125 research outputs found

    Research on Practice of Marital Property Agreement System in China

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    夫妻财产是夫妻双方组建家庭的经济基础,夫妻财产制度以法律形式确认和保护婚前财产以及婚姻关系存续期间夫妻双方所得财产的归属、分配以及占有、使用、收益、处分。不同的民族和同一民族的不同时期可能实行不同的夫妻财产制度,夫妻财产制度的确立不仅受当时的社会经济发展水平的影响,也与人们的婚姻家庭观念和传统习俗密切相关。在我国漫长的封建社会中,家作为基本的社会单位,夫妻合体的意识根深蒂固,与之相适应的家产制度成为当时基本的夫妻财产制度。1980年,《中华人民共和国婚姻法》(以下简称《婚姻法》)确认了夫妻财产约定制度。随着社会和市场经济的发展,个体的独立地位日益凸现出来,夫妻平等、意思自治等观念深入人心,该制...The property of the couple is the economic basis for husband and wife to set up a family, the marital property agreement system recognizes and protects the ownership, distribution, possession, using, profit, disposition of the premarital property and the property acquired during the existing marriage by law. Different people or the same people at different times can implement different marital pro...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201112001


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    Mechanisms on Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation from Waves by Boats

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    通过分析波浪在林内和光滩上传播途径,阐述了船舶引起的频繁巨浪造成红树植物死亡、林内动物种群和数量减少、滩涂断层及红树植物难以自然扩展等生态系统退化机理;在此基础上提出消除和减少船舶兴波对红树林生态系统危害的有效对策。In this paper,different paths of wave spreading in the bare mudflat and vegetated areas were analyzed,and damages from boat-generated waves to mangrove ecosystems were summarized as follows: the death of mangrove plants,decrease of benthic animal species and quantity,erosion of tidal flat,restriction of mangrove natural extension.Finally,some feasible strategies were proposed to eliminate and/or reduce hazards from boat-generated wave to mangrove ecosystems.国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项(200805072);国家海洋局908项目(908-02-04-04);教育部新世纪优秀人才计划资


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    Crop Morphogenesis and Solutions Under Heavy Metal Pollution

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    在重金属污染愈发严重的背景下,探索出保障污染地区的农业生产水平可持续发展的技术,是保障粮食生产安全亟需解决的重要问题.通过综述农作物对重金属胁迫的形态建成响应机制与实践中的农艺管理技术手段,总结在重金属污染区域提高粮食产量的主要方法.重金属影响下的作物形态建成具有深刻的遗传基础和复杂的生理机制,这就决定了作物对重金属的响应受到作物类型与重金属种类的影响.通过对作物形态建成的更深入研究,建立一套从品种选择到田间管理的应对措施,可以为农业安全生产提供持久有效的保障.In consideration of the fact that agriculture is under increasing risk of heavy metal pollution,it is urgently needed to deve-lop a technology to ensure sustainable food production.Here we review the mechanism of morphogenesis change as a response of crops to heavy metal pollution,the methodology in heavy metal pollution risk assessment and promising agriculture technologies to alleviate the heavy metal stress.The genetic basis and physiological mechanism of crop under heavy metal pollution are complex,and the response depends on plant phylogeny and metal species.With the developing knowledge on morphogenesis response and effective guidance from varieties of choices to field management,the food production in zones polluted with heavy metals will be protected.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2013CB956504


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    Effects of Tusi Erxian Decoction on sperm motility, malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase in seminal plasma of asthenospermia patients with syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang

