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    約12,000万年前以降の関東平野の層序と環境変遷史を検討し,変化期について考察した。完新世の有楽町層は,下部層は主に縄文海進期の海成層から,上部層は河成ないし三角州成堆積物から構成されるが,台地の開析谷内では上部層形成期にはふつう木本泥炭層が形成され,弥生時代以降に主に草本泥炭層に変化した。沖積低地では約4,000年前と約2,000年前には海水準の低下により浅谷が形成された。約12,000年前,冷温帯ないし亜寒帯性の針葉樹と落葉広葉樹からなる森林が,コナラ亜属を主とする落葉広葉樹林に変化した。クリは,約10,500年前以降に自然植生として普通に分布し,縄文中期から晩期(約5,000~2,150年前)には各地で優勢になった。クリ林の拡大が海退と関係することから,環境変化に起因して起こった人為的な変化と推定した。照葉樹林は,房総半島南端では約7,000年前に既に自生し,奥東京湾岸で約7,500年前に,東京湾岸地域の台地で約3,000年前に拡大したが,内陸部では落葉広葉樹林が卓越した。照葉樹林の拡大が関東平野南部から北部,沿岸域から内陸部へと認められたことから,海進による内陸部の湿潤化が関係すると考えた。スギ林は南関東では約3,000年前までに拡大し,その後北部に広がった。照葉樹林やスギ林は,弥生時代以降には内陸部の武蔵野台地や大宮台地,北関東でも拡大が認められたが,これら森林の拡大には生態系への人間の干渉も関係した。また,丘陵を主とするモミ林の拡大は古墳時代頃の湿潤化に起因して,マツ林は特殊な地域を除いては14~15世紀以降に漸増し18世紀初頭以降に卓越した。こうした関東平野の沖積低地の層序や植物化石群に基づき,約12,000年前以降にPE,HE1,HE2,HE3,HE4,HE5各期の6つの変化期を設定した。各変化期は,陸と沖積低地の双方で起こった変化であることを明らかにした。Stratigraphy and environmental changes during the last 12,000 years in the Kanto Plain are as follows.The alluvial deposit of the Kanto Plain is divided into two formations, the Nanagochi Formation of the latest Pleistocene, and the Yurakucho Formation of the Holocene. The Yurakucho Formation unconformably covers the Nanagochi Formation with the basal gravel bed (HBG) formed about 10,500 yrs. B.P. The Yurakucho Formation is divided into two formations, the lower one composed mainly of marine deposits during the Jomon Transgression, and the upper one mainly consisting of fluvial and delta deposits. During the deposition of the Upper Yurakucho Formation, dissected valleys in the upland were filled mainly with wood peat, and with herbaceous peat since the Yayoi Period.At about 12,000 yrs. B.P., cool-temperate to boreal coniferous and deciduous broadleaved forests changed into deciduous broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus subgen. Lepidobalanus in the Kanto Plain. Castanea flourished usually as natural vegetation since about 10,000 yrs. B.P. During the Middle to Later Jomon Period (ca. 5,000-2,150 yrs. B.P.), Castanea forests expanded in many places on the upland. This expansion of Castanea forests was artificially induced by an environmental change. Evergreen broad-leaved forests already flourished at the southern end of the Boso Peninsula in 7,000 yrs. B.P., and expanded since about 7,500 yrs. B.P. along the coast of Oku-Tokyo Bay and at 3,000 yrs. B.P. on the coast of Tokyo Bay. However, deciduous broad-leaved forest flourished on the inner upland. The increase in the inland humidity induced by the Jomon Transgression must have caused expansion of evergreen broad-leaved forests from the southern part to north of the Kanto Plain and from coast to inland. Cryptomeria forests expanded by about 3,000 yrs. B.P. in the south Kanto and spread to the northern region. Evergreen broad-leaved forests and Cryptomeria forests expanded also on the Musashino Upland, Oomiya Upland, and North Kanto since the Yayoi Period. Expansion of these forests was induced not only by nature but also by human impact on ecosystem. Six epoch-making events of PE, HE1, HE2, HE3, HE4, HE5 are identified based on stratigraphy and plant fossil assemblages of the alluvial lowland during the last 12,000 years in the Kanto Plain. Each event corresponds to a change both on the land and in the alluvial lowland


