1,098 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Customer Information Acquisition System on Mobile Operator

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    在全球经济一体化大环境下,移动公司需要通过提高管理水平的方式以进一步扩张市场,从而达到增加企业效益的目的。移动公司在市场竞争中,一方面要不断地响应客户的需求,满足客户对产品的想法;另一方面,随着技术的不断发展,移动公司需要缩短产品的生命周期,提高响应市场的能力,进行持续的技术创新和改革。然而当前移动公司面临着客户信息分散在不同的业务系统,客户数据采集也需要在不同的业务系统中处理,因此,实现一个统一的客户采集系统就显得尤为重要。 本文以客户管理为中心,建立移动公司客户采集管理的顶层需求,深入分析客户信息采集与管理中的问题,划分出客户采集门户、客户管理、报表指标加工及ETL加工功能模块。论文采用...With the global economic integration, the environment, the mobile companies need to improve the management level by way of further expansion of the market, so as to increase their benefits. Mobile companies in the market competition, on the one hand to continue to respond to customer needs, to meet customer idea of the product; on the other hand, with the continuous development of technology, mobi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201322203

    Study on The Claim of Property Industry Fee and Dispute resolution mode

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    本文以物业费请求权为研究对象,针对物业服务市场化过程中出现的几种常见的物业费纠纷,结合我国物业管理法律制度的基本理论和最新立法成果,对物业费纠纷进行了深入的法理评析和实务分析,并提出了以人民调解方式有效化解我国物业费纠纷的一些设想。 本文主要分为三个部分: 一、物业费纠纷的现状及法理思考。从实务的角度分析了物业费纠纷的现状和主要成因。从性质、主体、内容三个方面对物业费纠纷的基础——物业服务合同进行了深入的法理评析。 二、物业费请求权之研究。对物业费请求权的性质,物业费请求权人和支付义务人进行了简要分析,重点介绍了现实生活中常见的几种物业费请求权抗辩事由和支付义务人的抗辩权,并逐一进行评析...In this article, to solve the property industry fee disputes we meet in the marketing process of property management in our country, we regard the claim of property industry fee as the research object, combining the basic theories and latest Judicial Interpretation. we analyze the property industry fee disputes, carry out some suggestions that using people's mediation method to effectively resolve...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200812015

    中国におけるリメイクドラマに関する研究 : 日中ドラマの比較分析を中心に

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    修士(国際文化)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Design and Implementation of Vehicle Drivers Imaging System

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    随着社会经济的快速发展,车辆保有量和驾驶人数量逐步上升,车管所保存了各类车辆及驾驶人的原始纸质档案,数量巨大,种类繁杂。根据对机动车驾驶人相关业务的统计数据了解到,目前某市车管所现保存有机动车辆管理档案近几年快速度在增长。在这些业务当中,大部分工作涉及档案的存放、查询、调阅等。随着档案资料的增加,工作人员劳动强度增大,档案资料的存储、查询等工作与高效率的要求矛盾日渐突出,为提高目前工作管理效率,更好的管理、应用、保存档案。 某市公安局交警支队为解决以上问题,统一开发机动车/驾驶人档案影像化系统,本系统应用先进的现代通信技术、图像处理技术、网络技术、数据库技术,按照系统工程原理,以现有网络环境...With the rapid development of social economy, vehicle ownership, and gradually increased the number of drivers, Vehicle holds all types of vehicles and the driver of the original dissertation records, a huge number, species complex. According to the motor vehicle driver related business statistics that, at present, Wenzhou Vehicle is the preservation of Motor Vehicles files degrees growing fast in...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123089

