328 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Car Insurance Scheduling System in Some Surance Company

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    保险行业是随着经济发展日益重视的一个行业。但是由于国内发展保险业时间比较晚,我国保险业还处于发展的初级阶段。从目前国内保险市场发展看,主要存在以下三点问题:1.垄断程度较高,竞争主体偏少;2.保险中介市场和再保险发展严重滞后;3.保险产品单一,服务方式和理念落后。车险理赔是财产保险中很重要的一环,它直接关系到保险公司的赔付率、市场占有率、社会影响、品牌效应等诸多方面。 本文从保险行业理赔的现状、市场需求以及结合当地实际情况入手,探讨了保险理赔为来的发展趋势。并以此为依据分析了智能调度的需求。 系统采用了B/S架构设计,实现了智能调度的六大类功能:理赔报案调度、调度管理、调度规则管理、调度统...With the development of economic, insurance industry has become more and more important. Unfortunately, since insurance industry has developed relatively late in China, it still in the early stage of development at this moment. From the current development of domestic insurance market, there are three problems. First of all, it is high degree of monopoly and exists few competitors. Secondly, insur...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323126

    Transformation of Predominate Estate in the Forepart of West Han

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    从汉高祖刘邦至汉武帝刘彻,这短短六、七十年的历史进程,不仅仅是一个平民帝国建立、发展的时期,更是大一统中央集权专制政体确立与完善的时期,因而对这一时期的研究显得尤为重要,学界一般称之为西汉前期。构成西汉前期上层统治阶层的主体主要由三部分组成:皇帝、诸侯王、功臣列侯,这三者之间的力量消长构成了西汉前期主要的政治矛盾。本文旨在通过分析三者之间的矛盾演变,希冀能得出一些新的见解。全文共分为五部分。 绪论介绍选题的原因及学术史回顾。 第一章汉帝国建立的原因。本章主要分析文化早熟对汉帝国建立大一统政治格局的影响,天命靡常、君臣可易位思想的广泛传播,使得第一个平民帝国得以建立。 第二章西汉前期的政治...Not only the first civilian empire was established but also the uniform-centralized regime was radicated and to be consummate from the time of Emperor Gaozu to Emperor Wu.So research about the period was very important.The academe considered the period as the forepart of West Han.Emperor,seigneur and marquis were composed the principal part of the predominate estate in the forepart of Han Dynasty,...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国古代史学号:20040202

    Structure-based Drug Design Targeting Enterovirus 71 3Cpro and Coxsackievirus B3 3Dpol

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    本论文中,以结构为基础的药物开发包括两个靶点:1)肠道病毒71型3C蛋白酶;2)柯萨奇病毒B3型3D聚合酶。 1.手足口病(HFMD)是一种全球性传染病,该病是由肠道病毒引起的。近年来在中国的发病率显著升高。引起手足口病的病原体中肠道病毒71型(EV71)是最主要的,它能够引起神经系统并发症,导致严重的后遗症,甚至导致死亡,是致死率较高、传染性相对最强的肠道病毒,因此对其治疗和预防药物的研究越来越重要。 3C(3Cprotease,3Cpro)蛋白酶在EV71病毒蛋白的成熟过程中起着关键作用,3C蛋白酶还能作用于宿主细胞内的多种转录因子以及细胞因子,抑制宿主细胞本身蛋白的表达,从而破坏宿主...The structure-based design of inhibitors in this thesis is comprised of two parts targeting 1) 3C protease from enterovirus 71, and 2) 3D polymerase from Coxsachivirus B3. 1) Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) is a global infectious diseases caused by enteroviruses. In recent years, its morbidity in China has increased significantly. Among the causative agents of HFMD, enterovirus 71 (EV71) is the m...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162014115258


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    Effect of Online Self-disclosure:——A Case Study of “Tree Hole” Blog

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    自我揭露(self-disclosure)是心理学和人际交往领域最重要的研究主题之一。近年来,随着电脑互联网络的发展,自我揭露的途径和方式得到了很大程度上的扩展和改变,自我揭露、倾诉秘密的现象,在网络世界日益多见。网络使用者借助网络这个相对隐秘和开放的平台,来诉说自己在现实生活中不愿被他人知晓的秘密和心情。尽管当前业界和学界对这一现象的讨论颇多,但有关网络自我揭露行为的效果研究却几近空白。那么,这种透过网络进行的自我揭露行为究竟能否起效,能否让使用者获得心理上的慰藉,完成自我修复呢?本研究以近期网络媒介中颇受欢迎的“树洞”博客为研究个案,通过分析参与者的倾诉内容和回应内容探讨网络自我揭露行为的...Self-disclosure is one of the most important research topics within psychology and interpersonal communication . In recent years, along with the development of the Internet, the way of self-disclosure has been greatly expanded to the online world. Internet users tell their secrets online, which they never share with other people in real life. However, current research lacks studying the effect of...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3192009115262

    Chlorinated stabilization, hydrogenation and oxidation upon fused-pentagon fullerenes (C50, C56, C60)

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    自1985年C60被发现以来,富勒烯的研究取得了长足的进步,尽管在此期间发现了很多富勒烯的新成员,独特的结构和物化性质也都表明其在生活和科研的各个方面都有着广泛的应用前景,然而目前真正得到商业化的仅有包括C60在内有限的几种,这主要是因为大多数富勒烯结构中相邻五元环的存在,违背了IPR(IsolatedPentagonRule)规则,因而十分活泼,难以被捕获,此类富勒烯即非IPR富勒烯。富勒烯研究的重点之一即非IPR富勒烯的稳定化。理论研究表明许多富勒烯的非IPR异构体可能是稳定富勒烯形成的中间体,因而对于富勒烯形成机理的探索不可或缺。通过对这些活泼富勒烯的捕获,从实验上揭开这些神秘大分子的结...Since the discovery of fullerene C60 in 1985, studies on fullerenes have achieved progress on a wide range of research fields. In spite of many new members in this huge family being discovered and their potential in a variety of applications owing to their unique cagey structure and physicochemical properties, only C60 is used commercially in addition to a few of larger fullerenes such as C70. Fus...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052008115164

    刊載本校論文影響指數最高的期刊 Top 10 (2011)

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    The Research of Legal Risk Prevention Based on Issuing and Repaying Bonds by the Same Local Government

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    法律风险防范是地方政府债券制度的重要组成部分,它直接影响着地方政府债券在融通地方政府建设资金、缓解地方财政压力方面能够发挥多大的作用,也直接关系着中央政府与地方政府之间财权与事权的匹配问题,因此成为“十三五”规划中财税制度改革的热点和焦点。我国地方政府债券法律风险主要来自两个方面,一是政府存量债务庞大致使偿债压力较大,融资平台需转型或清理工作繁重;二是债券发行对未曾试点过的地方政府来说是新事物,完善、规范地方债发行等工作仍需逐步探索。“新”“旧”两个问题的叠加,加剧了地方政府债券的风险隐患,因此以我国地方政府债券法律风险防范为研究对象十分必要。 从“自发自还”地方债的相关问题出发,“财政分权...Abstract Legal risk prevention is an important part of the bonds system of local government, which not only has a direct impact on the local government bonds in financing construction funds for the local government, and plays a useful role in alleviating the pressure on local government, but also has a direct influence on the matching problem of the financial and administrative power between the ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_经济法学学号:1362013115021


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