115 research outputs found


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    肝脏是机体代谢外源因素的主要功能性器官,其具有独特的血窦结构和丰富的细胞组成,而细胞的功能改变是造成肝毒性损伤的主要原因。细胞外囊泡(extracellular vesicles, EVs)是由脂质双分子层所形成的纳米级球形囊泡,源自于各细胞亚群,用于负载特定的内容物,并可作为载体介导相邻或远处细胞间的信息交流。该文综述了外源因素暴露下EVs介导肝毒性损伤进程中各细胞的信息传递,并探讨靶向干预EVs的具体途径,为预防和控制肝毒性损伤提供线索以及潜在的应用价值。国家重点研发计划(2017YFA0205201)国家自然科学基金(81422023,51273165,U1705281,U1505221)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(ncet-13-0502

    The Current Situation of Babylonia spp. Farming Industry in Hainan and Prospect Outlook

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    综述了我国海南省东风螺的养殖历史、养殖产业现状以及存在的问题。针对这些问题,提出了推进海南东风螺产业发展的一些建议。The history,current situation and problems in the farming of Babylonia spp.in Hainan Province were reviewed.Aiming at those problems,several suggestions for promoting Babylonia spp.farming industry development in Hainan were put forward.海洋公益专项(201405020); 2015年海南省科研院所技术开发专项——海南省热带海洋生物资源开发利用创新平台; 南海生物资源开发与利用协同创新中心项

    AGR2: A New Biomarker of Cancer Diagnosis

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    Agr2(AnTErIOr grAdIEnT-2)是一种分泌蛋白,广泛存在于前列腺、乳腺、肺和胰腺等腺体组织,并在这些腺体的肿瘤组织过量表达,与肿瘤细胞的存活、生长和转移相关。临床上,Agr2的表达与乳腺癌、前列腺癌、胰腺癌等癌症的发展和预后相关,被认为是一个很有前途的早期诊断和判定预后的标志性基因。该文就目前Agr2的研究现状,尤其是肿瘤相关的功能、机制和临床调查上的最新研究进展加以综述。AGR2 is a secreted protein and widely found in the prostate, breast, lung and pancreatic gland tissue.It has excessive expression in the tumor tissue of these glands and regulates tumor cell survival, growth and metastasis.Clinical expression of AGR2 in breast cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer is relative to the progress of tumor development.Thus, AGR2 is considered to be a promising biomarker for early diagnosis and prognosis.In this paper, we reviewed the current research status of AGR2, especially tumor related functions, clinical investigation and mechanisms.科技部国家重大基础研究计划项目(批准号:2010CB945004)资助的课题~

    Modeling Influence of Temperature and Salinity on Growth Rate of Larva in Noble Scallop,Chlamys nobilis(Reeve) by Response Surface Methodology(RSM)

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    采用中心复合设计(CEnTrAl COMPOSITE dESIgn,CCd)的试验设计法研究了温度和盐度2个环境因子对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫生长的影响。同时采用响应曲面分析法及基于响应曲面基础之上的满意度函数法确立了生长的二次回归方程,同时进行优化处理得到温度与盐度的最佳组合。结果表明,在华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫生长过程中温度与盐度在一定的范围内的互作效应不显著,其中温度效应较为明显。温度对壳长瞬时生长影响的一次项效应和二次项效应均达到显著水平(P<0.000 1)。盐度对壳长瞬时生长影响一次项效应显著(P<0.000 1),然而,盐度对壳长瞬时生长影响的二次项效应达到显著水平(P<0.000 1)。分析响应曲面法优化温度和盐度对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫壳长瞬时生长率的影响,其结果显示最佳温度与盐度组合为25.33℃与29.42‰,此条件下瞬时生长率为7.91%,其满意度函数值达到85.57%。在生产实践中,严格控制温度和盐度范围,使其在最优值范围内,将会显著提高苗种生产效率。In this study,the combined effects of temperature and salinity on the instantaneous growth rate(IGR) of larva in noble scallop,Chlamys nobilis,was evaluated using the central composite orthogonal quadratic design and the response surface methodology.The results showed that the linear effects of temperature on IGR was statistically highly significant(P<0.000 1);the linear effects of salinity on IGR was significant(P<0.000 1).The interactions between temperature and salinity on IGR was not significant;the quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on the IGR was highly significant(P<0.000 1);temperature was more important in influencing growth of larvaof C.nobilis.By applying the simultaneous optimization technique,the optimum factor combination,i.e.,25.33 ℃ and 29.42‰ was found out,at which the optimal IGR(7.91%)arrived simultaneously,with the desirability value as high as 85.57 %.It is anticipated that application of the optimal temperature-salinity combination to practice would improve the productive efficiency of C.nobilis.国家自然科学基金(31160528); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项(201405020-5); 海洋公益专项科研基金(201205021); 南海生物资源开发与利用协同创新中