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    アサ果実は縄文早期中葉以降に出土しているが,果実は利用のため生育地から移動する可能性があるため,栽培場所は花粉も含めて検討する必要がある。日本に分布するアサに近縁な分類群には,カラハナソウ属のカラハナソウとカナムグラの2種があるが明確な花粉形態の違いが認識されていなかった。そこで,光学顕微鏡を用いた花粉形態の観察と,画像から各部位を高精度で計測した結果,内孔長/赤道長比と口環部外壁厚/赤道長比の関係に基づきアサとカラハナソウ属はほぼ区別できることが明らかとなった。内孔径/赤道径比が約0.105以下のタイプ,つまり孔が赤道径に対し相対的に小さなタイプはアサである可能性が高い。アサとカナムグラの中間的な形態の花粉は,アサの殆どが内層を外表層が僅かに貫くのに対し,カナムグラの殆どが内層の位置で止ることによりほぼ識別できる。この識別結果に基づき,アサ花粉の散布を明らかにすることを目的に空中浮遊花粉と表層花粉を調査した結果,アサ花粉の大半が散布源から50m以内に落下することが明らかになった。これは散布源の高さが2~3mと低く,風が弱い場所が栽培に適しているためであり,本研究の散布過程の観察結果が過去にも適用できると考えられる。Cannabis sativa fruits have been excavated from archaeological sites since the middle phase of the early Jomon period; however, it is necessary to examine the cultivation area of Cannabis sativa around archaeological sites on the basis of the evidences of both pollen and fruit because Cannabis sativa fruit may have been brought to the sites from other regions by the Jomon people. Humulus lupulus L.var. cordifolius and Humulus scandens close related to Cannabis sativa, which was distributed throughout Japan. However, the clear difference in pollen morphology in these species has not always been recognized. On the basis of the pollen structure, ovserved using an optical microscope, and the measurement of the size of each part of the pollen image, it was revealed that Cannabis sativa and Humulus pollen grains were distinguishable by the relationship between the ratio of the endopore length to the equatorial length and the ratio of the exine thickness of the annulus to the equatorial length. For the Cannabis sativa pollen grains, the ratio of the endopore length to the equatorial length was lesser than approximately 0.105, with a small endopore length relative to the equatorial length. The intermediate morphology of Cannabis sativa and Humulus scandens pollen grains could be distinguished because the tectum of most Humulus pollen grains stopped at the level of the endexine, whereas the tectum of most Cannabis sativa pollen grains slightly penetrated the level of the endexine. Furthermore, airborne pollen and surface pollen spectra were studied to clarify the dispersal of Cannabis sativa. The results revealed that most Cannabis sativa pollen grains fell less than 50m from the edge of a Cannabis sativa field. As for the small dispersion area of Cannabis sativa pollen, it was assumed that the dispersion source was low (2–3m) in height and the cultivation was carried out where the wind was not strong. The observation results of the dispersion process were thought to be applicable to the past


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    下宅部遺跡の縄文中期から晩期の植生と植物利用の変遷,アサとウルシの分布を明らかにすることを目的に,主に炭素年代が得られている試料で花粉分析を行った。下宅部遺跡の植生史は,花粉化石群と年代に基づき4つの植生期に区分され,下位よりクリ林が優勢な時期(約5300‒4400 cal BP;縄文中期中葉~後葉),トチノキ林とクリ林期(約4200 cal BP;後期前葉),エノキ属-ムクノキ属とトチノキ林期(約3800‒3400 cal BP;後期中葉),クリ林の拡大期(約3200‒3000 cal BP;晩期前葉~中葉),コナラ亜属とクマシデ属-アサダ属,カエデ属を主とする落葉広葉樹林期(約3000‒2800 cal BP;晩期中葉)が認められた。縄文中期中葉には河川傍にクリ林が形成され活動的な生業があったが,後期前葉~中葉にはクリ材の利用により河川傍のクリ林が段階的に縮小し,その後にトチノキが拡大したことが明らかになった。クリは後期後半には河川傍から少なくなるが,晩期前葉には再びクリ林が拡大した。アサ畑は周辺にあった可能性があり,ウルシの雄株は近くには生えていなかった。Vegetation history, use of plant resources, and the distribution of Cannabis sativa and Toxicodendron vernicifluum during the middle to final Jomon periods at the Shimo-yakebe site were studied by analyzing fossil pollen assemblages and using radiocarbon dating. Five vegetation stages were established on the basis of the composition of tree pollen assemblages and radiocarbon dating. The vegetation stages were as follows: superiority of the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 5300‒4400 cal BP), the Aesculus turbinata forest and the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 4200 cal BP), the Celtis-Aphananthe and Aesculus turbinata forest (ca. 3800‒3400 cal BP), expansion of the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 3300‒3200 cal BP), and deciduous broad-leaved forests such as Quercus subgen. Lepidobalanus, Carpinus-Ostrya, and Acer (ca. 3000‒2800 cal BP). The Castanea crenata forest was formed by the side of a river in the middle phase of the middle Jomon period, and it was actively occupied by the Jomon people. During the early to middle phase of the late Jomon period, it was estimated that the distribution of the river-side Castanea crenata forest was progressively decreased by use of timber, and afterwards, the Aesculus turbinata forest was expanded. At the side of the river, the distribution of Castanea crenata trees decreased in the late phase of the late Jomon period, but the Castanea crenata forest expanded again in the early phase of the final Jomon period. It was presumed that Cannabis sativa was cultivated in and around the site during the middle to late Jomon periods. Toxicodendron vernicifluum timbers have been excavated from the Shimoyakebe site at the early to middle phase of late Jomon period; however, it seems that male Toxicodendron vernicifluum trees were not distributed in this site at that time because of the absence of Toxicodendron vernicifluum pollen


