193 research outputs found

    The raindrop impact is very important in soil erosion problems on hill slopes, while the splash characteristics (especially the jet and mixing) are crucial in raindrop impact processes. Focusing on the jet and mixing features in this process, a series of numerical experiments and discussion are conducted in this study. The meshless Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is employed and validated with the theoretical solution and experimental data. Two groups of numerical experiments, focusing on the jet around the rigid surface and the mixing between the drop and different underlain water layers respectively, are carried out. In the first group of numerical experiments, the effect of incidence angle of the drop is discussed. A high speed jet strip is found near the rigid surface and varied with incidence angle of the raindrop. In the second group of numerical experiments, it is found that full mixing between drop and water layer only happened in a very close range around the impact zone while the outer zone is just simply driven away. Two kinds of mechanism on jet occurrence and mixing are proposed and explained based on the simulated results.

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    The raindrop impact is very important in soil erosion problems on hill slopes, while the splash characteristics (especially the jet and mixing) are crucial in raindrop impact processes. Focusing on the jet and mixing features in this process, a series of numerical experiments and discussion are conducted in this study. The meshless Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is employed and validated with the theoretical solution and experimental data. Two groups of numerical experiments, focusing on the jet around the rigid surface and the mixing between the drop and different underlain water layers respectively, are carried out. In the first group of numerical experiments, the effect of incidence angle of the drop is discussed. A high speed jet strip is found near the rigid surface and varied with incidence angle of the raindrop. In the second group of numerical experiments, it is found that full mixing between drop and water layer only happened in a very close range around the impact zone while the outer zone is just simply driven away. Two kinds of mechanism on jet occurrence and mixing are proposed and explained based on the simulated results.</span


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    摩尼教在公元 3世纪由南巴比伦人摩尼创立 ,后发展成为一种世界性宗教。公元 6、7世纪传入中国 ,并对中国的历史发展产生过重要影响。摩尼教的教义在古代曾经对下层人民起到了鼓舞作用 ,但因遭到上层统治者的诋毁 ,在世界上已经湮没。在我国尚存的福建罗山草庵摩尼教遗迹 ,引起了世界宗教史研究者的浓烈兴趣。笔者多次造访罗山草庵 ,研讨有关资料 ,认为其所存文物具有多方面的研究价


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    A Simplified Model of Mat-shape Algae Horizontal Drift

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    Wind can lead to large-scale heterogeneity in the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in lakes. By analyzing the stress mechanism of the mat-shape algae on the surface of water, we treat the algae layer as a kind of liquid and establish a two-layer fluid model. A basic relationship between wind speed and algae moving velocity is deduced theoretically, which indicates that the drift velocity of mat-shape algae changes with wind speed in a quadratic function. Finally, the theoretical result is examined by the observation data and fits well.Wind can lead to large-scale heterogeneity in the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in lakes. By analyzing the stress mechanism of the mat-shape algae on the surface of water, we treat the algae layer as a kind of liquid and establish a two-layer fluid model. A basic relationship between wind speed and algae moving velocity is deduced theoretically, which indicates that the drift velocity of mat-shape algae changes with wind speed in a quadratic function. Finally, the theoretical result is examined by the observation data and fits well.</span


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    &lt;正文&gt;力学在人类认识自然、适应自然、从事工程建设和实现经济和社会可持续发展中发挥着重要的作用. 20世纪以来,力学有了很大的发展,取得了辉煌的成就,创立了一系列重要的新概念、新理论和新方法. 尤其是人类面对的实际问题越来越复杂,对解决实际问题的要求也越来越高,力学与其他学科的交叉和融合日显突出. 近30 年来,经济快速发展带来的环境问题更加复杂和综合化,大量数据的积累要求模型化和数学化, 推动着环境科学研究由宏观向细观深入, 由定性向定量发展. 力学的理论体系及其在发展过程中形成的分析、计算、实验相结合的学术风格, 十分有利于深化对环境问题中基本规律的认识. 因此, 力学与环境科学的深入交叉和融合, 不仅是当今环境科学研究的重要趋势,而且也是力学学科新的学科生长点. 力学与环境科学相结合形成的新兴学科&mdash;&mdash;环境力学,日益成为力学交叉研究最为活跃的领域之一