    Electrochemical Behaviors of the 316L Stainless Steel Welding Seam Corrosion

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    316l不锈钢以其优良的耐腐蚀性能、加工性能和高抗氧化性能而被广泛应用于核电、石油、化工等领域。316l不锈钢的应用大多需要焊接成型,但焊接过程中化学成分,组织形态和相关性能的改变,使316l不锈钢的耐蚀性能降低,在焊缝接头处以及焊缝部位优先发生腐蚀,严重影响了不锈钢的使用寿命和安全性。本文采用交流阻抗法和阳极极化常规电化学方法,结合课题组自主研发的扫描微电极技术研究316l不锈钢焊缝区的腐蚀行为,探讨钨极氩弧焊和CO2保护焊两种不同焊接方法对316l不锈钢抗腐蚀能力的影响以及氯离子浓度对焊接样品抗腐蚀能力的影响。结果表明,经过腐蚀电化学方法检测后,焊接样品的耐腐蚀性能较基材样品均发生明显降低,具体表现为氩弧焊焊接样品和CO2保护焊焊接样品在阳极极化曲线的开裂电位Eb,腐蚀电位ECOrr均较基材样品负,钝化区△E较基材样品变窄。交流阻抗谱测试得出氩弧焊焊接样品与CO2保护焊焊接样品的电荷转移电阻rCT均较基材样品小。同时,通过不同实验分析均表明,在nACl溶液和fECl3溶液中,氩弧焊焊接样品的耐蚀性能较CO2保护焊焊接样品好。实验结果还表明,随着氯离子浓度的升高,两种焊接样品的耐蚀性能均降低。The effect of two different techniques, including Argon tungsten arc welding (TIG) and CO 2 shielded arc welding, on the welding seam corrosion behavior of the 316L stainless steel, and whether or not the concentration of chloride ions affect the welding seam corrosion of the welding samples are explored.The samples are studied by the traditional electrochemical techniques, such as potentiodynamic polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and scanning microelectrode technique which is selfassembly made by authors.In conclusion, it is indicates that the corrosion resistance of welding seam zone is lower than that of base materials in any situation.In the NaCl and FeCl 3 solutions with different concentration, the anti-corrosion performance of the Argon tungsten arc welding samples are better than that of CO 2 shielded arc welding samples.The conclusion is all verified by the three different techniques.Besides, it is also concluded that the corrosion resistant of the both welding samples and base materials are decreased with the increase of the concentration of chloride ions.国家自然科学基金项目(21203158;21073151

    Study on Rapid Propagation Technique of Leather Corals

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    [目的]为海洋资源开发和生态环境修复等提供有效途径。[方法]探索肉质软珊瑚的人工快速扩繁方法。[结果]肉质软珊瑚具有快速的修复能力,能很快在肉质层的伤口处形成愈伤组织。通过该方法成功实现了肉质软珊瑚的快速人工扩繁。[结论]肉质软珊瑚内可能含有许多活性物质,具备一定的药物开发潜力。[Objective] The research aimed to provide an effective approach for developing ocean resources and repairing the ecological environment.[Method] The artificial method of rapid propagation of leather coral was explored.[Result] Leather coral was one species of soft corals,which had the properties of rapid regeneration and could develop the callus over the open wound.[Conclusion] Leather corals contained many active substances,so it had some medicinal development potential.2012年海南省科学事业费项目; 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012-BAC18B04-4); 国家海洋公益专项(201405020-5); 海南省科学事业费项目(KYYS-2014-50

    CCCCC pentadentate chelates with planar Möbius aromaticity and unique properties

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    本课题充分发挥了厦门大学多学科协同研究优势,通讯作者为夏海平教授(合成、表征)、刘刚教授(生物医学应用)和吕鑫教授(理论计算)。合成实验和结构表征由朱从青(第一作者,目前在麻省理工学院、2005年诺贝尔化学奖得主Richard Schrock教授课题组从事博士后研究)完成;生物医学应用由杨彩霞(共同第一作者)、林凎、杨宇惠、王晓勇合作完成;理论计算由朱军、王永恒、朱从青完成。美国NIH的陈小元教授参与了生物医学应用的讨论。该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金委、科技部项目的支持。The coordinating atoms in polydentate chelates are primarily heteroatoms. We present the first examples of pentadentate chelates with all binding atoms of the chelating agent being carbon atoms, denoted as CCCCC chelates. Having up to five metal-carbon bonds in the equatorial plane has not been previously observed in transition metal chemistry. Density functional theory calculations showed that the planar metallacycle has extended Craig-Möbius aromaticity arising from 12-center–12-electron dπ-pπ π-conjugation. These planar chelates have broad absorption in the ultraviolet-visible–near-infrared region and, thus, notable photothermal performance upon irradiation by an 808-nm laser, indicating that these chelates have potential applications in photothermal therapy. The combination of facile synthesis, high stability, and broad absorption of these complexes could make the polydentate carbon chain a novel building block in coordination chemistry.the National Basic Research Program of China (nos. 2012CB821600 and 2014CB744503) , the National Science Foundation of China (nos. 21332002, 81422023, 51273165, 21490573, and 21573179)


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    application of functional language method in interactive web programming

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    网络应用程序中为了保持程序的交互性,服务器端的控制程序如CGI(command gateway interface)程序需要在不同的脚本程序之问切换,这样不可避免的会造成控制信息的丢失.为了避免这些问题,介绍了将函数式程序设计语言的一些方法,如Continuation、CPS(eontinuationpassing style)等,并将它们应用到网络程序设计中,不仅简化了设计过程,也提高了程序的安全性,并可以在更一般的语言中实现


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    目的从葛根中获取高强度的大豆苷样品。方法用大孔吸附树脂进行分离,反复结晶进一步纯化。结果 D101树脂适宜于大豆苷分离,30%乙醇洗脱液放置析出白色沉淀,以甲醇结晶2~3次,得针状晶体,该晶体HPLC测定大豆苷。结论该方法操作简单易行,成本低,分离大豆苷纯度高,安全性能好。纯度92.4%,收得率为3%。