3 research outputs found


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    对 1999年全国游泳冠军赛和锦标赛的 18个省市代表队 12 0名高水平运动员的运动损伤进行全面、系统的调查研究。结果显示 :我国高水平游泳运动员的运动损伤患病率达 6 5 % ;女运动员患病率明显高于男运动员 ;运动员损伤多属于急性中度损伤 ;损伤多发生在冬训和赛前大负荷训练阶段 ;损伤好发部位为肩、腰、膝部 ,以肩袖损伤最多 ;受伤者多为具有 6~ 9年训练年限、运动等级达到健将级水平的 14~ 18岁的运动员 ;损伤的主要原因有超负荷和局部负荷过重、训练水平不够、生理机能或心理状态不良等。福建省教委课题! (NO .JB991345

    Study on Shoulder and Knee Joints Injuries of Our Elite Swimmers

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    对 1999年全国游泳冠军赛和锦标赛的 18个代表队 12 0名优秀运动员的肩、膝关节损伤进行了调查研究。结果显示 ,我国优秀游泳运动员肩、膝关节损伤占运动损伤的 6 1.5 % ,且多为训练年限 6~ 9年的健将级以上的运动员 ;患急性肩关节损伤多是主项为自由泳、蝶泳或仰泳的运动员 ;患急性膝关节损伤则以主项为蛙泳的运动员较为常见。针对我国秀游泳运动员肩、膝关节损伤的原因 ,提出预防和治疗肩、膝关节损伤的建议。This paper author makes an overall investigation on shoulder and knee joints injuries of 120 elite swimmers belonging to the teams of 18 provinces and cities in China swimming championship in 1999. The result shows that the injury rate of shoulder and knee joint of our elite swimmers amounts to 61.5%, moreover they are training for 6~9years. The acute shoulder joints injuries often occur on swimmers majoring in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke, while the acute knee joints injuries often occur on swimmers majoring in the breaststroke. In accordance with the causes of injuries frequently occurring to the shoulder and knee joints, some measurements are put forwarded in preventing and treating shoulder and knee injuries.福建省教委科研项目!(JB9913 4 S

    Prior Factors to Induce Comptitive Swimming Level Decline and Insufficient of Reserve Talents in China

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    针对我国竞技游泳水平下滑现状 ,全面分析我国竞技游泳的滑坡原因及存在的问题 ,旨在延长高水平游泳运动员的运动寿命 ,培养 2 0 0 8年北京奥运会我国竞技游泳后备力量。according to the situaltion present of competitive swimming level decline,the paper analyzed the reasons and problemes in order to extend the players sport careers,cultivating sport reserve talents in competitive swimming in 2008 Olympie Games.福建省教育厅社科研究课题《培养游泳后备人材迎接北京奥运挑战》子课