29 research outputs found

    Effect of Roasting on the Quality of Camellia Oil

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    微波照射會使粒徑大之苦茶籽升溫較快,故易造成中心溫度不均一之現象,而照射亦會引起苦茶油過氧化物之分解及安定性變差。以各種溫度之蒸氣蒸煮發現高溫者油質較差,故蒸煮之蒸氣溫度亦不宜過高。焙炒方式主要分為低溫和高溫兩種,由結果知不焙炒及低溫焙炒者有較佳之貯存品質,其非皂化物中之生育醇含量較高,高溫焙炒者其生育醇含量則較低,造成其安定性較差,此與一般所知以擠壓榨油,會產生高溫之油品,其品質較差,有相當一致之結果。 Central temperature of larger size camellia seeds increased faster than small ones when treated with microwave and the central temperature of seeds became heterogeneous. The POV of oils decreased when the radiating time of camellia seeds prolonged. The decline of POV maybe caused by the crack of hydroperoxides and the increase in CV (carbonyl value) may be caused by the formation of carbonyl compounds. Quality of oils prepared from microwave treated seeds is unstable. It is suggested that the lower the cooking temperature, the better the oil quality when Camellia seeds cooked under five different temperature using steam as heating medium. Two different roasting methods-low and high temperature were used to treat camellia seeds. The results showed blank(without treatment)and low temperature rosating would cause the oil with higher stability in storage and higher amount of tocopherols

    Study of Pickling Methods for Burdock (Arctium lappa L.)

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    近年由於牛蒡產量大增,開發新的牛蒡加工途徑遂為刻不容緩之事。因此,本研究嘗試以醃漬方法加工牛莠根,以保持或提高其風味、脆度及儲存期限,以增加牛蒡之出路及商品價值。醃漬條件有常法醃漬、低鹽漬、含酒精之低鹽漬及半固態醃漬,包括糠漬、醬油粕漬及味噌漬。結果顯示0.1%檸檬酸溶液即對牛蒡根之黑變有明顯抑制作用,15%食鹽水、7%食靈水及含酒精之7%食鹽水醃漬者,其總氮、甲酵態氮及還原糖含量均被溶出而下降,而且褐變情形嚴重。以半固體醃漬者,所得成品之色澤風味以味噌漬最好。味噌漬成品之切斷強度與切斷能量則於醃漬期間穩定下降,從生牛蒡根之4100g及3000erg下降至成品之1400g及900erg左右,雖以粗老牛蒡製備,但其咬感甚佳。 The browning of burdock root was significantly inhibited in 10% brine containing 0.l%(w/w) citric acid. The addition of citric acid from 0.1 to 1.0% to 10% brine, would keep the color of burdock root in its fresh white state in the first week. Severe browning accurred when burdock root was pickled in 1 5% brine or 7% brine added with or without alcohol, due to the reducing sugar. The nitrogen containing compounds were extracted from burdock root into the pickling medium. Burdock root pickled with miso had better color than that were pickled with rice bran, wine cake, or soy sauce cake. The burdock root pickled with rice bran or soy sauce got higher salt content due to higher amount of salt used in rice bran or soy sauce. Burdock root pickled with miso, wine cake, rice bran, or soy sauce showed lower value of cutting strength (1200-1700g) and cutting energy (about 1100erg), than that pickled with brine-citric acid ( cutting strength 3400g, cutting energy 2400erg)

    A case of angiosarcoma in retroperitoneal cavity

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    症例は66歳男性で, 貧血による心電図異常(ST低下)で筆者らの施設の循環器科に入院した.輸血によりST変化は改善したが, 下腹部に小児頭大の腫瘤が触知され画像診断にて後腹膜腫瘍を疑われ精査加療目的で泌尿器科へ転科となった.腹部CT・MRI所見から後腹膜悪性腫瘍と診断し, 遠隔転移を認めないことから腫瘍に癒着した膀胱および回腸の一部を合併切除する形で一塊とし腫瘍切除した.摘出標本の病理組織学所見から後腹膜原発の血管肉腫と診断した.術後6ヵ月に前回摘出部に局所再発したが遠隔転移を認めないので腫瘍摘出術, 小腸部分切除術を施行した.術後補助療法としてIL-2を40万単位/日, 週3回術後47週まで点滴静注(総投与量3000万単位)した.しかし, 腫瘍の後腹膜腔再発と増大は防げず, 最初の手術から9ヵ月後腸閉塞, 乏尿のため人工肛門造設術, 腎瘻造設術を施行したが, 悪液質の進行, 全身衰弱のため術後375日に死亡したWe report a case of angiosarcoma in the retroperitoneal cavity. A 66-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of chest discomfort. Imaging studies including computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large solid retroperitoneal mass adjacent to the bladder. There was no evidence of metastasis. The tumor was surgically resected and histopathologically diagnosed as angiosarcoma from the positive staining for VIIIth factor, mitotic figures and abnormal endothelial cells. Six months after surgery, local recurrence adjacent to the bladder appeared. We resected the mass and started adjuvant therapy using Interleukin-2. However, he died of progressed disease one year after the first operation

    Investigate the Influence of the Quality of the Baking Strength to Camellia Oil

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    本研究以冷壓法壓榨油茶籽,並由不同烘焙溫度及時間調控茶油製程。溫度因子分為80、100、120、140及160°C五個水準,時間因子分為15、25及35分鐘三個水準。冷壓壓榨方式以兩段式間隔加壓進行,第一階段以加壓時間2.5秒停止12秒的方式,持續加壓至200kg/cm^2,並保持壓力狀態600秒。第二階段加壓方式相同,壓力由200kg/cm^2加壓至550kg/cm^2後,保持壓力狀態2200秒。壓榨所得茶油樣本經沉澱後,逐步進行各項理化特性分析。結果顯示,各試驗組之油樣品過氧化價都低於20毫當量(meq/kg),酸價都在2 mg KOH/g以內。褐變指數與油脂氧化安定性分析結果顯示,安定性最高的試驗組為160°C *35分鐘,所需時間最長可達到5.84 ± 0.17(hrs)。感官品評分析結果顯示,整體喜好度最高試驗組為140°C *15分鐘,其次為120°C *15分鐘。This study use cold pressing process to press camellia oil, and use different roasting temperature and time to control the process. The temperature factor is divided into five levels for 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 °C. The time factor is divided into three levels for 15, 25, and 35 minutes. The cold pressing method use two-stage approach to provide the pressure intervals. The first stage use 2.5 seconds pressing time and 12 seconds stop time continuing increase the pressure up to 200 kg/cm^2 and maintain this pressure condition for 600 seconds. The second stage use the same pressurized way as the first stage. The pressure increased from 200 kg/cm^2 to 550 kg/cm^2 and maintains the pressure condition for 2200 seconds. After precipitation, the pressed Camellia oil sample had been analyzed for peroxine value, acid value, oil oxidation stability, sensory evaluation and browning index, and try to figure out the best process condition by the integrated analysis


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