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    本研究ではテフラやC-14年代を含む地質層序と花粉分析や珪藻分析による古環境のデータなどに基づいて更新世末期~完新世にかけての後志利別川流域低地における環境変遷を明らかにした。同低地を構成する沖積層は下部の寧土井層と上部の今金層に大きく二分され,層厚が40m以上にも達し,河成段丘を深く下刻した谷に堆積する。下部の寧土井層は5mの層厚の沖積層基底礫層を基底にして約16,000~18,000yrs.B.P.の年代を示す泥炭層,最上部に約11,000~16,000yrs.B.P.の年代を示す有機質シルトとシルト質砂などの堆積物で構成されている。さらに、寧土井層の最上部を浅く削り込んで今金層が不整合に堆積する。今金層は上部層と下部層に細分され,本層の基底には完新世基底礫層(HBG)に対比される約10,000~11,000yrs.B.P.の年代を示す砂礫層が認められる。この短期間で活発な河成作用は年代としてヤンガードリアス事件に対応するものと推定される。有楽町(縄文)海進は後志利別川下流低地まで侵入し,今金層下部層の海成層を形成する一方,中流低地に向かって河成に堆積環境が変化する。今金層上部層は主に現在~4,000yrs.B.P.の年代を示す河成の砂や礫から成る堆積物で構成されている。環境変遷の概要は以下の通りである。(1)寧土井層下部の泥炭層はカラマツ属やマツ属単維管束亜属が高率で産出する亜寒帯針葉樹林帯で特徴づけられる。また,この層位は最終氷期最寒冷期に相当する。(2)寧土井層上部の有機質シルトとシルト質砂の下部の有機質シルトはカバノキ属やハンノキ属を主に産出する先駆的植生,上部はカバノキ属やクルミ属林の植生を示す花粉化石を産出する。(3)海成シルトからなる今金層下部層はコナラ亜属優占の冷温帯落葉広葉樹林の植生を示す。以上のような後志利別川流域低地における更新世末期~完新世の環境変遷は東京―中川低地における同時期の環境変遷(Endo et al.,1982)と調和的である。This paper discusses environmental changes in the Shiribeshi-Toshibetsugawa Lowland, South Hokkaido. In this lowland, stratigraphical studies including tephras and C-14 dates, and paleoenvironmental studies of pollen and diatom analyses clarified environmental changes from the latest Pleistocene to the Holocene (Suzuki,1993).In the geologic profile along the Shiribeshi-Toshibetsugawa Lowland, valley fill deposits consisting of the Netoi and the Imakane Formations were more than 40 meters thick, and filled the deep valley undercutting river terraces.The lower valley fill (the Netoi Formation) has the basal gravel (BG) of 5 meters in thickness. A peat layer with radiocarbon ages of about 16,000-18,000 yrs. B.P. covers BG. Upper part of the Netoi Formation cosisits of organic silt and silty sand, and is dated at about 11,000-16,000 yrs. B.P.After eroding the upper part of the Netoi Formation, the Imakane Formation deposited with unconformity. The Imakane Formation is subdivided into the upper and the lower units and has basal gravel at its base, corresponding to the basal gravel of the Holocene (HBG : ca,10,000-11,000 yrs. B.P.). This short period characterized by active fluviation corresponds to the Younger Dryas Event in age.The Yurakucho (Jomon) transgression invaded into the lower reaches of the Shiribeshi-Toshibetsugawa Lowland to form the marine portion of the lower unit of the Imakane Formation, whose sedimentary environment changed to a fluvial one toward the middle reaches. The upper unit of the Imakane Formation is mainly fluvial sand and gravel deposit, and its age from 4,000 yrs. B.P. to present.Outline of the environmental change is as follows,(1)The peat layer of the lower Netoi Formation is characterized by subarctic coniferous forest with high percentages of Larix and Pinus subgen. Haploxylon. This horizon is corresponds to the coldest phase of the last glaciation.(2)The upper Netoi Formation, composed of organic silt and silty sand, is characterized by transitional vegetation with high percentages of Alnus and Betula in the lower Upper part and by cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests with an increase of Juglans and Betula in the upper Upper part.(3)The lower Imakane Formation, composed of marine silt is characterized by cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests with increase of Quercus subgen. Lepidobalanus and Alnus.The environmental changes during the latest Pleistocene and the Holocene in the Shiribeshi-Toshibetsugawa Lowland is similar to those of the Tokyo-Nakagwa Lowlands (Endo et al., 1982)

