108 research outputs found

    The Effects of Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency in Drosophia Melanogaster Development and a Prelimiary Study of its Molecular Mechanisms

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    p38信号通路在调控细胞应激反应过程中有着重要的作用,而MK2在外界条件刺激下可以被p38信号通路激活。我们通过荧光双向凝胶电泳实验发现,CG1516是MK2的作用底物。果蝇CG1516能编码生成丙酮酸羧化酶,果蝇CG30010是一个功能未知的基因。在本实验中,我们利用P-element转座可以使目的基因进行不精确剪切的原理得到了一株CG1516的突变体果蝇,并将其命名为CG1516Ex65,与此同时,我们还得到了一株CG30010的突变体果蝇,我们将其命名为CG30010Ex41。这两株突变体的表型是其纯合突变体自交产生的幼虫在其发育晚期死亡。在CG1516Ex65突变体中CG1516mRN...The p38 signaling pathway is one of the most important pathways in intracellular signaling transduction. MK2 can be activated by the p38 signaling pathway in the stimulation of some external conditions. 2D DIGE analysis of MK2 mutant shows that CG1516 is the potential substrate of MK2. Drosophila CG1516 is predicted to have pyruvate carboxylase activity and the molecular function of CG30010 is unk...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162010115244


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    2015年的\"8. 11\"汇改后,在岸与离岸人民币汇率呈双向波动,汇率价差不断拉大已成常态。因此,对在岸与离岸人民币汇率价差的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。结合理论分析与实证研究,探讨人民币在岸与离岸汇率价差的波动特征,运用VAR模型对汇率价差的影响因素以及传导路径进行实证研究。结果表明:离岸人民币资金存量对汇率价差具有显著的负面影响,在岸与离岸的利率价差与汇率价差呈正向相关,全球投资者风险偏好的变动会导致汇率价差的反向变动,汇率价差对四个因素都进行了冲击传导。最后提出了推进离岸市场建设、增强市场流动性等政策建议。教育部人文社会科学基金规划项目“人民币汇率联动与人民币定价权研究”(16YJA790051)的阶段性研究成


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    目的探讨重要性早期预警评分(ViEWS)对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者发生心脏骤停的预测效能。方法选取发生心脏骤停的164例ACS患者为病例组,未发生心脏骤停的521例ACS患者为对照组。统计心脏骤停发生前24h各时间点ViEWS得分,比较其差异及变化趋势。结果病例组心脏骤停发生前24h、16h、8h、1h及30min ViEWS得分呈持续上升趋势,显著高于对照组(均P<0.01);病例组ViEWS危险分层越接近心脏骤停的发生,高危组所占比重越大(从9.8%增加至41.2%),对照组近70%患者一直处于低危组,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论 ViEWS评分可预测ACS患者心脏骤停的发生,对高危和低危患者的鉴别力较好


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    为验证“动物酵素营养液“对母猪生产性能的影响,选120头母猪进行饲养试验。结果表明,“动物酵素营养液“能够提高母猪群产仔率、成活率,平均窝产仔最多12.5头,成活率最高可达98%~99%,仔猪出生重为1.60千克/头,断奶后仔猪体重为11.2千克/头。猪无腹泻现象,长势快,皮毛光滑,整齐度提高,母猪妊娠期正常,产程时间少,无三炎,母猪健康,可在产后3~4天开始发情,配种率与受胎率均为100%,每年可产2.4窝,每头母猪与对照组的经济差额为4 520元

    ULK1 phosphorylates Exo70 to suppress breast cancer metastasis

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    乳腺癌是威胁女性生命健康的“头号杀手”,而远处转移是乳腺癌患者死亡的主要原因。因此,了解乳腺癌如何发动侵袭和转移,对于有效治疗乳腺癌、延长病人生存期具有重要意义。本研究中,该团队发现ULK1通过结合并磷酸化胞泌蛋白复合体关键亚基Exo70来抑制乳腺癌转移。ULK1对Exo70上Ser47,Ser59和Ser89位点的磷酸化,严重地削弱了Exo70的自身寡聚化和与其它胞外分泌复合体亚基的结合,进而减少了细胞运动伪足形成以及基质金属蛋白酶的分泌,从而抑制乳腺癌细胞的迁移和侵袭。该论文首次揭示了胞外分泌复合体重要成员Exo70在乳腺癌中受到ULK1和ERK1/2的双重磷酸化调控,从而使得乳腺癌细胞可以根据外环境来决定潜伏还是发动侵袭转移,为乳腺癌的治疗提供了新的理论基础。 本论文的通讯作者为占艳艳副教授、郭巍教授和胡天惠教授。医学院博士生毛丽媛、占艳艳副教授、吴斌博士和医学院博士生于强为共同第一作者。【Abstract】Increased expression of protein kinase ULK1 was reported to negatively correlate with breast cancer metastasis. Here we report that ULK1 suppresses the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells. The suppressive effect is mediated through direct phosphorylation of Exo70, a key component of the exocyst complex. ULK1 phosphorylation inhibits Exo70 homo-oligomerization as well as its assembly to the exocyst complex, which are needed for cell protrusion formation and matrix metalloproteinases secretion during cell invasion. Reversely, upon growth factor stimulation, Exo70 is phosphorylated by ERK1/2, which in turn suppresses its phosphorylation by ULK1. Together, our study identifies Exo70 as a substrate of ULK1 that inhibits cancer metastasis, and demonstrates that two counteractive regulatory mechanisms are well orchestrated during tumor cell invasion.This work was supported by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81572589, U1405228, 81472568, and 31770860), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian grant (2017J06020, 2018J01400, 2017R1036-4, 2017R1036-6, 2016R1034-1, and 2016R1034-4), and the Xiamen Science and Technology grant (3502Z20159013) to Y.-y.Z. and T.H., and National Institute of Health R01 GM111128 to W.G.该论文的研究成果是在国家自然科学基金和福建省基金的资助下,与美国宾夕法尼亚大学和清华大学共同协作完成的

    Experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens

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    作者简介: 祁明信, 男, 1945 年7 月 出生, 教授、主任医师、博士研究生 导师, 主要从事白内障的基础与临 床研究。联系电话: 0591-83570887; E-mail:qihuang@netease. com 通讯作者: 黄秀榕,E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]目的开展晶状体再灌注的离体和动物实验研究,并对再灌注人工晶状体技术进行评价。方法采用新鲜离体幼兔眼、离体猪眼、新西兰白兔眼,应用自行研制的人工晶状体材料,进行以下实验:(1)体外固化实验;(2)晶状体前囊膜微型撕囊及其稳固性实验;(3)经微型前囊膜开口超声乳化吸出晶状体内容物实验;(4)活的新西兰白兔眼内人工晶状体再灌注实验。结果(1)按硅酮聚合物与固化剂50:1的比例可获得柔软、弹性好、固化时间短(完全固化时间为60min)的注入材料;(2)晶状体前囊膜1.8~2.0mm的连续环形撕囊口具有较好的稳定性,可经该微型开口吸出晶状体内容物并灌注材料;(3)超声能量18%、流量25mL·min-1、负压120mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)为晶状体内容物经微型前囊膜开口吸出的最佳条件;(4)注入灌注材料后可形成由晶状体囊膜包裹的、置换原晶状体皮质和核的、新的再灌注人工晶状体。结论采用再灌注人工晶状体的方法可进行新型人工晶状体再灌注,可为治疗白内障和老视提供参考。[英文文摘]Objective To carry out the experimental study on reperfusion of intraocular lens(IOLs) in vitro or in animal,and to assess the technique of IOLs reperfusion.Methods The following experiments were performed by using self-developed materials in fresh rabbit eyes and pig eyes in vitro,as well as in eyes of alive New-Zea-land rabbits:(1)Solidification study of self-developed material in vitro;(2)Continuous circular capsulorhexis(CCC) in anterior capsule of lens and its stability;(3)Draw of lens contents via phaco through mini-CCC;(4)IOLs ref illing in the eyes of alive New-Zea land rabbits. Results(1) Thematerialwhich was soft, springy and short-term solidification(full solidification time was 60 minutes) were obtained in certain proportion of geland solidified agent(50:1) in vitro; ( 2)The CCC in anterior capsule of lens with 1.8-2.0 mm diameter had very good stability. The lens contents were drawn and the materialwere refilled through themini-CCC; (3) The best conditions of drawing out lens contents through m ini-CCC were phaco energy 18% , flow 25 mL·min- 1, and negative pressure 120 mmH g (1kPa=7.5 mmHg);(4) The new refilled IOLs, which were wrapped by capsule of lens and were replaced original cortex and nucleus of lens, were obtained after thematerial refillied. Conc lusion. New IOLs are refilled through this method, which can prov ide reference for the treatment of cataract and presbyopia.福建省科技三项费用;教育厅重点资助项目基金资助(编号:K98041

    A qualitative study on influencing factors of relevant evidence of central venous catheter maintenance techniques among ICU nurses (ICU护士中心静脉导管维护技术相关证据应用影响因素的质性研究)

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    Objective To understand the promoting and hindering factors of evidence application in ICU central venous catheter maintenance technology, so as to promote the widespread application of evidence in clinical practice. Methods Totally 13 nurses from the ICU of a tertiary and first-class hospital in Wuhan were selected to participate in the interview, and the interview outline was designed based on the comprehensive framework of application promotion of research results in the field of health services, and the interview data were analyzed and summarized. Results After sorting out the interview results, it was found that the promoting factors of the evidence of central venous catheter maintenance included the nurses' full trust in the evidence, the establishment of the central venous catheter maintenance team, the strengthening of the special management of central venous catheter maintenance, and the nurse's sense of professional benefit; Hindering factors included the environment of the Department needed to be improved, The maintenance needed to be simplified, the lack of human resources, and the limited economic conditions of the patients. Conclusion Efforts should be made to create a good evidence-based nursing culture, follow the principle of evidence-based, strengthen the special management method through the specialist team, increase the promoting factors and reduce the hindering factors, so that the evidence of central venous catheter maintenance can be better applied. (目的 了解ICU中心静脉导管维护技术中证据应用的促进与阻碍因素, 以此推动证据在临床中得到广泛应用。方法 立意取样, 抽取武汉市某三级甲等医院ICU内13名护士参与访谈会, 以健康服务领域研究成果的应用促进综合框架为依据设计访谈提纲, 对访谈资料进行分析总结。结果 对访谈结果进行整理, 发现在中心静脉导管维护证据的促进因素有护士对证据的充分信任、中心静脉导管维护小组的成立、中心静脉导管维护专项管理的强化、护士的职业获益感; 阻碍因素包含科室环境待改进、维护工具待简化、患者的经济条件有限以及人力资源不足。结论 创建良好的循证护理文化, 遵循以证据为根本的原则, 通过专科小组强化专项管理的方法, 增加促进因素、减少阻碍因素, 使中心静脉导管维护证据更好的应用。