    A case of umbilical endometriosis

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    54歳女.子宮筋腫にて受診中, 臍部腫瘤を自覚したが放置し, 婦人科医に連絡せず, 増大してきたため外科を受診し, 尿膜管との関連を疑われた.入院時臍部皮下に弾性硬, やや不整な, 可動性不良の腫瘤を触れた.下腹部恥骨直上には弾性硬の手拳大腫瘤を触れた.腹部単純CTにて臍部皮下に22×20mmの境界一部不明瞭な腫瘤を認め, 腹膜との癒着が疑われた.また, 骨盤内には直径12cm大の子宮筋腫を認めた.以上より, 臍部腫瘍と診断し, 臍部腫瘤切除術を施行した.摘出標本は大きさ21×20mmの充実性で赤褐色を呈し, 割面は黄白色, 充実性で数mm大のcystic lesionを数箇所に認め, 淡黄色の内容液であった.術後経過は良好で退院した.病理組織学的に臍部子宮内膜症と診断した.術後5ヵ月を経過したが, 子宮内膜症の再発は認められないA 54-year-old female was referred to us for a nodule under her umbilical region. The nodule had enlarged slowly and reached a size of 20 mm in diameter over the last 2 years. She had no symptoms and there was no oozing of blood or pain during menstruation. The nodule was removed under lumbar anesthesia. Histological examination of the resected nodule revealed an island of glandular tissue in the deep dermis, which was composed of a single layer of columnar cells, and was diagnosed as umbilical endometriosis. There was no associated lesion in the intrauterine or pelvic space. There has not been any evidence of recurrence five months postoperatively. On finding an umbilical mass in women, this rare disease must be considered

    The Design and Implementation of the Xiamen Tourism Electronic Commerce Website

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    Internet应用悄无声息地融入人们的日常生活中,由于网络的迅速普及,计算机科学技术的不断壮大,商业化的系统中:信息的流动和共享、处理与收集,使人们在日常的办公生活越来越安全可靠,具有更好的规范性、更加科学高效化。1996年,中国的旅游网在此时开始出现。旅游已然作为一种大众潮流出现在我们眼前,而Internet已经成为最大的传媒之一,不但为旅客提供了旅游信息,也为旅行社提供了发布旅游信息、旅游线路供的功能的平台,不仅为旅客提供了订制的服务,而且也让更多的旅客了解自己。 本系统使用ASP技术,以IIS为服务器端软件,HTML为主的设计语言,运用Access关联数据库管理系统,最终用Dream...Abstract With the development of computer science and the rapidly growing popularity of networks, Internet applications have been involved in all aspects of people's lives, business information system for the collection and processing, flow and sharing, and the daily work more secure, more standardized, efficient and scientific. China tourism network began in 1996. Tourism is a popular trend, the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223068

    Retrieval of Secchi disk depth using MODIS satellite remote sensing and in situobservations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea

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    海水透明度是描述水体光学特征的一个重要参数,也是海洋水质调查中的一个重要指标。利用2个航次的黄东海透明度数据和MODIS遥感反射率数据,进行了黄东海透明度的遥感反演研究,建立了透明度单波段模型、波段比值模型、三波段模型以及基于固有光学特性的半分析模型。结果表明,三波段模型具有较高精度,反演值与实测值之间的平均相对误差为19%、决定系数为0.719、均方根误差为1.47 m。黄东海透明度估测模型的建立,有利于利用遥感影像对黄东海透明度进行全面估测,对于监测黄东海水质状况具有重要意义

    Surgical outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with biliary tumor thrombi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate the surgical outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with biliary tumor thrombi (BTT).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Surgical outcome of 27 HCC patients with BTT (group I) were compared with randomly selected HCC patients without BTT (group II; n = 270).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One patient in group I died of hepatic failure within 30 days after resection. The 1-, 3- and 5-year cumulative survival rates of group I were 70.3%, 25.9%, and 7.4%, respectively; these were significantly lower than those of group II (90.6%, 54.0%, and 37.7%) (<it>P <</it>0.001). The rates of early recurrence (≤ 1 year) after resection were significantly higher in group I than group II (70.3% vs. 34.8%) (<it>P </it>< 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HCC patients with BTT had a worse prognosis after resection than those without BTT. Resection should be considered for these tumors given the lack of effective alternative therapies.</p