    [論文] 縄文時代の日本列島におけるウルシとクリの植栽と利用

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    この30年間に行われた植物考古学の研究から,約7000年前にはじまる縄文時代前期以降,本州の中央部から東北部では,人々は集落周辺の植物資源を管理して利用していたことが示されている。この植物資源管理は日本列島に在来のクリと中国大陸から移入されたウルシを中心として行われ,縄文時代の人々は植物資源を管理するとともに,クリの果実と木材を,またウルシの漆液と木材,果実を集落周辺で活用していた。しかしこの2種の植物遺体の出土状況は大きく異なっている。縄文時代の遺跡出土木材では,クリは本州中部から東北部および北海道西南部の406遺跡から出土しているのに対し,ウルシは本州中部から東北部の35遺跡から出土しているにすぎない。また両種が出土している遺跡で,花粉と木材の出土量を比較すると,クリの植物遺体はウルシの植物遺体の10~100倍ほど出土している。縄文時代の漆器の出土状況から考えると,本州の中央部から東北部では普通にウルシ林が維持されていたと考えられるのに,なぜウルシとクリに出土状況の違いが生じるのかを下記の三つの仮説をもとに検討した。第一の仮説は,クリに比べてウルシが植栽される集落が限定的なので,ウルシの植物遺体の検出例が少ないという考えである。第二の仮説は,クリに比べてウルシの植栽地が内陸側に位置していて,植物遺体が埋積する低地から遠いために,植物遺体として残りにくいという考えである。第三の仮説は,縄文時代の集落周辺にはウルシ資源よりもクリ資源のほうが多く維持されていたために,クリの植物遺体に比べてウルシの植物遺体の検出率が低いという考えである。検討の結果,第二の仮説がもっとも支持されたが,集落を地域規模で比較する場合には,第一の仮説も意味を持つことが明らかになった。Archaeobotanical studies carried out in Japan during the last thirty years have shown that, at least in central to northeastern Honshu, people carried out a sophisticated management of plant resources around their settlements since the early Jomon period starting at ca. 7000 years ago. This management system was centered on a native chestnut species, Castanea crenata, and an introduced lacquer tree, Toxicodendron vernicifluum, and people used the fruits and wood of chestnut trees and the lacquer, fruits, and wood of lacquer trees extensively by maintaining their resources around their settlements. However, plant remains of these two species occur quite differently around Jomon sites. Wood remains of chestnut trees occur commonly from central to northeastern Honshu to southwestern Hokkaido at 406 sites, whereas those of lacquer trees occur sparingly in central to northeastern Honshu at 35 sites. At respective sites where both trees occur, wood remains and pollen of chestnut trees usually occur 10 to 100 times as common as those of lacquer trees. To examine reasons for this discrepancy in the occurrences of these two trees at Jomon sites in spite of the common occurrence of lacquerware in central to northeastern Honshu, three hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis postulated that settlements with lacquer tree plantations were far fewer than those with chestnut tree plantations during the Jomon period. The second hypothesis postulated that the more inland location of lacquer tree plantations than that of chestnut tree plantations, that was away from the depositional sites of plant remains, hindered the preservation of lacquer tree remains and the detection of the existence of lacquer trees around Jomon settlements. The third hypothesis postulated that the amount of lacquer tree resources was usually far less than that of chestnut trees at usual Jomon settlements. The analysis supported the second hypothesis most positively, but the first hypothesis also had some importance in relation to settlement characteristics at the regional level

    平成29年度「T-GAP」実践報告 : ソーシャル・アクション型授業の開発と実践

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    ソーシャル・アクションに取り組む学校が増えつつある。国際バカロレア・ディプロマプログラムのCAS活動もそうだが、生徒自らが社会課題を設定し、その解決に向けてアクションを起こすことが期待される。国際的には社会的起業(Social Enterpreneurship)が注目される中、高校生がソーシャル・アクションに取り組む意義は大きい。そのため、本校は2年次にてグループでソーシャル・アクションに取り組むための授業として「T-GAP : つくさかグローバル・アクション・プロジェクト」という授業を開発した。本小論は、SGHに指定されて以来、開発を重ねてきた成果を報告する