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    目的:探讨菟丝二仙汤治疗肾阳虚型弱精子症的疗效及相关机制。方法:180例肾阳虚型弱精子症患者随机分为菟丝二仙汤组、右归丸组、西药组(辅酶Q10胶; 囊、维生素E、维生素C),每组60例,分别治疗3个月。比较各组治疗前后精液参数,检测精浆丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)变化,比较临床; 疗效。结果:菟丝二仙汤组在改善a级精子、精子活力、精子活率明显优于右归丸以及西药组(P<0.01),同时其能显著降低精浆MDA浓度,提高精浆SO; D水平(P<0.01);组间临床疗效比较,菟丝二仙汤对肾阳虚型弱精子症疗效明显优于右归丸组与西药组(P<0.05)。结论:菟丝二仙汤可以明显提高; 肾阳虚型弱精子症患者的精液质量,增强精子的抗氧化作用可能是其治疗弱精子症的机制之一。Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanism of Tusi Erxian; Decoction in treating asthenospermia with syndrome of deficiency of; kidney yang. Methods: A total of 180 patients were included and randomly; divided into 3 groups: Tusi Erxian Decoction group, Yougui Pills group,; and the western medicine group (coenzyme Q10 capsule, vitamin E and; vitamin C), 60 cases per group. Each group was treated by the; corresponding drugs for 3 months. The sperm parameters, malondialdehyde; (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected to compare the; clinical efficacy. Results: The Tusi Erxian Decoction could; significantly improve a-level sperm, sperm motility and sperm activity; when compared with the Yougui Pills group and the western medicine group; (P<0.01). Meanwhile, Tusi Erxian Decoction could decrease the; concentration of MDA and increase SOD in the seminal plasma (P<0.01).; Clinical efficacy in the Tusi Erxian Decoction group was significantly; better than that in the Yougui Pills group and the western medicine; group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Tusi Erxian Decoction can improve the; quality of sperm of asthenospermia patients with syndrome of deficiency; of kidney yang by enhancing the antioxidant activity of spermatozoa.厦门市科技局科技计划项目; 厦门市卫计委第四批中医后备人才基金资助项


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    Expression of α-1,6-dextranase from Penicillium minioluteum in P.pastoris

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    α-1,6-葡聚糖酶是专一作用于α-1,6糖苷键产生小分子葡聚糖的一类水解酶,广泛的运用于制糖工业和啤酒工业中。采用PCr法扩增朱黄青霉(PEnICIllIuM MInIOluTEuM)C12114的α-1,6-葡聚糖酶基因,将其插入毕赤酵母表达载体PPIC9k。经SACI酶线性化电击转入毕赤酵母基因组,构建重组酵母gS115/PPIC9k-dEX。对构建成功的转化子进行1.5%的甲醇诱导表达,在30℃条件下培养7d时酶活达到最大值,为88.35u/Ml。α-1,6-dextranase,which can hydrolyze dextran specifically by cutting off the α-1,6-glycosidic bond to release shorter saccharides,was widely used in many fields such as sugar industry and beer industry.The gene of α-1,6-dextranase(dex)was amplified through PCR by using Penicillium minioluteum C12114 genomic DNA as template.The amplified gene was cloned into vector pPIC9K and the recombinant plasmid pPIC9K-dex was linearzed with Sac I,then transformed into P.pastoris GS115 by electroporation.The positive transformant was induced to express the enzyme with 1.5% methanol for 7 days under the 30℃,and the activity of the enzyme could reach 88.35U/mL.广东省科技计划项

    HPCE Determination of Ephedrine Hydrochloride and Pseudo-Ephedrine Hydrochloride in Drugs with Enrichment by Electro-stacking

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    应用电堆积柱上富集-高效毛细管电泳法测定了6种药品中盐酸麻黄碱和盐酸伪麻黄碱含量。试验选择了以下分析条件:1检测波长205 nM;2内标物为间苯二酚;3运行液为PH9.2的40 MMOl·l-1硼砂缓冲溶液;4分离电压20 kV;5进样时间10 S;6分离温度25℃。麻黄碱及伪麻黄碱质量浓度在1--400 Mg·l-1之间与相应的相对峰面积值(即被测物与内标物的峰面积之比)呈线性关系。方法的检出限(3S/n)为0.35 Mg·l-1(麻黄碱)和0.29 Mg·l-1(伪麻黄碱)。以2种药品作基体加入标准溶液做回收试验,测得平均回收率依次为101.1%及103.6%。HPCE with electro-stacking enrichment was applied to the determination of ephedrine hydrochloride and pseudo-ephedrine hydrochloride in 6 drugs.Analytical conditions were studied and following optimized parameters were given: ① wavelength for UV-detection: 205 nm;② internal standard: resorcinol;③ electrophoretic medium: 40 mmol·L-1 borax solution(pH 9.2);④ separation voltage: 20 kV;⑤ time of sample introduction: 10 s;⑥ temperature of capillary: 25 ℃.Linear relationships between values of relative peak area(i.e.,ratio of peak area of the analyte to peak area of internal standard) and concentration of ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine were kept in the same range of 1 to 400 mg·L-1,with detection limits(3S/N) of 0.35 mg·L-1 and 0.29 mg·L-1 respectively.Recovery was tested by standard addition method using 2 drug samples as matrixes,giving values of average recovery of 101.1%(for ephedrine) and 103.6%(for pseudo-ephedrine).龙岩学院第二批教育教学改革立项项目(岩学院教[2009]40号)资