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    新自由主义背景下美国高校终身制教师学术身份的冲突与适应—John S.Levin教授专访

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    Five Relationships to Be Handled in University' s Strategic Plan

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    编制大学发展战略规划是一项复杂的工作,需要明确规划应当成为高校的行动指南,而非一纸文本;规划应当反映全校共识,而非仅仅体现领导理念;规划还要处理好战略愿景、目标与学校当前问题的关系,以解决问题为导向;在全局部署中更要凸显重大行动;借鉴先进经验的同时,更要彰显学校自身特色。Drawing up the university' s development strategic plan is a very complex task. It should be cleared that the strategic plan is the guide of university' s development, rather than a mere scrap of paper. Also the plan should reflects the consensus of university member, rather than merely the concept of the leaders. Within the strategic plan, it should deal with the relationships between the planning vision, objectives and current situation, make major actions, prominent and highlight their own characteristics while taking others' experiences on refernces.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“大学创新教学理论与实践机制构建”(15JJD880014)

    On the Four Principles of Innovative Teaching in Universities

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    大学创新教学具有自己的内在要求,它要求在教学过程中必须遵循知识的建构性原理、能力的实践性原理、创新的挑战性原理、评价的过程性原理。它的目标是指向形成学生自己的知识而非简单地接受别人的知识,培养学生主动的行为能力而非简单的操作技能,让学生在挑战自我中实现创新而不是不断地自我重复,要求教学评价不能仅注重结果,而必须关注学生的成长过程。唯有如此,学生的成长点滴才能受到关注,学生的潜能才能获得最大程度的激发,学生的个性才不会被抹杀,学生才能以积极主动的角色投身学习过程,成为学习的主人。Innovative teaching in universities has its own internal requirement, which requires the teaching process must adhere to the constructive principle of the knowledge,practical principle of the ability, challenging principle of the creativity and processing principle of the evaluation. Innovative teaching aims at forming the students' knowledge of their own rather than passively receiving from others' knowledge; cultivating the students' active ability rather than some simple operational skills; and assisting students to achieve innovation through self-challenging rather than the endless self-repeating. Innovative teaching requires teaching evaluation not only to focus on results, but also on the students' development process. In doing so, everything related to their development would be given attention to; their potential talent would be entirely stimulated; and their personality would be retained. Therefore, students can play an active part in the learning process and be the owner of learning.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“大学创新教育理论与实践机制构建”(项目编号:15JJD880014)的阶段性研究成

    Backgrounds,status quo and typical problems of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges

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    高校开展创新创业教育是为了回应创新型国家的发展需要,也有助于缓解目前大学生的就业压力,同样适应了国际改革趋势。在国家重要政策文件的指导下,高校纷纷开始推进创新创业教育。代表性做法是修改人才培养计划,将创新创业教育纳入人才培养的全过程;成立单独的创业学院,指导大学生自主创业、参加各类创新创业竞赛。但同时也存在一些突出问题,比如创新与创业之间的割裂,创新创业教育与专业教育之间缺乏有效融合,创新创业类课程质量不高等。In order to meet the needs of developing innovative country and help to alleviate the current employment pressure of college students,innovation and entrepreneurship( I&E) education is carried out in colleges,which adapts to the tendency of international higher education reform. Colleges promote I&E education with the guidance of several important national policy documents. Representative approaches include revising the undergraduate training plans and bringing I&E education into the whole training process,establishing independent Entrepreneurship College to instruct students' entrepreneur behaviors and competitions. Meanwhile,some typical problems such as the disconnection between innovation and entrepreneurship,lacking of effective integration between I&E education and professional education,and low quality of I&E courses appear in the process of innovation and entrepreneurship education.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(15JJD880014

    “Theory of noodle soup”in university's teaching reform:reflection of an engineering teacher from a local college

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    进行大学创新教学已成为高等教育质量建设的重要命题,创新教学无疑有赖于一线教师的教学探索。对教师教学改革实践的反思有助于寻找解答教改困惑的钥匙。通过质性研究方法,对一位大学工科教师的教改实验进行深度访谈后发现:其教改动力来自用人单位反馈的刺激,而教改中最大阻力则是学生的动力不足。他提出了自己的"汤面理论",认为科研与社会服务都是教改的助推器。教学改革是一段一旦尝试就不愿放弃的旅程。同时发现,推进大学教学改革的基本策略是教师必须主动行动,开展团队合作,依靠"科教融合",而且始终坚持学生主体地位。By means of qualitative research,we had an in-depth interview with a college teacher,whose personal experience of teaching reform is revealed. The interviewee believes that his reform has been directly stimulated by the feedbacks from the graduates' employers. The greatest resistance of the reform is students' lacking of study motivations. He puts up with "theory of noodle soup"and regards research and social service as boosters of teaching reform. Besides,teaching reform is a journey in which the practitioners won 't quit once they tried. Many profound problems in the current university teaching reform need to be solved. The reform requires that teachers take the initiative,seek team cooperation,and rely on the integration of research with teaching and value students' study experience.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(15JJD880014