノミーを育てること、日本語学習支援者であるボランティアの質を高めることが重要であるということがわかったが、地域の日本語教室の現状をふまえて、学習者の本当の声を引き出しやすい環境を作ること、日本語学習支援者に日本語を教える責任感を喚起する必要があることを提案した


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    Research of Jewelry Enterprise’s Risk Management

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    现代企业管理实践表明,企业的生产经营与管理活动是从企业的风险管理开始的,对风险管理的要求也随着企业规模的扩大而增强。建立完善的风险管理体系可以使企业识别所面临的各种风险,从而采取相应的防范措施加以应对,确保企业战略目标的实现。我国珠宝行业正在进入高速发展时期,目前也已形成了一定的规模,越来越多的珠宝企业意识到建立完善的风险管理体系对防范风险有显著的作用,并有加强其风险应对能力的内在需求。但是,我国珠宝企业在企业风险管理研究和具体应用等方面相对滞后,由此产生了一些风险事件,大量与之相关的问题有待完善与解决。为此,本文将在珠宝企业风险管理方面进行研究,以期从该行业的视角建立适用性更强的风险管理体系...Modern enterprise management practices showed that the production and management activity of an enterprise started from risk management of the enterprise, and the requirements of risk management were enhanced with the expansion of enterprise’s scale. Establishment of perfect risk management system can make an enterprise identify various risks it is facing, and take corresponding preventive measure...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200815712

    On Gihei in Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku : Through the Position of the Water Margin

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    During the latter Edo period, literature works began to appear which used resemblances between Chushingura and the Water Margin as materials for structuring or Mitate. In order to explore the background of how these two literatures started to resemble, it is necessary to include events pertinent to the creation of literature works derived from the Ako Gishi Incident or Chushingura-related plays into the scope of research. This study is an attempt as such.In Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku by CHIKAMATSU Hanji, a merchant named AMAGAWAYA Gihei plays a conspicuously active role. The author introduced Gihei in an early scene of the story where people deliberate the evacuation of Enya Castle and closed the piece by setting the scene of “Torture of Gihei” and his dream at the final phase of the story. Similar creations are not observed in previous literatures depicting Ako Gishi. The aim of this study is to clarify the background of Chikamatsu Hanji’s introduction of such a creative method into Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku.For this purpose, I decided to place a focus on “Koshaku” which is seen in the title of Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku and conduct research on Ako Gishi Den, a Koshaku documented by MOTOORI Norinaga in 1744. As a result, it was clarified that Ako Gishi Den was told on the basis of Taihei Gishin Den by KATASHIMA Takenori while borrowing contents of dramas and legends. In addition, it also became clear that Amagawaya Gihei was modeled on a person named “AMANOYA Rihei” in Ako Gishi Den.On the other hand, the comparison of Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku with other works made it obvious that there existed a person who had many things in common with Gihei. The person is Shishin who appears in the colloquial version of the Water Margin which was written in the script form for Kodan. The comparison of Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku with the Water Margin clarified that not only stories of Shisin and Gihei resembled but also the structures of both works were partially similar. Moreover, based on the research result of the family environment of Chikamatsu Hanji, I made it clear that he must have had contact with the Water Margin.There is a possibility that Taiheiki Chushin Koshaku may have adopted the story of Shisin in the Water Margin as a material in creation of the story of Gihei and partially followed the Water Margin for its structure. I would like to write down this thesis as one opinion to examine the creation method of Chikamatsu Hanji

    The feasibility analysis of YX real-estate project

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    YX项目是本人任职的房地产公司的第一个房产项目。借助该项目所处的绝版地段,为了将该项目打造成为厦门市高尚住宅中的精品楼盘,投资者走访了中国许多城市的类似楼盘,在吸收众家的精华后将该项目赋之行动。本人从项目的前期调查开始参与了项目投资可行性分析的工作。本文结合厦门房地产开发的特点,对该项目进行可行性研究和投资评价。文章主要包括以下四个部分: 第一章YX项目的背景分析。主要分为项目的地理位置、项目的形象定位、项目建筑经济指标等三个方面。 第二章YX项目市场分析。本章主要从宏观政策分析、供求分析、竞争分析、定价分析等方面来预测YX项目的市场均价。 `第三章YX项目的成本费用预估。本章通过对一般...YX was the first project that a real estate company had in Xiamen. Depending on the unique location, the company decided to make it one of the perfect projects. For this sake, the investor had visited many similar projects in China and deflowered them. The author joined in the work team for the feasibility analysis of the project. The thesis studies the investment feasibility of the project and ev...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031526