1,444 research outputs found

    Post Savings Bank of China Overseas Financial Service Expansion Analysis——Based on studies on Fuzhou Post Savings Bank’s overseas financial services

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    随着居民生活的不断提高,出国需求不断增加,与之相关的出国金融服务也成为了众多银行的“新宠”。出国金融服务具有零售业务的大部分属性,通过出国金融服务,锁定高净值客群,实现利润增长是各家商业银行的目的。邮储银行为不断开拓市场,实现从大众客群向中高端客群的延伸,提升盈利水平,也加入了出国金融市场的竞争。在激烈的市场竞争中,邮储银行产品缺失、管理粗放、品牌认知度低等问题逐渐暴露出来,如何从地域邮储出发,借鉴同业具体案例,探索出一套在众多商业银行中形成比较优势,并立足于市场的发展策略,是本文着重研究的。 论文在对我国出国金融服务发展情况的分析基础上,对焦福州出国金融服务市场,进行调查研究,发现中信、光...As the living standards of local residents and demand for outbound travel increase, relevant overseas financial services gains popularity among many banks. Overseas financial services have most of the features of retail banking services – through overseas financial services and focusing on high end consumers to realize profit growth is the common goal of many commercial banks. Post Savings Bank of...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:K20134203

    On Sino-Philippines Economic Cooperation from the Perspective of Economic Complementarity

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    中国与菲律宾经济存在竞争性的同时,也蕴含着巨大的互补性,为两国经济合作的展开提供了基础。本文从中国与菲律宾经济发展现状出发,在探讨中国与菲律宾经济互补性的基础上分析了中菲经济合作的现状、特点及存在问题,并展望两国经济合作的前景。While the economic development of China and Philippines shows some kind of economic competitiveness,it also contains tremendous economic complementarity and provides potentiality for the economic cooperation between China and Philippines.From the perspective of economic development,this article analyses the present condition,features and problems of Sino-Philippines economic cooperation.Finally,it forecasts the tendency of their economic cooperation in the future


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    Current Situation of the Ethnic Chinese and Capital in Indonesia

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    印度尼西亚是东南亚地区华人数量最多的国家,由于历史原因,华人在印尼大多从商。本文以印尼官方公布的数据和部分权威统计资料为主要依据,对印尼华人和华商资本数量进行推估,指出印尼华人约达1000万,华商资本达1638亿美元。自1980年印尼政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,绝大部分印尼华侨通过入籍成为印尼公民,而华侨经济也自然演变为华人经济,成为印尼国民经济的重要组成部分。但目前印尼华商资本仍面临诸多困境,发展前景不容乐观。Indonesia has the largest number of the ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia.For historical reasons,most ethnic Chinese do business in Indonesia.This paper try to estimate the number of the ethnic Chinese and their capital in Indonesia based on the data released by the government and some authoritative statistics.The new estimation of the ethnic Chinese population in Indonesia is 10 million,the capital is 163.8 billion dollars.After the Government of Indonesia to relax the restrictions of Chinese citizenship in 1980s,the overwhelming majority of overseas Chinese became ethnic Chinese in Indonesia through naturalization.At the same time,the overseas Chinese economy also evolved into ethnic Chinese economy,which became an important part of the Indonesian national economy.But recently the capital of the ethnic Chinese enterprise is faced with many difficulties,whose future is not optimistic

    The Divine Comedy and the appearance of the individual

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    PDF/A形式により利用可能アクセス:WWWによる東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科博士 (学術) 論文 (2018年12月)博乙第25号その他のタイトルは英文要旨による参考文献: p142-147東京外国語大学 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)博士 (学術


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    長崎大学学位論文 [学位記番号]博(医)乙第1036号 [学位授与年月日]平成3年3月31


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