285 research outputs found

    Gut and oral microbiota in autoimmune liver disease

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    The gut microbiota plays a key role in the development of chronic inflammatory liver disease. The gut-liver axis involves inflammatory cells, cytokines, and other molecules that cause liver deterioration. Dysbiosis is important in understanding several liver diseases, especially in relation to the development of autoimmune liver disease. The aim of this review is to provide a current overview of alterations in the gut and oral microbiota associated with autoimmune liver diseases

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    We built WWW servers and a database server using Microsoft Windows NT and the Linux operating system. Then, we used them in information literacy education classes. We found that using the WWW and database servers and had a positive effect on information literacy education


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    Male infertility with chromosomal abnormalities. III. 46, XYq-

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    A deletion of the long arm of the Y chromosome (46, XYq-) was found in two cases with normal male habitus but with azoospermia. The first case was of a 28-year-old married man, an office worker, complaining of infertility. His height was 153 cm, weight 57 kg and distance of extended hand 152 cm. Both testes were 13 ml in size. The second case was a 32-year-old married man, a fireman, complaining of infertility. His height was 160 cm, weight 64 kg and distance of extended hand 161 cm. Both testes were 10 ml in size. In each case, the external genitalia showed a normal male type, but azoospermia was identified in semen analysis. The testicular biopsy specimens revealed spermatogenic arrest with thickening of basement membrane. Chromosomal analysis showed 46, XYq- karyotype. Basal serum levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were slightly elevated and the serum testosterone level was within normal limits. Eight cases of 46, XYq- karyotype in the Japanese literature including our cases were reviewed

    テツ-コバルト タソウマク ノ ジキトクセイ

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    Fe-Co multilayered films with about 3000Å thick have been deposited by an opposed targets type of high rate sputtering apparatus. The low angle X-ray diffraction diagram shows that the films with layer period d_ above 10Å have layered structure. However, the film with d_ below 45Å has only bcc crystal structure in the film. But as d_ increases above 70Å, hcp and fcc phase along with bcc phase can be detected in the film. While, the mean crystallite size decreases steeply with an increase of d_, which suggests that the layered structure suppresses the crystal growth in the film. The film have large saturation magnetization 1800 emu/cc, which depends little on the d_. 0n the other hand, the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy Ku induced in the film by a magnetic field during deposition and coercive force Hc of the film with t_/t_ of 1/3 and l decreases steeply with an increase of d_. And the film with d_ about 60Å has the lowest value of Hc of 8 0e

    Planetary and Space Physics Database of the Tohoku University

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    発表学会名: 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第132回講演会, 2012/10/20-23, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道

    インフルエンザ カンセンショウ ニ ガッペイ シタ キュウセイ チュウスイエン ノ 2 ショウニ レイ

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    症例1は6歳女児.インフルエンザ感染症初日に発熱しオセルタミビルを開始.第3病日,右下腹部に限局した圧痛が出現.腹部造影CTで糞石を認め急性虫垂炎と診断.保存的に加療し炎症反応と腹痛は改善した.症例2は5歳女児.第1病日に発熱と腹痛を認め,第3病日に鼻咽腔迅速検査でインフルエンザB型と診断しザナミビル吸入を開始.触診で右下腹部に反跳痛を認め,腹部単純CTで虫垂壁の肥厚と糞石を確認.急性虫垂炎の併発と診断し,第4病日に虫垂切除術を施行.切除虫垂に膿瘍を認め腹腔ドレーンを留置.第5病日に解熱し経過は順調であった.インフルエンザに伴う腹痛では感染に付随する腹痛と断定せず急性虫垂炎の可能性も考慮し腹部CTなどの画像検査を行うことが肝要である.We report herein two pediatric cases of influenza virus infection associated with acute appendicitis. Patient 1 was a 6-year-old girl. She presented to hospital with a high fever and received oral administration of oseltamivir phosphate. On the third day from the onset, tenderness developed in the right lower area at McBurney\u27s point. Abdominal enhanced computed tomography( CT) showed intestinal fecalith, and acute appendicitis was subsequently diagnosed. Antibiotic therapy was performed, and abdominal pain and inflammation data improved. Patient 2 was a 5-year-old girl. On the first day, abdominal pain developed. On the third day from the onset, influenza type B was diagnosed using rapid antigen testing of the nasal mucosa, and inhalation therapy was started with zanamivir. Rebound tenderness was seen in the lower right abdomen. Abdominal CT showed both hypertrophy of the appendix wall and intestinal fecalith, and influenza infection associated with acute appendicitis was subsequently diagnosed. On the fourth day, appendectomy was performed. Drainage treatment was required to prevent peri-appendicitis abscess. On the fifth day, the patient defervesced and, as for the progress, was favorable. When encountering influenza infection associated with abdominal pain, performing abdominal CT is important