83 research outputs found

    Matrix stone : a case report

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    32歳男.患者は左水腎症, 右萎縮腎, 両側膀胱尿管逆流症, 左重複腎盂尿管, 左上位腎尿管結石の診断で左尿管切石術を施行した.結石分析は蛋白98%と, ほぼ純粋なマトリックス結石であった.その後, 両側膀胱尿管逆流防止術を施行し, 以後数回にわたり自排石を繰返したが, 全てマトリックス結石であった.自排石後, 高度な左腰背部痛が持続したため, 超音波検査を施行した結果, 左水腎症を認め, 造影CTでは左水腎, 水尿管, 総腸骨動脈交叉部付近に造影効果のない軟部組織と同等のCT値を示す陰影が確認された.左尿管のマトリックス結石と診断し, 保存的に経過観察を行っていたが, 痛みが継続するため経皮的左腎瘻造設術を施行したところ, 腎瘻造影で拡張した尿管中に浮遊する陰影欠損が確認された.この結石が水尿管の中を移動していると考え, 経皮的に尿管砕石術を施行した結果, 以後, 良好な経過が得られたHere, we report a case of matrix stone in a 32-year-old man with diabetes, gout, and chronic renal failure. The patient complained of pain in the left flank. He had undergone an operation for bilateral vesicoureteral reflex at the age of 17 and matrix stone discharge was repeated. Computed tomography revealed a soft tissue mass in the right hydroureter. Percutaneous ureteral lithotripsy was performed successfully. Analysis of the stone components revealed the stone to be composed entirely of protein. Radiological imaging of matrix stones may be difficult to separate from urothelial cancers

    A polarographic detector for flow injection analysis

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    A polarographic detector for flow injection analysis has been devused using a small mercury pool from a hanging mercury electrode. The detector consists of a working electrode (mercury pool), a counter electrode (platinum wire) and a reference electrode (silver wire). Linear relation was observed in hexacyanoferrate (III) at a range of 5 \multiply\ 10\^-6^~1 10\^-3^M with a relative standard deviation of less than ca. 1.5% at a cell volume of 3\mu\litter\

    ストレス蛋白 (HSP 70) が運動による筋損傷・筋疲労の修復に及ぼす影響

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    Current interest is attracted to the problem on the correlation between physical exercise and heat shock induced protein (HSP 70), especially on the enhanced postischemic myocardial recovery following exercise induction of HSP 70. From the recent papers, the inducible isoform of the 70kDa heat shock protein (HSP) family, HSP 70kDa has been confirmed to protect cells from protein-damaging stressors and has been associated with not only myocardial protection but also recovery of several tissue damages. In the present review article, therefore, the related papers to exercise induced body hyperthermia, muscular damage and HSP 70 family, and their protection and/or recovery mechanism were collected and analyzed from the view-points of biological functions of stress protein HSP 70 family as well as of Granyl-Granyl Acetone (GGA) the HSP inducer

    水分補給による持久性運動パフォーマンスの修飾 : 特に水分量・グルコース・電解質の相互関係

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    Considerable interest is attracted to the problems on water ingestion during exercise, however, it is still hypothesis that water ingestion would attenuate the exercise-induced increase in thermoregulatory mechanism such as rectal and muscle temperatures and plasma epinephrine, thereby resulting in less net muscle glycogen utilization. In the present review article, therefore, the hypothesis was discussed and confirmed by the results of 25 important papers related to the problems of improvement of physical performance based on the following three papers : (1) Effects of fluid ingestion during intermittent high intensity swimming exercise on thermoregulatory response and performance. (2) Effect of fluid ingestion on muscle metabolism during prolonged exercise. (3) Heat stress increases muscle glycogen use but reduces the oxidation of ingested carbohydrates during exercise. These review articles indicate that fluid ingestions reduces muscle glycogen use during prolonged exercise, which may account in part, for the improved performance in the hypothesis mentioned above